New FCP X Tutorial How to Achieve Flawless Chroma Keying

New FCP X Tutorial How to Achieve Flawless Chroma Keying

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FCP X Tutorial: How to Achieve Flawless Chroma Keying

FCP X: Create a Chroma-Key (Green-screen) Effect

author avatar

Benjamin Arango

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Chroma-key (also called “green screen”) effects are a staple in video production. What FCP X effect does is allow you to make the background behind an actor transparent so you can place the actor into a different environment than a studio.

This is a basic tutorial about Apple Final Cut Pro X, professional video editing software. However, if video editing is new to you, consider Wondershare Filmora for Mac . This is a powerful but easy-to-use tool for users just starting out. Download the free trial version below.

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Getting Started

First, the best thing you can do to improve the quality of your keys is to improve how you shoot them. Here are seven basic production rules:

  • Actors should be at least 10 feet in front of the green screen. This avoids light from the background “spilling” around their body or shoulders.
  • In general, don’t cast shadows on the green screen. Be very careful shooting feet.
  • The green background should be as smooth as possible. Paint is always better than fabric; avoid wrinkles and folds.
  • The green background should be lit smoothly, both from side to side and top to bottom. I try to have the green background display between 40-50% level on the waveform monitor.
  • There is NO relationship between how the background is lit and how your actors are lit. This article will illustrate that.
  • Light your background for smoothness. Light your actors for drama.
  • Don’t worry about having the green background fill the frame. It only needs to completely surround the edges of your actors. Garbage mattes are used to get rid of junk around the edges.

Setting up the Key

fx chroma 01

The green screen image is always placed above the background. You can place either the green screen or background image into the Primary Storyline. I find it easier to put the background in the Primary Storyline, because it makes editing the green screen image easier. But this is purely personal choice.

Step 1: Select the green screen clip

From the Effects Browser > Keying category, double-click the Keyer effect, which applies it to the selected clip. (You can also drag the effect on top of the clip, if you forgot to select the green-screen clip first.)

fx chroma 02

Don’t panic if your image looks weird – we will fix it.

fx chroma 03

Click the Sample Color icon. This allows fine-tuning the selection of the background color.

fx chroma 04

In the green-screen image, drag to select a representative section of the background. I try to get close to the face, but not so close that I accidentally select loose hair or skin.

Your key should look better immediately. Most of the time, you can probably stop here. But there are three other adjustments that can make your key look even better:

  • Cleaning up the matte
  • Edge adjustments
  • Light wrap

fx chroma 06

Click the Matte button to display your key as a white foreground on a black background.

fx chroma 07

Your goal is the make the foreground solid white, which means opaque, and the background solid black, which means transparent. Adjust the Fill Holes and Edge Distance sliders until your key looks solid. (For REALLY bad keys, you’ll need to also adjust Color Selection, mentioned below.)

fx chroma 05

If an edge is too pronounced, or needs help, click the Edges icon.

fx chroma 09

Step 2: Tweaks Video

Then, click and drag a line from the foreground to the background in the Canvas. Drag the midpoint slider (where my cursor is) until the edge looks the best it can. Different video formats make this easy (ProRes), while others (HDV, avchd) make this much harder. Perfection is impossible – do the best you can.

fx chroma 09a

Final Cut provides four additional tweaks at the bottom of the keyer filter:

  • Color Selection
  • Matte Tools
  • Spill Suppression
  • Light Wrap

The first three are designed to clean up poorly shot keys – read the FCP X Help files to learn how these work. (I used the Color Selection tools to clean up the very dark key I use an example later in this article.)

Light wrap, though, is aesthetic. What it does is blend colors from the background into the edges of the foreground, to make the entire key look more “organic,” as if the foreground and background were actually in the same space.

This is a subtle effect, but very cool.

fx chroma 10

Twirl down Light Wrap and adjust the Amount slider and watch what happens. Drag the other sliders around and see what happens. The nice thing about this setting is that when it looks good to you, it is good. The amount of the effect is totally up to you. Remember, Light Wrap only affects the edges of the foreground and should be used subtly.

fx chroma 11

When you are done, you have a great looking key!

Clean up the Image with a Garbage Mask

fx chroma 12

Sometimes, however, you don’t have, ah, perhaps, the best green-screen image to work with. Here, for example, there are lighting instruments in the foreground, with a very inadequately lit green screen in the background. (Sigh… this is just pitiful.)

Once you pull the key – which is film-speak for creating a green-screen shot, as I described above – and get it looking as good as possible, there’s one more step: adding a garbage matte to get rid of all the garbage surrounding your actors.

fx chroma 13

Once you get your key looking as good as you can – which in this case isn’t all that good – drag the Mask effect (Effects > Keying > Mask) on top of the green-screen clip.

NOTE: The Mask effect should always be added after the Keying effect, so that the Mask is below the Keyer in the Inspector.

fx chroma 14

Then, drag each of the four circles to create a shape such that your foreground image is contained inside it, and everything you want to exclude is outside. Here, for instance, we removed the light stand, the edge of the green background and the tearing at the top of the image. I’ve found this Mask effect works best when applied to a connected clip.

However, the big limitation of the Mask effect is that you only have four points to work with. That’s where a free effect comes in, which allows you to create far more flexible shapes with it. It’s written by Alex Gollner and is available on his website – – I recommend his effects highly.

How to Create a Chroma-Key in easier ways?

Chroma-key, or green screen, is an essential part of every editor to make all kinds of effects. Is there any way to make this sophisticated procedure easier way? Yes, try Filmora.

In version 10.5 for Mac, Filmora added a new feature: AI portrait. It allows you to do a green screen effect with just one click.

By adopting AI portrait, you can add those stunning effects in simple steps: How to Remove or Change Video Background in One Step?

Or: How to Add a Shake Effect to your Videos?


The chroma-key filter in FCP X allows us to create some amazing effects. If you want to use green screen effects more easily, here is Filmora for you. You can appaly Chroma-Key effects with just a few click. Have fun playing with it.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

author avatar

Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Chroma-key (also called “green screen”) effects are a staple in video production. What FCP X effect does is allow you to make the background behind an actor transparent so you can place the actor into a different environment than a studio.

This is a basic tutorial about Apple Final Cut Pro X, professional video editing software. However, if video editing is new to you, consider Wondershare Filmora for Mac . This is a powerful but easy-to-use tool for users just starting out. Download the free trial version below.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

Getting Started

First, the best thing you can do to improve the quality of your keys is to improve how you shoot them. Here are seven basic production rules:

  • Actors should be at least 10 feet in front of the green screen. This avoids light from the background “spilling” around their body or shoulders.
  • In general, don’t cast shadows on the green screen. Be very careful shooting feet.
  • The green background should be as smooth as possible. Paint is always better than fabric; avoid wrinkles and folds.
  • The green background should be lit smoothly, both from side to side and top to bottom. I try to have the green background display between 40-50% level on the waveform monitor.
  • There is NO relationship between how the background is lit and how your actors are lit. This article will illustrate that.
  • Light your background for smoothness. Light your actors for drama.
  • Don’t worry about having the green background fill the frame. It only needs to completely surround the edges of your actors. Garbage mattes are used to get rid of junk around the edges.

Setting up the Key

fx chroma 01

The green screen image is always placed above the background. You can place either the green screen or background image into the Primary Storyline. I find it easier to put the background in the Primary Storyline, because it makes editing the green screen image easier. But this is purely personal choice.

Step 1: Select the green screen clip

From the Effects Browser > Keying category, double-click the Keyer effect, which applies it to the selected clip. (You can also drag the effect on top of the clip, if you forgot to select the green-screen clip first.)

fx chroma 02

Don’t panic if your image looks weird – we will fix it.

fx chroma 03

Click the Sample Color icon. This allows fine-tuning the selection of the background color.

fx chroma 04

In the green-screen image, drag to select a representative section of the background. I try to get close to the face, but not so close that I accidentally select loose hair or skin.

Your key should look better immediately. Most of the time, you can probably stop here. But there are three other adjustments that can make your key look even better:

  • Cleaning up the matte
  • Edge adjustments
  • Light wrap

fx chroma 06

Click the Matte button to display your key as a white foreground on a black background.

fx chroma 07

Your goal is the make the foreground solid white, which means opaque, and the background solid black, which means transparent. Adjust the Fill Holes and Edge Distance sliders until your key looks solid. (For REALLY bad keys, you’ll need to also adjust Color Selection, mentioned below.)

fx chroma 05

If an edge is too pronounced, or needs help, click the Edges icon.

fx chroma 09

Step 2: Tweaks Video

Then, click and drag a line from the foreground to the background in the Canvas. Drag the midpoint slider (where my cursor is) until the edge looks the best it can. Different video formats make this easy (ProRes), while others (HDV, avchd) make this much harder. Perfection is impossible – do the best you can.

fx chroma 09a

Final Cut provides four additional tweaks at the bottom of the keyer filter:

  • Color Selection
  • Matte Tools
  • Spill Suppression
  • Light Wrap

The first three are designed to clean up poorly shot keys – read the FCP X Help files to learn how these work. (I used the Color Selection tools to clean up the very dark key I use an example later in this article.)

Light wrap, though, is aesthetic. What it does is blend colors from the background into the edges of the foreground, to make the entire key look more “organic,” as if the foreground and background were actually in the same space.

This is a subtle effect, but very cool.

fx chroma 10

Twirl down Light Wrap and adjust the Amount slider and watch what happens. Drag the other sliders around and see what happens. The nice thing about this setting is that when it looks good to you, it is good. The amount of the effect is totally up to you. Remember, Light Wrap only affects the edges of the foreground and should be used subtly.

fx chroma 11

When you are done, you have a great looking key!

Clean up the Image with a Garbage Mask

fx chroma 12

Sometimes, however, you don’t have, ah, perhaps, the best green-screen image to work with. Here, for example, there are lighting instruments in the foreground, with a very inadequately lit green screen in the background. (Sigh… this is just pitiful.)

Once you pull the key – which is film-speak for creating a green-screen shot, as I described above – and get it looking as good as possible, there’s one more step: adding a garbage matte to get rid of all the garbage surrounding your actors.

fx chroma 13

Once you get your key looking as good as you can – which in this case isn’t all that good – drag the Mask effect (Effects > Keying > Mask) on top of the green-screen clip.

NOTE: The Mask effect should always be added after the Keying effect, so that the Mask is below the Keyer in the Inspector.

fx chroma 14

Then, drag each of the four circles to create a shape such that your foreground image is contained inside it, and everything you want to exclude is outside. Here, for instance, we removed the light stand, the edge of the green background and the tearing at the top of the image. I’ve found this Mask effect works best when applied to a connected clip.

However, the big limitation of the Mask effect is that you only have four points to work with. That’s where a free effect comes in, which allows you to create far more flexible shapes with it. It’s written by Alex Gollner and is available on his website – – I recommend his effects highly.

How to Create a Chroma-Key in easier ways?

Chroma-key, or green screen, is an essential part of every editor to make all kinds of effects. Is there any way to make this sophisticated procedure easier way? Yes, try Filmora.

In version 10.5 for Mac, Filmora added a new feature: AI portrait. It allows you to do a green screen effect with just one click.

By adopting AI portrait, you can add those stunning effects in simple steps: How to Remove or Change Video Background in One Step?

Or: How to Add a Shake Effect to your Videos?


The chroma-key filter in FCP X allows us to create some amazing effects. If you want to use green screen effects more easily, here is Filmora for you. You can appaly Chroma-Key effects with just a few click. Have fun playing with it.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

author avatar

Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Chroma-key (also called “green screen”) effects are a staple in video production. What FCP X effect does is allow you to make the background behind an actor transparent so you can place the actor into a different environment than a studio.

This is a basic tutorial about Apple Final Cut Pro X, professional video editing software. However, if video editing is new to you, consider Wondershare Filmora for Mac . This is a powerful but easy-to-use tool for users just starting out. Download the free trial version below.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

Getting Started

First, the best thing you can do to improve the quality of your keys is to improve how you shoot them. Here are seven basic production rules:

  • Actors should be at least 10 feet in front of the green screen. This avoids light from the background “spilling” around their body or shoulders.
  • In general, don’t cast shadows on the green screen. Be very careful shooting feet.
  • The green background should be as smooth as possible. Paint is always better than fabric; avoid wrinkles and folds.
  • The green background should be lit smoothly, both from side to side and top to bottom. I try to have the green background display between 40-50% level on the waveform monitor.
  • There is NO relationship between how the background is lit and how your actors are lit. This article will illustrate that.
  • Light your background for smoothness. Light your actors for drama.
  • Don’t worry about having the green background fill the frame. It only needs to completely surround the edges of your actors. Garbage mattes are used to get rid of junk around the edges.

Setting up the Key

fx chroma 01

The green screen image is always placed above the background. You can place either the green screen or background image into the Primary Storyline. I find it easier to put the background in the Primary Storyline, because it makes editing the green screen image easier. But this is purely personal choice.

Step 1: Select the green screen clip

From the Effects Browser > Keying category, double-click the Keyer effect, which applies it to the selected clip. (You can also drag the effect on top of the clip, if you forgot to select the green-screen clip first.)

fx chroma 02

Don’t panic if your image looks weird – we will fix it.

fx chroma 03

Click the Sample Color icon. This allows fine-tuning the selection of the background color.

fx chroma 04

In the green-screen image, drag to select a representative section of the background. I try to get close to the face, but not so close that I accidentally select loose hair or skin.

Your key should look better immediately. Most of the time, you can probably stop here. But there are three other adjustments that can make your key look even better:

  • Cleaning up the matte
  • Edge adjustments
  • Light wrap

fx chroma 06

Click the Matte button to display your key as a white foreground on a black background.

fx chroma 07

Your goal is the make the foreground solid white, which means opaque, and the background solid black, which means transparent. Adjust the Fill Holes and Edge Distance sliders until your key looks solid. (For REALLY bad keys, you’ll need to also adjust Color Selection, mentioned below.)

fx chroma 05

If an edge is too pronounced, or needs help, click the Edges icon.

fx chroma 09

Step 2: Tweaks Video

Then, click and drag a line from the foreground to the background in the Canvas. Drag the midpoint slider (where my cursor is) until the edge looks the best it can. Different video formats make this easy (ProRes), while others (HDV, avchd) make this much harder. Perfection is impossible – do the best you can.

fx chroma 09a

Final Cut provides four additional tweaks at the bottom of the keyer filter:

  • Color Selection
  • Matte Tools
  • Spill Suppression
  • Light Wrap

The first three are designed to clean up poorly shot keys – read the FCP X Help files to learn how these work. (I used the Color Selection tools to clean up the very dark key I use an example later in this article.)

Light wrap, though, is aesthetic. What it does is blend colors from the background into the edges of the foreground, to make the entire key look more “organic,” as if the foreground and background were actually in the same space.

This is a subtle effect, but very cool.

fx chroma 10

Twirl down Light Wrap and adjust the Amount slider and watch what happens. Drag the other sliders around and see what happens. The nice thing about this setting is that when it looks good to you, it is good. The amount of the effect is totally up to you. Remember, Light Wrap only affects the edges of the foreground and should be used subtly.

fx chroma 11

When you are done, you have a great looking key!

Clean up the Image with a Garbage Mask

fx chroma 12

Sometimes, however, you don’t have, ah, perhaps, the best green-screen image to work with. Here, for example, there are lighting instruments in the foreground, with a very inadequately lit green screen in the background. (Sigh… this is just pitiful.)

Once you pull the key – which is film-speak for creating a green-screen shot, as I described above – and get it looking as good as possible, there’s one more step: adding a garbage matte to get rid of all the garbage surrounding your actors.

fx chroma 13

Once you get your key looking as good as you can – which in this case isn’t all that good – drag the Mask effect (Effects > Keying > Mask) on top of the green-screen clip.

NOTE: The Mask effect should always be added after the Keying effect, so that the Mask is below the Keyer in the Inspector.

fx chroma 14

Then, drag each of the four circles to create a shape such that your foreground image is contained inside it, and everything you want to exclude is outside. Here, for instance, we removed the light stand, the edge of the green background and the tearing at the top of the image. I’ve found this Mask effect works best when applied to a connected clip.

However, the big limitation of the Mask effect is that you only have four points to work with. That’s where a free effect comes in, which allows you to create far more flexible shapes with it. It’s written by Alex Gollner and is available on his website – – I recommend his effects highly.

How to Create a Chroma-Key in easier ways?

Chroma-key, or green screen, is an essential part of every editor to make all kinds of effects. Is there any way to make this sophisticated procedure easier way? Yes, try Filmora.

In version 10.5 for Mac, Filmora added a new feature: AI portrait. It allows you to do a green screen effect with just one click.

By adopting AI portrait, you can add those stunning effects in simple steps: How to Remove or Change Video Background in One Step?

Or: How to Add a Shake Effect to your Videos?


The chroma-key filter in FCP X allows us to create some amazing effects. If you want to use green screen effects more easily, here is Filmora for you. You can appaly Chroma-Key effects with just a few click. Have fun playing with it.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

author avatar

Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Chroma-key (also called “green screen”) effects are a staple in video production. What FCP X effect does is allow you to make the background behind an actor transparent so you can place the actor into a different environment than a studio.

This is a basic tutorial about Apple Final Cut Pro X, professional video editing software. However, if video editing is new to you, consider Wondershare Filmora for Mac . This is a powerful but easy-to-use tool for users just starting out. Download the free trial version below.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

Getting Started

First, the best thing you can do to improve the quality of your keys is to improve how you shoot them. Here are seven basic production rules:

  • Actors should be at least 10 feet in front of the green screen. This avoids light from the background “spilling” around their body or shoulders.
  • In general, don’t cast shadows on the green screen. Be very careful shooting feet.
  • The green background should be as smooth as possible. Paint is always better than fabric; avoid wrinkles and folds.
  • The green background should be lit smoothly, both from side to side and top to bottom. I try to have the green background display between 40-50% level on the waveform monitor.
  • There is NO relationship between how the background is lit and how your actors are lit. This article will illustrate that.
  • Light your background for smoothness. Light your actors for drama.
  • Don’t worry about having the green background fill the frame. It only needs to completely surround the edges of your actors. Garbage mattes are used to get rid of junk around the edges.

Setting up the Key

fx chroma 01

The green screen image is always placed above the background. You can place either the green screen or background image into the Primary Storyline. I find it easier to put the background in the Primary Storyline, because it makes editing the green screen image easier. But this is purely personal choice.

Step 1: Select the green screen clip

From the Effects Browser > Keying category, double-click the Keyer effect, which applies it to the selected clip. (You can also drag the effect on top of the clip, if you forgot to select the green-screen clip first.)

fx chroma 02

Don’t panic if your image looks weird – we will fix it.

fx chroma 03

Click the Sample Color icon. This allows fine-tuning the selection of the background color.

fx chroma 04

In the green-screen image, drag to select a representative section of the background. I try to get close to the face, but not so close that I accidentally select loose hair or skin.

Your key should look better immediately. Most of the time, you can probably stop here. But there are three other adjustments that can make your key look even better:

  • Cleaning up the matte
  • Edge adjustments
  • Light wrap

fx chroma 06

Click the Matte button to display your key as a white foreground on a black background.

fx chroma 07

Your goal is the make the foreground solid white, which means opaque, and the background solid black, which means transparent. Adjust the Fill Holes and Edge Distance sliders until your key looks solid. (For REALLY bad keys, you’ll need to also adjust Color Selection, mentioned below.)

fx chroma 05

If an edge is too pronounced, or needs help, click the Edges icon.

fx chroma 09

Step 2: Tweaks Video

Then, click and drag a line from the foreground to the background in the Canvas. Drag the midpoint slider (where my cursor is) until the edge looks the best it can. Different video formats make this easy (ProRes), while others (HDV, avchd) make this much harder. Perfection is impossible – do the best you can.

fx chroma 09a

Final Cut provides four additional tweaks at the bottom of the keyer filter:

  • Color Selection
  • Matte Tools
  • Spill Suppression
  • Light Wrap

The first three are designed to clean up poorly shot keys – read the FCP X Help files to learn how these work. (I used the Color Selection tools to clean up the very dark key I use an example later in this article.)

Light wrap, though, is aesthetic. What it does is blend colors from the background into the edges of the foreground, to make the entire key look more “organic,” as if the foreground and background were actually in the same space.

This is a subtle effect, but very cool.

fx chroma 10

Twirl down Light Wrap and adjust the Amount slider and watch what happens. Drag the other sliders around and see what happens. The nice thing about this setting is that when it looks good to you, it is good. The amount of the effect is totally up to you. Remember, Light Wrap only affects the edges of the foreground and should be used subtly.

fx chroma 11

When you are done, you have a great looking key!

Clean up the Image with a Garbage Mask

fx chroma 12

Sometimes, however, you don’t have, ah, perhaps, the best green-screen image to work with. Here, for example, there are lighting instruments in the foreground, with a very inadequately lit green screen in the background. (Sigh… this is just pitiful.)

Once you pull the key – which is film-speak for creating a green-screen shot, as I described above – and get it looking as good as possible, there’s one more step: adding a garbage matte to get rid of all the garbage surrounding your actors.

fx chroma 13

Once you get your key looking as good as you can – which in this case isn’t all that good – drag the Mask effect (Effects > Keying > Mask) on top of the green-screen clip.

NOTE: The Mask effect should always be added after the Keying effect, so that the Mask is below the Keyer in the Inspector.

fx chroma 14

Then, drag each of the four circles to create a shape such that your foreground image is contained inside it, and everything you want to exclude is outside. Here, for instance, we removed the light stand, the edge of the green background and the tearing at the top of the image. I’ve found this Mask effect works best when applied to a connected clip.

However, the big limitation of the Mask effect is that you only have four points to work with. That’s where a free effect comes in, which allows you to create far more flexible shapes with it. It’s written by Alex Gollner and is available on his website – – I recommend his effects highly.

How to Create a Chroma-Key in easier ways?

Chroma-key, or green screen, is an essential part of every editor to make all kinds of effects. Is there any way to make this sophisticated procedure easier way? Yes, try Filmora.

In version 10.5 for Mac, Filmora added a new feature: AI portrait. It allows you to do a green screen effect with just one click.

By adopting AI portrait, you can add those stunning effects in simple steps: How to Remove or Change Video Background in One Step?

Or: How to Add a Shake Effect to your Videos?


The chroma-key filter in FCP X allows us to create some amazing effects. If you want to use green screen effects more easily, here is Filmora for you. You can appaly Chroma-Key effects with just a few click. Have fun playing with it.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

author avatar

Benjamin Arango

Benjamin Arango is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Benjamin Arango

Get Animated : Top 10 Software for 2D Animation Enthusiasts

10 Best 2D Animation Software in 2024 [Free/Paid]

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

When you are trying to make funny cartoons within seven steps , explainer videos, or informative shorts to post online, 2D animation software can come in handy. With access to a 2D animation maker, you can create intricate and interesting stories that will help you connect with your audience.

Whether you are turning photos into cartoons , teaching a group of kids , showing employees how to do their job, introducing a new product, or trying to elicit an emotional reaction from your audience, 2D cartoon animation can be very useful.

If you are new to the world of 2D animation as a beginner and want to be a professional animation maker, you will be interested in our review of the top 10 free download 2D animation software options that may prove useful to you.

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If you want to create a 2D animation video, we recommend using 2D animation software-Filmora.

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Now free download it on Windows and Mac to make 2D animated videos, and connect with other video creators in the Wondershare Video Community to get more creative ideas.

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Have a Quick Look at The Best 10 Free/Paid 2D Animation Software to Download

No. Product Name Supported OS Price Best for
1 Synfig Windows, Linux, and OSX Free Beginners
2 Opentoonz Windows and OSX Free Beginners
3 Maefloresta iPhone and Android Free Beginners
4 Pencil 2D Windows, Linux, and OSX Free Beginners
5 Toon Boom Harmony Windows, Linux, and OSX $109 per month Professionals
6 CelAction2D Windows, Linux, and OSX $1300 for one single license Professionals
7 Moho (Anime Studio) Pro Windows and OSX $399.99 for the full package Professionals
8 Stop Motion Studio Windows, OSX, Android, and iOS $59.99 for the full package Professionals
9 FlipBook Windows and OSX $19.99/$49.99/$149.99/$199.99 Professionals
10 Reallusion CrazyTalk Animator Windows and OSX $199 for the pipeline, $99 for pro Professionals

Part 1 Best Free 2D Animation Software for Beginners

01 Synfig - Open Source 2D Animation Software for Beginners

Price: Free

Compatibility: Windows, Linux, and OSX

Pro: It offers more than 50 layers to make simple or advanced animation, so you don’t need to worry about its limitation though it is free to use.

Con: Few tutorials are available in the market to start making an animation for beginners.

Synfig Studio is an open-source, free 2D animation software that is the perfect place for beginners to learn about 2D animation. There are two versions available for free download - stable and testing.

The testing version has some experimental features if users want to try those ahead of their introduction into the stable release.


  • Supports multiple layers of content
  • The bone system allows for the creation of cutout animations from bitmap images
  • Has sound support to allow for the addition and syncing of narration and/or music to the video

02 Opentoonz - Free-to-Use Effects for 2D Animation

Price: Free

Compatibility: Windows and OSX

Pro: You can use a plug-in to make beautiful animation effects automatically without further editing.

Con: The UI design is outdated compared with other animation software, but it won’t affect user experience.

Based on the Toonz software, Opentoonz is the best free alternative that will help you create 2D animated content. Anyone can use the software, free of charge, and download it.

And users can modify the source code to add specific features to this simple animation software.


  • GTS scanning tool
  • Ability to change picture styles
  • Add distortion and light effects
  • Compatible with black and white and colored scans

03 Maefloresta - Easy-to-Use 2D Animation Software on Phone

Price: Free

Compatibility: iPhone and Android

Pro: It is free to use with easy to start introduction, even for kids.

Con: You need to email its staff to get the installer online, which is inconvenient sometimes.

The beauty of the Maefloresta app is that you can use your Android or iOS tablet and smartphone to create free 2D animated videos.

There is no need to pay for expensive software if you just want to create some fun videos to show your friends. It also offers school solutions for teachers and students.


  • The free downloadable app that works on smartphones and tablets
  • Easy animation software with tutorials
  • Intuitive interface that beginners can use with ease

04 Pencil 2D - Cross-Platform Software with Intuitive Interface

Price: Free

Compatibility: Windows, Linux, and OSX

Pro: It offers English, Spanish, and Portuguese language tutorials to use.

Con: It doesn’t support the shapes tool. If you like to make shapes and draw something, you’d be disappointed.

Want an open-source and free 2D animation design software to help you create videos? Pencil2D animation is the type of program that can help beginners.

You can get to grips with how 2D animation works, and you can create some very fun and interesting videos along the way.


  • Minimalist design to let you make animation easily
  • Raster and vector workflow switching
  • Cross-platform compatibility to free download

Part 2: Best Professional 2D Animation Software

05 Toon Boom Harmony - Leading Animation Software for Professional

Price: The first 21 days of using the product are free. After the 21 days are up, you will need to pay $109 per month.

Compatibility: Windows, Linux, and OSX

Pro: You can make 2D and 3D animation, both with models.

Con: It may take some time to learn how to make 2D animation for beginners.

Whether you are trying to create an art piece, showcase a story through 2D images, or craft a unique message for your audience, Toon Boom Harmony will help you immensely.

This professional 2D animation software may take time to learn, but it is worth using. It has bitmap and vector tools for creating art, 3D imported models for hybrid productions, and the option to create multiplane scenes with Z-depth.

You can also check the Toon Boom Harmony Advanced Review from the TopTenReview website for more information.


  • Revolutionary vector and bitmap drawing technology - Brush Engine
  • Advanced color palettes and paint options
  • 2D and 3D integration to make professional animation
  • Cut-out animation tools
  • Traditional paperless animation.

06 CelAction2D - Low System Requirement for Professional 2D Animation

Price: If you go with the Studio Edition, it costs $1,300 to obtain a single license to use the product for a lifetime. Studio Edition is $1300 for one single license

Compatibility: Windows, Linux, and OSX

Pro: It is fast to use with low system requirements.

Con: You can draw animation in itself, so you need to import all words from third-party software.

Want to create unique and complex 2D animations for your upcoming projects? CelAction2D is the type of product that is going to help you create wonderful and professional animations.

While getting a full license is a financial commitment, you are getting a product that has all the features that you could need.

You can create a palette using up to 16 million colors, and you will have a very easy time getting to grips with the way the software works.

It is designed for beginners and intermediate users, but still has all the advanced features that a pro would want.


  • Easy and fast to use for professional users
  • Features ergonomic controls
  • Easily handles complex projects with thousands of layers
  • Works with all modern Windows machines - 32 and 64-bit Also work with Macs through Boot Camp
  • The multiplane camera features let you have more controls

07 Moho (Anime Studio) Pro - All-In-One Professional 2D Animation Software

Price: $399.99 for the full package.

Compatibility: Windows and OSX

Pro: Its update is regular with advanced and newest features to use.

Con: It is not user-friendly for beginners as the functions are too advanced a little bit.

Anime Studio Pro is a fantastic option for anyone who is looking to get into professional 2D animation creation. It is affordable and designed for Flash-style animations.

While you cannot create frame-by-frame animations using this program, you will be able to create some fantastic videos nonetheless.

There is an Anime Studio Debut - simple animation software, which is targeted towards the beginner user and free download. But if you want all the features of a high-end 2D animation software, you will want to go with the Pro version.


  • Enhanced freehand drawing tools
  • Beizer handles to make it easier for you to design your videos the way that you want
  • Smart warp feature helps create custom meshes to bend and twist your animations
  • Realistic motion blur
  • Animation for multiple layers at the same time

08 Stop Motion Studio - Fun and Well Designed 2D Animation Software

Price: $59.99 to download the software onto your PC.

Compatibility: Windows, OSX, Android, and iOS

Pro: You can use a built-in sound to make your animation unique. You can also record voice and use it in the video.

Con: You can only use it to make 2D stop motion animation.

Want to create fun, 2D animated videos? Hoping to impress your bosses with a 2D animated presentation to highlight a product’s features?

Using Stop Motion Studio will help you achieve all that you want in the world of 2D animation.

You can capture content with ease, whether you change up the focus, exposure, or white balance. There is DSLR support, so you can use your high-end camera in conjunction with this professional software.

And with a unique, frame-by-frame editor, you will be able to get the result that you want for your 2D stop animation movie.


  • Onionskin allows you to view previous frames through a transparent overlay, which helps you create your next frame
  • Comes with Chroma key and audio recording to better narrate and add voice effects to your videos
  • Easy one-click uploading to YouTube and Facebook
  • DSLR camera support for creating perfect 1080p recordings

09 FlipBook - Fun and Well Designed 2D Animation Software

Price: $19.99 for FlipBook Lite, $49.99 for FlipBook Studio, $149.99 for FlipBook Pro, $199.99 for FlipBook ProHD

Compatibility: Windows and OSX

Pro: From drawing, scanning to sound, this 2D animation software can make you powerful video.

Con: You can’t use it to make subtle changes as bone rigging is not available.

FlipBook is easy to use for beginners and pros who want to improve the editing experience. It is a powerful video editor that you can make 2D animation with various functions like syncing sound with animation, scanning cells, and more.

If you like to make a cartoon video like a pro, this 2D animation maker is best for you. It is free to download.


  • Changes will be made while you change the animation, so FlipBook is fast to use
  • You can use the shift key to make speed painting once you select one color
  • Ten layers in animation for adding extra touches
  • You can use a scanner to import images

10 Reallusion CrazyTalk Animator - Professional 2D Animation/Cartoon Software for Designers

Price: USD199 for the pipeline, USD99 for pro.

Compatibility: Windows and OSX

Pro: You can always find the feature you like for beginners and professionals. You can control characters even in expression levels.

Con: It integrates with PhotoShop to import and export video.

CrazyTalk is a 2D animation maker for professional users, so you can use this one if you don’t know which one to use. It supports controlling characters with your expression and lip-syncing. It is popular among YouTubers, educators and marketers.


  • Capture real-time facial expression with precise changing
  • Black magic to turn the image into a moving cartoon
  • For advanced users, you can make 2D visual effects

Price: USD199 for the pipeline, USD99 for pro.

You may also like: Best Free Animated Logo Makers >>

Part 3: How to Make 2D Animation

Step 1 Put forward an idea

A story ides is priceless. It is always important to build an essential story frame. Sometimes it is in a blink to have come up with an idea.

It will help if you decide the gist of your 2D animation because the whole process of making animation is evolving. You may need to add or cut some scenes, but the overall concept and story ideas are always the same.

Put forward an idea

Step 2 Make a storyboard

After all the ideas are fixed, you need to make a storyboard for animation . You don’t need to produce every scene, but it is suggested to make a storyboard in some crucial scenes. Storyboarding is probably the best way to show 2D animation to other people and get feedback.

Thus, it is a step that you should not neglect during the preliminary.

make storyboard

Step 3 Produce materials

At this stage, you need to prepare all the 2D animation materials, including characters, background, and props. One thing you need to know is all the preparations in steps 2 and 3 should be ready before proceeding to step 3.

Produce materials

Step 4 Animation

After all, materials are ready, and you need to make animation alive. In this step, you need to make sure all the movements are natural. Stiff moves are not liked by the audience, so you need to think about how to design gestures, movements, and facial expressions.


Step 5 Animation editing

In this step, the software is the key to relive the 2D animation. Background audio is essential and needs to be added to the video. Color correction and grading are also necessary. Besides, scene transition, voiceover, and even text credit need to be added.

Above are the five 2D animation steps. If you think there are extra steps, you are free to add them according to your needs.

Bonus tip: Create an Animation Video with Anireel

Anireel provides a faster and smoother animated video creation experience with customizable elements to bring anyone’s imagination to life. All you have to do is choose your script, input the content, and Anireel will instantly match your script to rich animation explainer scenes, convert the text into voice-over, and generate a vivid, complete animation video.

anireel animation software

Download Win Version

Part 3 FAQ about Professional 2D Animation Software

01 What is the best 2D animation software?

It is hard to directly give you an answer and tell you which is the best 2D animation software. However, we can give you some recommendations based on your needs. If you are a beginner, Pencil 2D is a great start. You can use it to make minimalist animation to give you a quick-to-start 2D animation experience. If you are in the middle level, Stop Motion Studio is what we recommend. The interface is intuitive with powerful features like voiceover and Chroma key.

02 What is the best 2D animation software for beginners?

For 2D animation software for beginners, Pencil 2D would come to mind for many people. It is an excellent animation software for beginners. If you also want to try other tools, Synfig and FlipBook are also great choices. It is your call for the final decision.

03 Is there any free animation software?

For beginners, free animation software includes Synfig, Opentoonz, Maefloresta, and Pencil 2D. For advanced users, you can use Blender and Maya.


Creating a 2D animation video is a lot easier when you have the right software available to you. You already have a script and storyboard in mind, but now you can realize your vision in intricate and unique ways.

If you want to make 3D animation, there are also various 3D animation software options for you. If anyone of the products above will serve you well, you could use Filmora.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

When you are trying to make funny cartoons within seven steps , explainer videos, or informative shorts to post online, 2D animation software can come in handy. With access to a 2D animation maker, you can create intricate and interesting stories that will help you connect with your audience.

Whether you are turning photos into cartoons , teaching a group of kids , showing employees how to do their job, introducing a new product, or trying to elicit an emotional reaction from your audience, 2D cartoon animation can be very useful.

If you are new to the world of 2D animation as a beginner and want to be a professional animation maker, you will be interested in our review of the top 10 free download 2D animation software options that may prove useful to you.

Recommend free download animation maker Filmora

If you want to create a 2D animation video, we recommend using 2D animation software-Filmora.

It is a powerful and straightforward video maker for all levels from middle to advanced. With keyframing, you can make smooth 2D animation quickly. Auto color correction can save you a lot of time to make high-quality animation.

Now free download it on Windows and Mac to make 2D animated videos, and connect with other video creators in the Wondershare Video Community to get more creative ideas.

filmora logo

A cross-platform for making videos anywhere for all creators


Why your video editing isn’t good enough? How about some creative inspo?

  • 100 Million+ Users
  • 150+ Countries and Regions
  • 4 Million+ Social Media Followers
  • 5 Million+ Stock Media for Use

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free

Try It Free

* Secure Download


Have a Quick Look at The Best 10 Free/Paid 2D Animation Software to Download

No. Product Name Supported OS Price Best for
1 Synfig Windows, Linux, and OSX Free Beginners
2 Opentoonz Windows and OSX Free Beginners
3 Maefloresta iPhone and Android Free Beginners
4 Pencil 2D Windows, Linux, and OSX Free Beginners
5 Toon Boom Harmony Windows, Linux, and OSX $109 per month Professionals
6 CelAction2D Windows, Linux, and OSX $1300 for one single license Professionals
7 Moho (Anime Studio) Pro Windows and OSX $399.99 for the full package Professionals
8 Stop Motion Studio Windows, OSX, Android, and iOS $59.99 for the full package Professionals
9 FlipBook Windows and OSX $19.99/$49.99/$149.99/$199.99 Professionals
10 Reallusion CrazyTalk Animator Windows and OSX $199 for the pipeline, $99 for pro Professionals

Part 1 Best Free 2D Animation Software for Beginners

01 Synfig - Open Source 2D Animation Software for Beginners

Price: Free

Compatibility: Windows, Linux, and OSX

Pro: It offers more than 50 layers to make simple or advanced animation, so you don’t need to worry about its limitation though it is free to use.

Con: Few tutorials are available in the market to start making an animation for beginners.

Synfig Studio is an open-source, free 2D animation software that is the perfect place for beginners to learn about 2D animation. There are two versions available for free download - stable and testing.

The testing version has some experimental features if users want to try those ahead of their introduction into the stable release.


  • Supports multiple layers of content
  • The bone system allows for the creation of cutout animations from bitmap images
  • Has sound support to allow for the addition and syncing of narration and/or music to the video

02 Opentoonz - Free-to-Use Effects for 2D Animation

Price: Free

Compatibility: Windows and OSX

Pro: You can use a plug-in to make beautiful animation effects automatically without further editing.

Con: The UI design is outdated compared with other animation software, but it won’t affect user experience.

Based on the Toonz software, Opentoonz is the best free alternative that will help you create 2D animated content. Anyone can use the software, free of charge, and download it.

And users can modify the source code to add specific features to this simple animation software.


  • GTS scanning tool
  • Ability to change picture styles
  • Add distortion and light effects
  • Compatible with black and white and colored scans

03 Maefloresta - Easy-to-Use 2D Animation Software on Phone

Price: Free

Compatibility: iPhone and Android

Pro: It is free to use with easy to start introduction, even for kids.

Con: You need to email its staff to get the installer online, which is inconvenient sometimes.

The beauty of the Maefloresta app is that you can use your Android or iOS tablet and smartphone to create free 2D animated videos.

There is no need to pay for expensive software if you just want to create some fun videos to show your friends. It also offers school solutions for teachers and students.


  • The free downloadable app that works on smartphones and tablets
  • Easy animation software with tutorials
  • Intuitive interface that beginners can use with ease

04 Pencil 2D - Cross-Platform Software with Intuitive Interface

Price: Free

Compatibility: Windows, Linux, and OSX

Pro: It offers English, Spanish, and Portuguese language tutorials to use.

Con: It doesn’t support the shapes tool. If you like to make shapes and draw something, you’d be disappointed.

Want an open-source and free 2D animation design software to help you create videos? Pencil2D animation is the type of program that can help beginners.

You can get to grips with how 2D animation works, and you can create some very fun and interesting videos along the way.


  • Minimalist design to let you make animation easily
  • Raster and vector workflow switching
  • Cross-platform compatibility to free download

Part 2: Best Professional 2D Animation Software

05 Toon Boom Harmony - Leading Animation Software for Professional

Price: The first 21 days of using the product are free. After the 21 days are up, you will need to pay $109 per month.

Compatibility: Windows, Linux, and OSX

Pro: You can make 2D and 3D animation, both with models.

Con: It may take some time to learn how to make 2D animation for beginners.

Whether you are trying to create an art piece, showcase a story through 2D images, or craft a unique message for your audience, Toon Boom Harmony will help you immensely.

This professional 2D animation software may take time to learn, but it is worth using. It has bitmap and vector tools for creating art, 3D imported models for hybrid productions, and the option to create multiplane scenes with Z-depth.

You can also check the Toon Boom Harmony Advanced Review from the TopTenReview website for more information.


  • Revolutionary vector and bitmap drawing technology - Brush Engine
  • Advanced color palettes and paint options
  • 2D and 3D integration to make professional animation
  • Cut-out animation tools
  • Traditional paperless animation.

06 CelAction2D - Low System Requirement for Professional 2D Animation

Price: If you go with the Studio Edition, it costs $1,300 to obtain a single license to use the product for a lifetime. Studio Edition is $1300 for one single license

Compatibility: Windows, Linux, and OSX

Pro: It is fast to use with low system requirements.

Con: You can draw animation in itself, so you need to import all words from third-party software.

Want to create unique and complex 2D animations for your upcoming projects? CelAction2D is the type of product that is going to help you create wonderful and professional animations.

While getting a full license is a financial commitment, you are getting a product that has all the features that you could need.

You can create a palette using up to 16 million colors, and you will have a very easy time getting to grips with the way the software works.

It is designed for beginners and intermediate users, but still has all the advanced features that a pro would want.


  • Easy and fast to use for professional users
  • Features ergonomic controls
  • Easily handles complex projects with thousands of layers
  • Works with all modern Windows machines - 32 and 64-bit Also work with Macs through Boot Camp
  • The multiplane camera features let you have more controls

07 Moho (Anime Studio) Pro - All-In-One Professional 2D Animation Software

Price: $399.99 for the full package.

Compatibility: Windows and OSX

Pro: Its update is regular with advanced and newest features to use.

Con: It is not user-friendly for beginners as the functions are too advanced a little bit.

Anime Studio Pro is a fantastic option for anyone who is looking to get into professional 2D animation creation. It is affordable and designed for Flash-style animations.

While you cannot create frame-by-frame animations using this program, you will be able to create some fantastic videos nonetheless.

There is an Anime Studio Debut - simple animation software, which is targeted towards the beginner user and free download. But if you want all the features of a high-end 2D animation software, you will want to go with the Pro version.


  • Enhanced freehand drawing tools
  • Beizer handles to make it easier for you to design your videos the way that you want
  • Smart warp feature helps create custom meshes to bend and twist your animations
  • Realistic motion blur
  • Animation for multiple layers at the same time

08 Stop Motion Studio - Fun and Well Designed 2D Animation Software

Price: $59.99 to download the software onto your PC.

Compatibility: Windows, OSX, Android, and iOS

Pro: You can use a built-in sound to make your animation unique. You can also record voice and use it in the video.

Con: You can only use it to make 2D stop motion animation.

Want to create fun, 2D animated videos? Hoping to impress your bosses with a 2D animated presentation to highlight a product’s features?

Using Stop Motion Studio will help you achieve all that you want in the world of 2D animation.

You can capture content with ease, whether you change up the focus, exposure, or white balance. There is DSLR support, so you can use your high-end camera in conjunction with this professional software.

And with a unique, frame-by-frame editor, you will be able to get the result that you want for your 2D stop animation movie.


  • Onionskin allows you to view previous frames through a transparent overlay, which helps you create your next frame
  • Comes with Chroma key and audio recording to better narrate and add voice effects to your videos
  • Easy one-click uploading to YouTube and Facebook
  • DSLR camera support for creating perfect 1080p recordings

09 FlipBook - Fun and Well Designed 2D Animation Software

Price: $19.99 for FlipBook Lite, $49.99 for FlipBook Studio, $149.99 for FlipBook Pro, $199.99 for FlipBook ProHD

Compatibility: Windows and OSX

Pro: From drawing, scanning to sound, this 2D animation software can make you powerful video.

Con: You can’t use it to make subtle changes as bone rigging is not available.

FlipBook is easy to use for beginners and pros who want to improve the editing experience. It is a powerful video editor that you can make 2D animation with various functions like syncing sound with animation, scanning cells, and more.

If you like to make a cartoon video like a pro, this 2D animation maker is best for you. It is free to download.


  • Changes will be made while you change the animation, so FlipBook is fast to use
  • You can use the shift key to make speed painting once you select one color
  • Ten layers in animation for adding extra touches
  • You can use a scanner to import images

10 Reallusion CrazyTalk Animator - Professional 2D Animation/Cartoon Software for Designers

Price: USD199 for the pipeline, USD99 for pro.

Compatibility: Windows and OSX

Pro: You can always find the feature you like for beginners and professionals. You can control characters even in expression levels.

Con: It integrates with PhotoShop to import and export video.

CrazyTalk is a 2D animation maker for professional users, so you can use this one if you don’t know which one to use. It supports controlling characters with your expression and lip-syncing. It is popular among YouTubers, educators and marketers.


  • Capture real-time facial expression with precise changing
  • Black magic to turn the image into a moving cartoon
  • For advanced users, you can make 2D visual effects

Price: USD199 for the pipeline, USD99 for pro.

You may also like: Best Free Animated Logo Makers >>

Part 3: How to Make 2D Animation

Step 1 Put forward an idea

A story ides is priceless. It is always important to build an essential story frame. Sometimes it is in a blink to have come up with an idea.

It will help if you decide the gist of your 2D animation because the whole process of making animation is evolving. You may need to add or cut some scenes, but the overall concept and story ideas are always the same.

Put forward an idea

Step 2 Make a storyboard

After all the ideas are fixed, you need to make a storyboard for animation . You don’t need to produce every scene, but it is suggested to make a storyboard in some crucial scenes. Storyboarding is probably the best way to show 2D animation to other people and get feedback.

Thus, it is a step that you should not neglect during the preliminary.

make storyboard

Step 3 Produce materials

At this stage, you need to prepare all the 2D animation materials, including characters, background, and props. One thing you need to know is all the preparations in steps 2 and 3 should be ready before proceeding to step 3.

Produce materials

Step 4 Animation

After all, materials are ready, and you need to make animation alive. In this step, you need to make sure all the movements are natural. Stiff moves are not liked by the audience, so you need to think about how to design gestures, movements, and facial expressions.


Step 5 Animation editing

In this step, the software is the key to relive the 2D animation. Background audio is essential and needs to be added to the video. Color correction and grading are also necessary. Besides, scene transition, voiceover, and even text credit need to be added.

Above are the five 2D animation steps. If you think there are extra steps, you are free to add them according to your needs.

Bonus tip: Create an Animation Video with Anireel

Anireel provides a faster and smoother animated video creation experience with customizable elements to bring anyone’s imagination to life. All you have to do is choose your script, input the content, and Anireel will instantly match your script to rich animation explainer scenes, convert the text into voice-over, and generate a vivid, complete animation video.

anireel animation software

Download Win Version

Part 3 FAQ about Professional 2D Animation Software

01 What is the best 2D animation software?

It is hard to directly give you an answer and tell you which is the best 2D animation software. However, we can give you some recommendations based on your needs. If you are a beginner, Pencil 2D is a great start. You can use it to make minimalist animation to give you a quick-to-start 2D animation experience. If you are in the middle level, Stop Motion Studio is what we recommend. The interface is intuitive with powerful features like voiceover and Chroma key.

02 What is the best 2D animation software for beginners?

For 2D animation software for beginners, Pencil 2D would come to mind for many people. It is an excellent animation software for beginners. If you also want to try other tools, Synfig and FlipBook are also great choices. It is your call for the final decision.

03 Is there any free animation software?

For beginners, free animation software includes Synfig, Opentoonz, Maefloresta, and Pencil 2D. For advanced users, you can use Blender and Maya.


Creating a 2D animation video is a lot easier when you have the right software available to you. You already have a script and storyboard in mind, but now you can realize your vision in intricate and unique ways.

If you want to make 3D animation, there are also various 3D animation software options for you. If anyone of the products above will serve you well, you could use Filmora.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

When you are trying to make funny cartoons within seven steps , explainer videos, or informative shorts to post online, 2D animation software can come in handy. With access to a 2D animation maker, you can create intricate and interesting stories that will help you connect with your audience.

Whether you are turning photos into cartoons , teaching a group of kids , showing employees how to do their job, introducing a new product, or trying to elicit an emotional reaction from your audience, 2D cartoon animation can be very useful.

If you are new to the world of 2D animation as a beginner and want to be a professional animation maker, you will be interested in our review of the top 10 free download 2D animation software options that may prove useful to you.

Recommend free download animation maker Filmora

If you want to create a 2D animation video, we recommend using 2D animation software-Filmora.

It is a powerful and straightforward video maker for all levels from middle to advanced. With keyframing, you can make smooth 2D animation quickly. Auto color correction can save you a lot of time to make high-quality animation.

Now free download it on Windows and Mac to make 2D animated videos, and connect with other video creators in the Wondershare Video Community to get more creative ideas.

filmora logo

A cross-platform for making videos anywhere for all creators


Why your video editing isn’t good enough? How about some creative inspo?

  • 100 Million+ Users
  • 150+ Countries and Regions
  • 4 Million+ Social Media Followers
  • 5 Million+ Stock Media for Use

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free

Try It Free

* Secure Download


Have a Quick Look at The Best 10 Free/Paid 2D Animation Software to Download

No. Product Name Supported OS Price Best for
1 Synfig Windows, Linux, and OSX Free Beginners
2 Opentoonz Windows and OSX Free Beginners
3 Maefloresta iPhone and Android Free Beginners
4 Pencil 2D Windows, Linux, and OSX Free Beginners
5 Toon Boom Harmony Windows, Linux, and OSX $109 per month Professionals
6 CelAction2D Windows, Linux, and OSX $1300 for one single license Professionals
7 Moho (Anime Studio) Pro Windows and OSX $399.99 for the full package Professionals
8 Stop Motion Studio Windows, OSX, Android, and iOS $59.99 for the full package Professionals
9 FlipBook Windows and OSX $19.99/$49.99/$149.99/$199.99 Professionals
10 Reallusion CrazyTalk Animator Windows and OSX $199 for the pipeline, $99 for pro Professionals

Part 1 Best Free 2D Animation Software for Beginners

01 Synfig - Open Source 2D Animation Software for Beginners

Price: Free

Compatibility: Windows, Linux, and OSX

Pro: It offers more than 50 layers to make simple or advanced animation, so you don’t need to worry about its limitation though it is free to use.

Con: Few tutorials are available in the market to start making an animation for beginners.

Synfig Studio is an open-source, free 2D animation software that is the perfect place for beginners to learn about 2D animation. There are two versions available for free download - stable and testing.

The testing version has some experimental features if users want to try those ahead of their introduction into the stable release.


  • Supports multiple layers of content
  • The bone system allows for the creation of cutout animations from bitmap images
  • Has sound support to allow for the addition and syncing of narration and/or music to the video

02 Opentoonz - Free-to-Use Effects for 2D Animation

Price: Free

Compatibility: Windows and OSX

Pro: You can use a plug-in to make beautiful animation effects automatically without further editing.

Con: The UI design is outdated compared with other animation software, but it won’t affect user experience.

Based on the Toonz software, Opentoonz is the best free alternative that will help you create 2D animated content. Anyone can use the software, free of charge, and download it.

And users can modify the source code to add specific features to this simple animation software.


  • GTS scanning tool
  • Ability to change picture styles
  • Add distortion and light effects
  • Compatible with black and white and colored scans

03 Maefloresta - Easy-to-Use 2D Animation Software on Phone

Price: Free

Compatibility: iPhone and Android

Pro: It is free to use with easy to start introduction, even for kids.

Con: You need to email its staff to get the installer online, which is inconvenient sometimes.

The beauty of the Maefloresta app is that you can use your Android or iOS tablet and smartphone to create free 2D animated videos.

There is no need to pay for expensive software if you just want to create some fun videos to show your friends. It also offers school solutions for teachers and students.


  • The free downloadable app that works on smartphones and tablets
  • Easy animation software with tutorials
  • Intuitive interface that beginners can use with ease

04 Pencil 2D - Cross-Platform Software with Intuitive Interface

Price: Free

Compatibility: Windows, Linux, and OSX

Pro: It offers English, Spanish, and Portuguese language tutorials to use.

Con: It doesn’t support the shapes tool. If you like to make shapes and draw something, you’d be disappointed.

Want an open-source and free 2D animation design software to help you create videos? Pencil2D animation is the type of program that can help beginners.

You can get to grips with how 2D animation works, and you can create some very fun and interesting videos along the way.


  • Minimalist design to let you make animation easily
  • Raster and vector workflow switching
  • Cross-platform compatibility to free download

Part 2: Best Professional 2D Animation Software

05 Toon Boom Harmony - Leading Animation Software for Professional

Price: The first 21 days of using the product are free. After the 21 days are up, you will need to pay $109 per month.

Compatibility: Windows, Linux, and OSX

Pro: You can make 2D and 3D animation, both with models.

Con: It may take some time to learn how to make 2D animation for beginners.

Whether you are trying to create an art piece, showcase a story through 2D images, or craft a unique message for your audience, Toon Boom Harmony will help you immensely.

This professional 2D animation software may take time to learn, but it is worth using. It has bitmap and vector tools for creating art, 3D imported models for hybrid productions, and the option to create multiplane scenes with Z-depth.

You can also check the Toon Boom Harmony Advanced Review from the TopTenReview website for more information.


  • Revolutionary vector and bitmap drawing technology - Brush Engine
  • Advanced color palettes and paint options
  • 2D and 3D integration to make professional animation
  • Cut-out animation tools
  • Traditional paperless animation.

06 CelAction2D - Low System Requirement for Professional 2D Animation

Price: If you go with the Studio Edition, it costs $1,300 to obtain a single license to use the product for a lifetime. Studio Edition is $1300 for one single license

Compatibility: Windows, Linux, and OSX

Pro: It is fast to use with low system requirements.

Con: You can draw animation in itself, so you need to import all words from third-party software.

Want to create unique and complex 2D animations for your upcoming projects? CelAction2D is the type of product that is going to help you create wonderful and professional animations.

While getting a full license is a financial commitment, you are getting a product that has all the features that you could need.

You can create a palette using up to 16 million colors, and you will have a very easy time getting to grips with the way the software works.

It is designed for beginners and intermediate users, but still has all the advanced features that a pro would want.


  • Easy and fast to use for professional users
  • Features ergonomic controls
  • Easily handles complex projects with thousands of layers
  • Works with all modern Windows machines - 32 and 64-bit Also work with Macs through Boot Camp
  • The multiplane camera features let you have more controls

07 Moho (Anime Studio) Pro - All-In-One Professional 2D Animation Software

Price: $399.99 for the full package.

Compatibility: Windows and OSX

Pro: Its update is regular with advanced and newest features to use.

Con: It is not user-friendly for beginners as the functions are too advanced a little bit.

Anime Studio Pro is a fantastic option for anyone who is looking to get into professional 2D animation creation. It is affordable and designed for Flash-style animations.

While you cannot create frame-by-frame animations using this program, you will be able to create some fantastic videos nonetheless.

There is an Anime Studio Debut - simple animation software, which is targeted towards the beginner user and free download. But if you want all the features of a high-end 2D animation software, you will want to go with the Pro version.


  • Enhanced freehand drawing tools
  • Beizer handles to make it easier for you to design your videos the way that you want
  • Smart warp feature helps create custom meshes to bend and twist your animations
  • Realistic motion blur
  • Animation for multiple layers at the same time

08 Stop Motion Studio - Fun and Well Designed 2D Animation Software

Price: $59.99 to download the software onto your PC.

Compatibility: Windows, OSX, Android, and iOS

Pro: You can use a built-in sound to make your animation unique. You can also record voice and use it in the video.

Con: You can only use it to make 2D stop motion animation.

Want to create fun, 2D animated videos? Hoping to impress your bosses with a 2D animated presentation to highlight a product’s features?

Using Stop Motion Studio will help you achieve all that you want in the world of 2D animation.

You can capture content with ease, whether you change up the focus, exposure, or white balance. There is DSLR support, so you can use your high-end camera in conjunction with this professional software.

And with a unique, frame-by-frame editor, you will be able to get the result that you want for your 2D stop animation movie.


  • Onionskin allows you to view previous frames through a transparent overlay, which helps you create your next frame
  • Comes with Chroma key and audio recording to better narrate and add voice effects to your videos
  • Easy one-click uploading to YouTube and Facebook
  • DSLR camera support for creating perfect 1080p recordings

09 FlipBook - Fun and Well Designed 2D Animation Software

Price: $19.99 for FlipBook Lite, $49.99 for FlipBook Studio, $149.99 for FlipBook Pro, $199.99 for FlipBook ProHD

Compatibility: Windows and OSX

Pro: From drawing, scanning to sound, this 2D animation software can make you powerful video.

Con: You can’t use it to make subtle changes as bone rigging is not available.

FlipBook is easy to use for beginners and pros who want to improve the editing experience. It is a powerful video editor that you can make 2D animation with various functions like syncing sound with animation, scanning cells, and more.

If you like to make a cartoon video like a pro, this 2D animation maker is best for you. It is free to download.


  • Changes will be made while you change the animation, so FlipBook is fast to use
  • You can use the shift key to make speed painting once you select one color
  • Ten layers in animation for adding extra touches
  • You can use a scanner to import images

10 Reallusion CrazyTalk Animator - Professional 2D Animation/Cartoon Software for Designers

Price: USD199 for the pipeline, USD99 for pro.

Compatibility: Windows and OSX

Pro: You can always find the feature you like for beginners and professionals. You can control characters even in expression levels.

Con: It integrates with PhotoShop to import and export video.

CrazyTalk is a 2D animation maker for professional users, so you can use this one if you don’t know which one to use. It supports controlling characters with your expression and lip-syncing. It is popular among YouTubers, educators and marketers.


  • Capture real-time facial expression with precise changing
  • Black magic to turn the image into a moving cartoon
  • For advanced users, you can make 2D visual effects

Price: USD199 for the pipeline, USD99 for pro.

You may also like: Best Free Animated Logo Makers >>

Part 3: How to Make 2D Animation

Step 1 Put forward an idea

A story ides is priceless. It is always important to build an essential story frame. Sometimes it is in a blink to have come up with an idea.

It will help if you decide the gist of your 2D animation because the whole process of making animation is evolving. You may need to add or cut some scenes, but the overall concept and story ideas are always the same.

Put forward an idea

Step 2 Make a storyboard

After all the ideas are fixed, you need to make a storyboard for animation . You don’t need to produce every scene, but it is suggested to make a storyboard in some crucial scenes. Storyboarding is probably the best way to show 2D animation to other people and get feedback.

Thus, it is a step that you should not neglect during the preliminary.

make storyboard

Step 3 Produce materials

At this stage, you need to prepare all the 2D animation materials, including characters, background, and props. One thing you need to know is all the preparations in steps 2 and 3 should be ready before proceeding to step 3.

Produce materials

Step 4 Animation

After all, materials are ready, and you need to make animation alive. In this step, you need to make sure all the movements are natural. Stiff moves are not liked by the audience, so you need to think about how to design gestures, movements, and facial expressions.


Step 5 Animation editing

In this step, the software is the key to relive the 2D animation. Background audio is essential and needs to be added to the video. Color correction and grading are also necessary. Besides, scene transition, voiceover, and even text credit need to be added.

Above are the five 2D animation steps. If you think there are extra steps, you are free to add them according to your needs.

Bonus tip: Create an Animation Video with Anireel

Anireel provides a faster and smoother animated video creation experience with customizable elements to bring anyone’s imagination to life. All you have to do is choose your script, input the content, and Anireel will instantly match your script to rich animation explainer scenes, convert the text into voice-over, and generate a vivid, complete animation video.

anireel animation software

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Part 3 FAQ about Professional 2D Animation Software

01 What is the best 2D animation software?

It is hard to directly give you an answer and tell you which is the best 2D animation software. However, we can give you some recommendations based on your needs. If you are a beginner, Pencil 2D is a great start. You can use it to make minimalist animation to give you a quick-to-start 2D animation experience. If you are in the middle level, Stop Motion Studio is what we recommend. The interface is intuitive with powerful features like voiceover and Chroma key.

02 What is the best 2D animation software for beginners?

For 2D animation software for beginners, Pencil 2D would come to mind for many people. It is an excellent animation software for beginners. If you also want to try other tools, Synfig and FlipBook are also great choices. It is your call for the final decision.

03 Is there any free animation software?

For beginners, free animation software includes Synfig, Opentoonz, Maefloresta, and Pencil 2D. For advanced users, you can use Blender and Maya.


Creating a 2D animation video is a lot easier when you have the right software available to you. You already have a script and storyboard in mind, but now you can realize your vision in intricate and unique ways.

If you want to make 3D animation, there are also various 3D animation software options for you. If anyone of the products above will serve you well, you could use Filmora.

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author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

When you are trying to make funny cartoons within seven steps , explainer videos, or informative shorts to post online, 2D animation software can come in handy. With access to a 2D animation maker, you can create intricate and interesting stories that will help you connect with your audience.

Whether you are turning photos into cartoons , teaching a group of kids , showing employees how to do their job, introducing a new product, or trying to elicit an emotional reaction from your audience, 2D cartoon animation can be very useful.

If you are new to the world of 2D animation as a beginner and want to be a professional animation maker, you will be interested in our review of the top 10 free download 2D animation software options that may prove useful to you.

Recommend free download animation maker Filmora

If you want to create a 2D animation video, we recommend using 2D animation software-Filmora.

It is a powerful and straightforward video maker for all levels from middle to advanced. With keyframing, you can make smooth 2D animation quickly. Auto color correction can save you a lot of time to make high-quality animation.

Now free download it on Windows and Mac to make 2D animated videos, and connect with other video creators in the Wondershare Video Community to get more creative ideas.

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Have a Quick Look at The Best 10 Free/Paid 2D Animation Software to Download

No. Product Name Supported OS Price Best for
1 Synfig Windows, Linux, and OSX Free Beginners
2 Opentoonz Windows and OSX Free Beginners
3 Maefloresta iPhone and Android Free Beginners
4 Pencil 2D Windows, Linux, and OSX Free Beginners
5 Toon Boom Harmony Windows, Linux, and OSX $109 per month Professionals
6 CelAction2D Windows, Linux, and OSX $1300 for one single license Professionals
7 Moho (Anime Studio) Pro Windows and OSX $399.99 for the full package Professionals
8 Stop Motion Studio Windows, OSX, Android, and iOS $59.99 for the full package Professionals
9 FlipBook Windows and OSX $19.99/$49.99/$149.99/$199.99 Professionals
10 Reallusion CrazyTalk Animator Windows and OSX $199 for the pipeline, $99 for pro Professionals

Part 1 Best Free 2D Animation Software for Beginners

01 Synfig - Open Source 2D Animation Software for Beginners

Price: Free

Compatibility: Windows, Linux, and OSX

Pro: It offers more than 50 layers to make simple or advanced animation, so you don’t need to worry about its limitation though it is free to use.

Con: Few tutorials are available in the market to start making an animation for beginners.

Synfig Studio is an open-source, free 2D animation software that is the perfect place for beginners to learn about 2D animation. There are two versions available for free download - stable and testing.

The testing version has some experimental features if users want to try those ahead of their introduction into the stable release.


  • Supports multiple layers of content
  • The bone system allows for the creation of cutout animations from bitmap images
  • Has sound support to allow for the addition and syncing of narration and/or music to the video

02 Opentoonz - Free-to-Use Effects for 2D Animation

Price: Free

Compatibility: Windows and OSX

Pro: You can use a plug-in to make beautiful animation effects automatically without further editing.

Con: The UI design is outdated compared with other animation software, but it won’t affect user experience.

Based on the Toonz software, Opentoonz is the best free alternative that will help you create 2D animated content. Anyone can use the software, free of charge, and download it.

And users can modify the source code to add specific features to this simple animation software.


  • GTS scanning tool
  • Ability to change picture styles
  • Add distortion and light effects
  • Compatible with black and white and colored scans

03 Maefloresta - Easy-to-Use 2D Animation Software on Phone

Price: Free

Compatibility: iPhone and Android

Pro: It is free to use with easy to start introduction, even for kids.

Con: You need to email its staff to get the installer online, which is inconvenient sometimes.

The beauty of the Maefloresta app is that you can use your Android or iOS tablet and smartphone to create free 2D animated videos.

There is no need to pay for expensive software if you just want to create some fun videos to show your friends. It also offers school solutions for teachers and students.


  • The free downloadable app that works on smartphones and tablets
  • Easy animation software with tutorials
  • Intuitive interface that beginners can use with ease

04 Pencil 2D - Cross-Platform Software with Intuitive Interface

Price: Free

Compatibility: Windows, Linux, and OSX

Pro: It offers English, Spanish, and Portuguese language tutorials to use.

Con: It doesn’t support the shapes tool. If you like to make shapes and draw something, you’d be disappointed.

Want an open-source and free 2D animation design software to help you create videos? Pencil2D animation is the type of program that can help beginners.

You can get to grips with how 2D animation works, and you can create some very fun and interesting videos along the way.


  • Minimalist design to let you make animation easily
  • Raster and vector workflow switching
  • Cross-platform compatibility to free download

Part 2: Best Professional 2D Animation Software

05 Toon Boom Harmony - Leading Animation Software for Professional

Price: The first 21 days of using the product are free. After the 21 days are up, you will need to pay $109 per month.

Compatibility: Windows, Linux, and OSX

Pro: You can make 2D and 3D animation, both with models.

Con: It may take some time to learn how to make 2D animation for beginners.

Whether you are trying to create an art piece, showcase a story through 2D images, or craft a unique message for your audience, Toon Boom Harmony will help you immensely.

This professional 2D animation software may take time to learn, but it is worth using. It has bitmap and vector tools for creating art, 3D imported models for hybrid productions, and the option to create multiplane scenes with Z-depth.

You can also check the Toon Boom Harmony Advanced Review from the TopTenReview website for more information.


  • Revolutionary vector and bitmap drawing technology - Brush Engine
  • Advanced color palettes and paint options
  • 2D and 3D integration to make professional animation
  • Cut-out animation tools
  • Traditional paperless animation.

06 CelAction2D - Low System Requirement for Professional 2D Animation

Price: If you go with the Studio Edition, it costs $1,300 to obtain a single license to use the product for a lifetime. Studio Edition is $1300 for one single license

Compatibility: Windows, Linux, and OSX

Pro: It is fast to use with low system requirements.

Con: You can draw animation in itself, so you need to import all words from third-party software.

Want to create unique and complex 2D animations for your upcoming projects? CelAction2D is the type of product that is going to help you create wonderful and professional animations.

While getting a full license is a financial commitment, you are getting a product that has all the features that you could need.

You can create a palette using up to 16 million colors, and you will have a very easy time getting to grips with the way the software works.

It is designed for beginners and intermediate users, but still has all the advanced features that a pro would want.


  • Easy and fast to use for professional users
  • Features ergonomic controls
  • Easily handles complex projects with thousands of layers
  • Works with all modern Windows machines - 32 and 64-bit Also work with Macs through Boot Camp
  • The multiplane camera features let you have more controls

07 Moho (Anime Studio) Pro - All-In-One Professional 2D Animation Software

Price: $399.99 for the full package.

Compatibility: Windows and OSX

Pro: Its update is regular with advanced and newest features to use.

Con: It is not user-friendly for beginners as the functions are too advanced a little bit.

Anime Studio Pro is a fantastic option for anyone who is looking to get into professional 2D animation creation. It is affordable and designed for Flash-style animations.

While you cannot create frame-by-frame animations using this program, you will be able to create some fantastic videos nonetheless.

There is an Anime Studio Debut - simple animation software, which is targeted towards the beginner user and free download. But if you want all the features of a high-end 2D animation software, you will want to go with the Pro version.


  • Enhanced freehand drawing tools
  • Beizer handles to make it easier for you to design your videos the way that you want
  • Smart warp feature helps create custom meshes to bend and twist your animations
  • Realistic motion blur
  • Animation for multiple layers at the same time

08 Stop Motion Studio - Fun and Well Designed 2D Animation Software

Price: $59.99 to download the software onto your PC.

Compatibility: Windows, OSX, Android, and iOS

Pro: You can use a built-in sound to make your animation unique. You can also record voice and use it in the video.

Con: You can only use it to make 2D stop motion animation.

Want to create fun, 2D animated videos? Hoping to impress your bosses with a 2D animated presentation to highlight a product’s features?

Using Stop Motion Studio will help you achieve all that you want in the world of 2D animation.

You can capture content with ease, whether you change up the focus, exposure, or white balance. There is DSLR support, so you can use your high-end camera in conjunction with this professional software.

And with a unique, frame-by-frame editor, you will be able to get the result that you want for your 2D stop animation movie.


  • Onionskin allows you to view previous frames through a transparent overlay, which helps you create your next frame
  • Comes with Chroma key and audio recording to better narrate and add voice effects to your videos
  • Easy one-click uploading to YouTube and Facebook
  • DSLR camera support for creating perfect 1080p recordings

09 FlipBook - Fun and Well Designed 2D Animation Software

Price: $19.99 for FlipBook Lite, $49.99 for FlipBook Studio, $149.99 for FlipBook Pro, $199.99 for FlipBook ProHD

Compatibility: Windows and OSX

Pro: From drawing, scanning to sound, this 2D animation software can make you powerful video.

Con: You can’t use it to make subtle changes as bone rigging is not available.

FlipBook is easy to use for beginners and pros who want to improve the editing experience. It is a powerful video editor that you can make 2D animation with various functions like syncing sound with animation, scanning cells, and more.

If you like to make a cartoon video like a pro, this 2D animation maker is best for you. It is free to download.


  • Changes will be made while you change the animation, so FlipBook is fast to use
  • You can use the shift key to make speed painting once you select one color
  • Ten layers in animation for adding extra touches
  • You can use a scanner to import images

10 Reallusion CrazyTalk Animator - Professional 2D Animation/Cartoon Software for Designers

Price: USD199 for the pipeline, USD99 for pro.

Compatibility: Windows and OSX

Pro: You can always find the feature you like for beginners and professionals. You can control characters even in expression levels.

Con: It integrates with PhotoShop to import and export video.

CrazyTalk is a 2D animation maker for professional users, so you can use this one if you don’t know which one to use. It supports controlling characters with your expression and lip-syncing. It is popular among YouTubers, educators and marketers.


  • Capture real-time facial expression with precise changing
  • Black magic to turn the image into a moving cartoon
  • For advanced users, you can make 2D visual effects

Price: USD199 for the pipeline, USD99 for pro.

You may also like: Best Free Animated Logo Makers >>

Part 3: How to Make 2D Animation

Step 1 Put forward an idea

A story ides is priceless. It is always important to build an essential story frame. Sometimes it is in a blink to have come up with an idea.

It will help if you decide the gist of your 2D animation because the whole process of making animation is evolving. You may need to add or cut some scenes, but the overall concept and story ideas are always the same.

Put forward an idea

Step 2 Make a storyboard

After all the ideas are fixed, you need to make a storyboard for animation . You don’t need to produce every scene, but it is suggested to make a storyboard in some crucial scenes. Storyboarding is probably the best way to show 2D animation to other people and get feedback.

Thus, it is a step that you should not neglect during the preliminary.

make storyboard

Step 3 Produce materials

At this stage, you need to prepare all the 2D animation materials, including characters, background, and props. One thing you need to know is all the preparations in steps 2 and 3 should be ready before proceeding to step 3.

Produce materials

Step 4 Animation

After all, materials are ready, and you need to make animation alive. In this step, you need to make sure all the movements are natural. Stiff moves are not liked by the audience, so you need to think about how to design gestures, movements, and facial expressions.


Step 5 Animation editing

In this step, the software is the key to relive the 2D animation. Background audio is essential and needs to be added to the video. Color correction and grading are also necessary. Besides, scene transition, voiceover, and even text credit need to be added.

Above are the five 2D animation steps. If you think there are extra steps, you are free to add them according to your needs.

Bonus tip: Create an Animation Video with Anireel

Anireel provides a faster and smoother animated video creation experience with customizable elements to bring anyone’s imagination to life. All you have to do is choose your script, input the content, and Anireel will instantly match your script to rich animation explainer scenes, convert the text into voice-over, and generate a vivid, complete animation video.

anireel animation software

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Part 3 FAQ about Professional 2D Animation Software

01 What is the best 2D animation software?

It is hard to directly give you an answer and tell you which is the best 2D animation software. However, we can give you some recommendations based on your needs. If you are a beginner, Pencil 2D is a great start. You can use it to make minimalist animation to give you a quick-to-start 2D animation experience. If you are in the middle level, Stop Motion Studio is what we recommend. The interface is intuitive with powerful features like voiceover and Chroma key.

02 What is the best 2D animation software for beginners?

For 2D animation software for beginners, Pencil 2D would come to mind for many people. It is an excellent animation software for beginners. If you also want to try other tools, Synfig and FlipBook are also great choices. It is your call for the final decision.

03 Is there any free animation software?

For beginners, free animation software includes Synfig, Opentoonz, Maefloresta, and Pencil 2D. For advanced users, you can use Blender and Maya.


Creating a 2D animation video is a lot easier when you have the right software available to you. You already have a script and storyboard in mind, but now you can realize your vision in intricate and unique ways.

If you want to make 3D animation, there are also various 3D animation software options for you. If anyone of the products above will serve you well, you could use Filmora.

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Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Time-Lapse Mastery: The Best Mobile Apps for Creating Breathtaking Videos

Best Time-Lapse Apps for iPhone and Android Devices

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Watching the time pass by in front of our eyes is mesmerizing. The fast forwarded scenes of beautiful sunsets, busy streets and all other types of vistas can be found anywhere from Holywood movies to YouTube videos. You don’t need professional camera equipment if you want to create time-lapse videos you can share on your social media accounts because there are plenty of apps that let you create these types of videos directly from your Smartphones. So, in this article, we are going to introduce you to some of the best time-lapse apps for iPhone and Android devices in 2020.

Best Time-Lapse Apps for Android and iPhone Devices in 2021

The quality of your time-lapse video doesn’t depend only on the number of tools an app offers, which is why you must do everything in your power to record the footage that doesn’t contain camera shakes or any other common mistakes. With that being said, let’s take a look at the five best time-lapse apps you can find on GooglePlay or on the AppStore.

1. Microsoft Hyperlapse Mobile

Price: Free

Compatibility: Android 4.4 or later

Rating: 4.2

This Android-based application makes the creation of time-lapse videos look easy. You just have to select the speed at which you want to record a video, choose between 720p and 1080p resolutions and hit the record button. The app lets you increase the video’s speed up to 32 times, enabling you to create seamless time-lapses, although the video stabilization feature is only available if you’re recording a video at a normal speed. That is why you must ensure that your phone is perfectly stable while the recording is in progress if you want to create a smooth time-lapse. Microsoft Hyperlapse Mobile lets you share your creations on Instagram, Facebook, and other popular social media networks or save the time-lapse you’ve created to your phone’s SD card.

2. Slo Mo time lapse vid edit.or

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility: iOS 9.0 or later

Rating: 4.1

This is a video editing app that doesn’t offer video recording options. However, if you already have the footage you’d like to turn into a time-lapse video, Slo Mo time lapse vid edit.or may be one of the best options you have. Besides creating slow motion and time-lapse videos, you can also use this app to enhance the colors in the footage you’re editing, crop or trim video clips and add customized text overlays to the videos. The app also features a wide spectrum of filters and allows you to add sound effects or music to the video you’re working on. Keep in mind that you have to make an in-app purchase if you want to remove the watermark from your videos or if you want to export your time-lapse and slow-motion videos in Full HD resolution.

3. Lapse It Pro

Price: $2.99

Compatibility: Android 2.2 or later , iOS 11 or later

Rating: 4.1 on AppStore, 4.3 on Google Play

The seemingly endless list of options the Lapse It Pro offers makes it a perfect choice for all iPhone and Android users who want to speed up the footage they are recording up to 240 times. The app can be used in both Auto and Manual modes, which means that you can control ISO, Exposure or White Balance values while a recording session is still in progress. In case you don’t want to take photos or record videos with Lapse It Pro, you can import already existing footage into the app and turn it into a stunning time-lapse. The app’s render engine exports UHD 4K videos in remarkably short periods of time, so you can quickly share high-quality videos to any of the popular social media networks.

4. Hyperlapse from Instagram

Price: Free

Compatibility: iOS 9.0 or later

Rating: 4.4

Making time-lapse videos with this app is so easy that you just have to launch the app, hit the record button and point your iPhone towards the scene you’d like to capture. The best part is that you don’t even need an Instagram account to start using the Hyperlapse from Instagram app. You can increase the video’s speed up to 12 times, and you don’t have to worry about the camera shakes since the app features an automatic stabilization feature that is so powerful that you can shoot all your videos handheld. The time-lapse videos you create with this iOS-based app can be easily saved to your phone’s camera roll or shared to Instagram in only a few taps. The only downside is that Hyperlapse for Instagram doesn’t offer any video editing tools.

5. Framelapse

Price: Free

Compatibility: Android 4.0 or later

Rating: 3.8

Adjusting the frame interval, enhancing the colors in a time-lapse video or selecting the orientation of the video are just a few among countless video recording options the Framelapse app provides. Furthermore, you can control the exposure and white balance values manually or even use the built-in calculator to find out how long the video recording session is going to last. The app allows you to stop recording automatically by setting the duration of the recording, while you can also choose the preferred bitrate or the resolution of the time-lapse video. The free version of Framelapse contains ads, but you can purchase the Pro version of the app that offers even more powerful time-lapse recording options for just $2.99.


You no longer need professional cameras, tripods, and video editors to create seamless time-lapse videos that depict the passage of time at a certain location. Instead, you can just download an iOS or Android-based app that enables you to have complete creative control over the process of capturing time-lapse videos and share them with your friends on social media. Which app are you going to be using to record time-lapse videos in 2019? Leave a comment and let us know.

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Watching the time pass by in front of our eyes is mesmerizing. The fast forwarded scenes of beautiful sunsets, busy streets and all other types of vistas can be found anywhere from Holywood movies to YouTube videos. You don’t need professional camera equipment if you want to create time-lapse videos you can share on your social media accounts because there are plenty of apps that let you create these types of videos directly from your Smartphones. So, in this article, we are going to introduce you to some of the best time-lapse apps for iPhone and Android devices in 2020.

Best Time-Lapse Apps for Android and iPhone Devices in 2021

The quality of your time-lapse video doesn’t depend only on the number of tools an app offers, which is why you must do everything in your power to record the footage that doesn’t contain camera shakes or any other common mistakes. With that being said, let’s take a look at the five best time-lapse apps you can find on GooglePlay or on the AppStore.

1. Microsoft Hyperlapse Mobile

Price: Free

Compatibility: Android 4.4 or later

Rating: 4.2

This Android-based application makes the creation of time-lapse videos look easy. You just have to select the speed at which you want to record a video, choose between 720p and 1080p resolutions and hit the record button. The app lets you increase the video’s speed up to 32 times, enabling you to create seamless time-lapses, although the video stabilization feature is only available if you’re recording a video at a normal speed. That is why you must ensure that your phone is perfectly stable while the recording is in progress if you want to create a smooth time-lapse. Microsoft Hyperlapse Mobile lets you share your creations on Instagram, Facebook, and other popular social media networks or save the time-lapse you’ve created to your phone’s SD card.

2. Slo Mo time lapse vid edit.or

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility: iOS 9.0 or later

Rating: 4.1

This is a video editing app that doesn’t offer video recording options. However, if you already have the footage you’d like to turn into a time-lapse video, Slo Mo time lapse vid edit.or may be one of the best options you have. Besides creating slow motion and time-lapse videos, you can also use this app to enhance the colors in the footage you’re editing, crop or trim video clips and add customized text overlays to the videos. The app also features a wide spectrum of filters and allows you to add sound effects or music to the video you’re working on. Keep in mind that you have to make an in-app purchase if you want to remove the watermark from your videos or if you want to export your time-lapse and slow-motion videos in Full HD resolution.

3. Lapse It Pro

Price: $2.99

Compatibility: Android 2.2 or later , iOS 11 or later

Rating: 4.1 on AppStore, 4.3 on Google Play

The seemingly endless list of options the Lapse It Pro offers makes it a perfect choice for all iPhone and Android users who want to speed up the footage they are recording up to 240 times. The app can be used in both Auto and Manual modes, which means that you can control ISO, Exposure or White Balance values while a recording session is still in progress. In case you don’t want to take photos or record videos with Lapse It Pro, you can import already existing footage into the app and turn it into a stunning time-lapse. The app’s render engine exports UHD 4K videos in remarkably short periods of time, so you can quickly share high-quality videos to any of the popular social media networks.

4. Hyperlapse from Instagram

Price: Free

Compatibility: iOS 9.0 or later

Rating: 4.4

Making time-lapse videos with this app is so easy that you just have to launch the app, hit the record button and point your iPhone towards the scene you’d like to capture. The best part is that you don’t even need an Instagram account to start using the Hyperlapse from Instagram app. You can increase the video’s speed up to 12 times, and you don’t have to worry about the camera shakes since the app features an automatic stabilization feature that is so powerful that you can shoot all your videos handheld. The time-lapse videos you create with this iOS-based app can be easily saved to your phone’s camera roll or shared to Instagram in only a few taps. The only downside is that Hyperlapse for Instagram doesn’t offer any video editing tools.

5. Framelapse

Price: Free

Compatibility: Android 4.0 or later

Rating: 3.8

Adjusting the frame interval, enhancing the colors in a time-lapse video or selecting the orientation of the video are just a few among countless video recording options the Framelapse app provides. Furthermore, you can control the exposure and white balance values manually or even use the built-in calculator to find out how long the video recording session is going to last. The app allows you to stop recording automatically by setting the duration of the recording, while you can also choose the preferred bitrate or the resolution of the time-lapse video. The free version of Framelapse contains ads, but you can purchase the Pro version of the app that offers even more powerful time-lapse recording options for just $2.99.


You no longer need professional cameras, tripods, and video editors to create seamless time-lapse videos that depict the passage of time at a certain location. Instead, you can just download an iOS or Android-based app that enables you to have complete creative control over the process of capturing time-lapse videos and share them with your friends on social media. Which app are you going to be using to record time-lapse videos in 2019? Leave a comment and let us know.

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Watching the time pass by in front of our eyes is mesmerizing. The fast forwarded scenes of beautiful sunsets, busy streets and all other types of vistas can be found anywhere from Holywood movies to YouTube videos. You don’t need professional camera equipment if you want to create time-lapse videos you can share on your social media accounts because there are plenty of apps that let you create these types of videos directly from your Smartphones. So, in this article, we are going to introduce you to some of the best time-lapse apps for iPhone and Android devices in 2020.

Best Time-Lapse Apps for Android and iPhone Devices in 2021

The quality of your time-lapse video doesn’t depend only on the number of tools an app offers, which is why you must do everything in your power to record the footage that doesn’t contain camera shakes or any other common mistakes. With that being said, let’s take a look at the five best time-lapse apps you can find on GooglePlay or on the AppStore.

1. Microsoft Hyperlapse Mobile

Price: Free

Compatibility: Android 4.4 or later

Rating: 4.2

This Android-based application makes the creation of time-lapse videos look easy. You just have to select the speed at which you want to record a video, choose between 720p and 1080p resolutions and hit the record button. The app lets you increase the video’s speed up to 32 times, enabling you to create seamless time-lapses, although the video stabilization feature is only available if you’re recording a video at a normal speed. That is why you must ensure that your phone is perfectly stable while the recording is in progress if you want to create a smooth time-lapse. Microsoft Hyperlapse Mobile lets you share your creations on Instagram, Facebook, and other popular social media networks or save the time-lapse you’ve created to your phone’s SD card.

2. Slo Mo time lapse vid edit.or

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility: iOS 9.0 or later

Rating: 4.1

This is a video editing app that doesn’t offer video recording options. However, if you already have the footage you’d like to turn into a time-lapse video, Slo Mo time lapse vid edit.or may be one of the best options you have. Besides creating slow motion and time-lapse videos, you can also use this app to enhance the colors in the footage you’re editing, crop or trim video clips and add customized text overlays to the videos. The app also features a wide spectrum of filters and allows you to add sound effects or music to the video you’re working on. Keep in mind that you have to make an in-app purchase if you want to remove the watermark from your videos or if you want to export your time-lapse and slow-motion videos in Full HD resolution.

3. Lapse It Pro

Price: $2.99

Compatibility: Android 2.2 or later , iOS 11 or later

Rating: 4.1 on AppStore, 4.3 on Google Play

The seemingly endless list of options the Lapse It Pro offers makes it a perfect choice for all iPhone and Android users who want to speed up the footage they are recording up to 240 times. The app can be used in both Auto and Manual modes, which means that you can control ISO, Exposure or White Balance values while a recording session is still in progress. In case you don’t want to take photos or record videos with Lapse It Pro, you can import already existing footage into the app and turn it into a stunning time-lapse. The app’s render engine exports UHD 4K videos in remarkably short periods of time, so you can quickly share high-quality videos to any of the popular social media networks.

4. Hyperlapse from Instagram

Price: Free

Compatibility: iOS 9.0 or later

Rating: 4.4

Making time-lapse videos with this app is so easy that you just have to launch the app, hit the record button and point your iPhone towards the scene you’d like to capture. The best part is that you don’t even need an Instagram account to start using the Hyperlapse from Instagram app. You can increase the video’s speed up to 12 times, and you don’t have to worry about the camera shakes since the app features an automatic stabilization feature that is so powerful that you can shoot all your videos handheld. The time-lapse videos you create with this iOS-based app can be easily saved to your phone’s camera roll or shared to Instagram in only a few taps. The only downside is that Hyperlapse for Instagram doesn’t offer any video editing tools.

5. Framelapse

Price: Free

Compatibility: Android 4.0 or later

Rating: 3.8

Adjusting the frame interval, enhancing the colors in a time-lapse video or selecting the orientation of the video are just a few among countless video recording options the Framelapse app provides. Furthermore, you can control the exposure and white balance values manually or even use the built-in calculator to find out how long the video recording session is going to last. The app allows you to stop recording automatically by setting the duration of the recording, while you can also choose the preferred bitrate or the resolution of the time-lapse video. The free version of Framelapse contains ads, but you can purchase the Pro version of the app that offers even more powerful time-lapse recording options for just $2.99.


You no longer need professional cameras, tripods, and video editors to create seamless time-lapse videos that depict the passage of time at a certain location. Instead, you can just download an iOS or Android-based app that enables you to have complete creative control over the process of capturing time-lapse videos and share them with your friends on social media. Which app are you going to be using to record time-lapse videos in 2019? Leave a comment and let us know.

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Watching the time pass by in front of our eyes is mesmerizing. The fast forwarded scenes of beautiful sunsets, busy streets and all other types of vistas can be found anywhere from Holywood movies to YouTube videos. You don’t need professional camera equipment if you want to create time-lapse videos you can share on your social media accounts because there are plenty of apps that let you create these types of videos directly from your Smartphones. So, in this article, we are going to introduce you to some of the best time-lapse apps for iPhone and Android devices in 2020.

Best Time-Lapse Apps for Android and iPhone Devices in 2021

The quality of your time-lapse video doesn’t depend only on the number of tools an app offers, which is why you must do everything in your power to record the footage that doesn’t contain camera shakes or any other common mistakes. With that being said, let’s take a look at the five best time-lapse apps you can find on GooglePlay or on the AppStore.

1. Microsoft Hyperlapse Mobile

Price: Free

Compatibility: Android 4.4 or later

Rating: 4.2

This Android-based application makes the creation of time-lapse videos look easy. You just have to select the speed at which you want to record a video, choose between 720p and 1080p resolutions and hit the record button. The app lets you increase the video’s speed up to 32 times, enabling you to create seamless time-lapses, although the video stabilization feature is only available if you’re recording a video at a normal speed. That is why you must ensure that your phone is perfectly stable while the recording is in progress if you want to create a smooth time-lapse. Microsoft Hyperlapse Mobile lets you share your creations on Instagram, Facebook, and other popular social media networks or save the time-lapse you’ve created to your phone’s SD card.

2. Slo Mo time lapse vid edit.or

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility: iOS 9.0 or later

Rating: 4.1

This is a video editing app that doesn’t offer video recording options. However, if you already have the footage you’d like to turn into a time-lapse video, Slo Mo time lapse vid edit.or may be one of the best options you have. Besides creating slow motion and time-lapse videos, you can also use this app to enhance the colors in the footage you’re editing, crop or trim video clips and add customized text overlays to the videos. The app also features a wide spectrum of filters and allows you to add sound effects or music to the video you’re working on. Keep in mind that you have to make an in-app purchase if you want to remove the watermark from your videos or if you want to export your time-lapse and slow-motion videos in Full HD resolution.

3. Lapse It Pro

Price: $2.99

Compatibility: Android 2.2 or later , iOS 11 or later

Rating: 4.1 on AppStore, 4.3 on Google Play

The seemingly endless list of options the Lapse It Pro offers makes it a perfect choice for all iPhone and Android users who want to speed up the footage they are recording up to 240 times. The app can be used in both Auto and Manual modes, which means that you can control ISO, Exposure or White Balance values while a recording session is still in progress. In case you don’t want to take photos or record videos with Lapse It Pro, you can import already existing footage into the app and turn it into a stunning time-lapse. The app’s render engine exports UHD 4K videos in remarkably short periods of time, so you can quickly share high-quality videos to any of the popular social media networks.

4. Hyperlapse from Instagram

Price: Free

Compatibility: iOS 9.0 or later

Rating: 4.4

Making time-lapse videos with this app is so easy that you just have to launch the app, hit the record button and point your iPhone towards the scene you’d like to capture. The best part is that you don’t even need an Instagram account to start using the Hyperlapse from Instagram app. You can increase the video’s speed up to 12 times, and you don’t have to worry about the camera shakes since the app features an automatic stabilization feature that is so powerful that you can shoot all your videos handheld. The time-lapse videos you create with this iOS-based app can be easily saved to your phone’s camera roll or shared to Instagram in only a few taps. The only downside is that Hyperlapse for Instagram doesn’t offer any video editing tools.

5. Framelapse

Price: Free

Compatibility: Android 4.0 or later

Rating: 3.8

Adjusting the frame interval, enhancing the colors in a time-lapse video or selecting the orientation of the video are just a few among countless video recording options the Framelapse app provides. Furthermore, you can control the exposure and white balance values manually or even use the built-in calculator to find out how long the video recording session is going to last. The app allows you to stop recording automatically by setting the duration of the recording, while you can also choose the preferred bitrate or the resolution of the time-lapse video. The free version of Framelapse contains ads, but you can purchase the Pro version of the app that offers even more powerful time-lapse recording options for just $2.99.


You no longer need professional cameras, tripods, and video editors to create seamless time-lapse videos that depict the passage of time at a certain location. Instead, you can just download an iOS or Android-based app that enables you to have complete creative control over the process of capturing time-lapse videos and share them with your friends on social media. Which app are you going to be using to record time-lapse videos in 2019? Leave a comment and let us know.

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Best Free VOB Video Editing Software for Beginners

Top 5 Best Free VOB Video Editors

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Video editing today is now easier than ever thanks to a plethora of free video editing software programs available on the internet. Free VOB video editors are generally not as sophisticated as the much more expensive professional software programs that are purchased from companies such as Apple or Microsoft. But for most people who only want to perform some simple editing tasks and upload to YouTube or play for there own amusement, there are a number of excellent choices to be found online.

Want a more professional video editing tool? Wondershare Filmora is highly recommended. It provides you with all the video editing tools including trim, split, crop, etc. After editing videos, you can convert videos to different formats, upload to YouTube and Facebook or burn DVD.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

Top 5 Best Free VOB Video Editors

1. Jahshaka

Jahshaka is an open-source video and audio editing and effects system. It works on different platforms: Windows, Linux and Mac. There are also modules for color correction, keying, and tracking, and an array of media support.

free vob video editor


  • Various video formats supported;
  • Provides professional video editing options.


  • Can be hard for beginners to learn.

2. MPEG Streamclip

MPEG Streamclip is a free video editor for Mac and Windows. It supports various video formats like MPEG, VOB, PS, M2P, MOD, VRO, DAT, MOV and more (not just MPEG as the name might suggest). You can cut, trim and join your video files using this software. Or set IN/OUT points and convert between muxed and de-muxed files. Besides that, it lets you convert videos from one format to another and download YouTube videos when you enter the page URLs into it.

free vob video editor


  • Support different video formats;
  • Different video editing functions.


  • Has a glitched button and Window.

3.VSDC Free Video Editor

This particular software program handles a great number of different video formats. You can import from all types of sources, create a video and burn DVD copies. It has different video editing options which let you combine multiple cuts, add transitions, and render them into a complete project.

free vob video editor


  • Many useful options provided;
  • Supports various video formats.


  • Advanced and not as intuitive to learn.

4. VideoPad Video Editor

One of the simplest, but sturdiest and most reliable free VOB editing systems on the web, the VideoPad Video Editor is the perfect introduction for video editing for beginners. Featuring a complete interface, double built-in screen to preview selected clips and the final edit, you can also add still images and a blank screen as well.

free vob video editor


  • Easy-to-use;
  • Powerful video conversion ability.


  • Only provides simple video editing functions.

5. Freemake Video Converter

Freemake Video Converter can also be a simple video editing program that is intuitive to use and a nice selection of features. It allows you to easily drag and drop video clips, add effects, new sound and subtitles as well converting your video to different formats.

top vob video editor


  • Easy-to-use;
  • Plenty of Output Options.


  • Certain trial limitations.

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Video editing today is now easier than ever thanks to a plethora of free video editing software programs available on the internet. Free VOB video editors are generally not as sophisticated as the much more expensive professional software programs that are purchased from companies such as Apple or Microsoft. But for most people who only want to perform some simple editing tasks and upload to YouTube or play for there own amusement, there are a number of excellent choices to be found online.

Want a more professional video editing tool? Wondershare Filmora is highly recommended. It provides you with all the video editing tools including trim, split, crop, etc. After editing videos, you can convert videos to different formats, upload to YouTube and Facebook or burn DVD.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

Top 5 Best Free VOB Video Editors

1. Jahshaka

Jahshaka is an open-source video and audio editing and effects system. It works on different platforms: Windows, Linux and Mac. There are also modules for color correction, keying, and tracking, and an array of media support.

free vob video editor


  • Various video formats supported;
  • Provides professional video editing options.


  • Can be hard for beginners to learn.

2. MPEG Streamclip

MPEG Streamclip is a free video editor for Mac and Windows. It supports various video formats like MPEG, VOB, PS, M2P, MOD, VRO, DAT, MOV and more (not just MPEG as the name might suggest). You can cut, trim and join your video files using this software. Or set IN/OUT points and convert between muxed and de-muxed files. Besides that, it lets you convert videos from one format to another and download YouTube videos when you enter the page URLs into it.

free vob video editor


  • Support different video formats;
  • Different video editing functions.


  • Has a glitched button and Window.

3.VSDC Free Video Editor

This particular software program handles a great number of different video formats. You can import from all types of sources, create a video and burn DVD copies. It has different video editing options which let you combine multiple cuts, add transitions, and render them into a complete project.

free vob video editor


  • Many useful options provided;
  • Supports various video formats.


  • Advanced and not as intuitive to learn.

4. VideoPad Video Editor

One of the simplest, but sturdiest and most reliable free VOB editing systems on the web, the VideoPad Video Editor is the perfect introduction for video editing for beginners. Featuring a complete interface, double built-in screen to preview selected clips and the final edit, you can also add still images and a blank screen as well.

free vob video editor


  • Easy-to-use;
  • Powerful video conversion ability.


  • Only provides simple video editing functions.

5. Freemake Video Converter

Freemake Video Converter can also be a simple video editing program that is intuitive to use and a nice selection of features. It allows you to easily drag and drop video clips, add effects, new sound and subtitles as well converting your video to different formats.

top vob video editor


  • Easy-to-use;
  • Plenty of Output Options.


  • Certain trial limitations.

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Video editing today is now easier than ever thanks to a plethora of free video editing software programs available on the internet. Free VOB video editors are generally not as sophisticated as the much more expensive professional software programs that are purchased from companies such as Apple or Microsoft. But for most people who only want to perform some simple editing tasks and upload to YouTube or play for there own amusement, there are a number of excellent choices to be found online.

Want a more professional video editing tool? Wondershare Filmora is highly recommended. It provides you with all the video editing tools including trim, split, crop, etc. After editing videos, you can convert videos to different formats, upload to YouTube and Facebook or burn DVD.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

Top 5 Best Free VOB Video Editors

1. Jahshaka

Jahshaka is an open-source video and audio editing and effects system. It works on different platforms: Windows, Linux and Mac. There are also modules for color correction, keying, and tracking, and an array of media support.

free vob video editor


  • Various video formats supported;
  • Provides professional video editing options.


  • Can be hard for beginners to learn.

2. MPEG Streamclip

MPEG Streamclip is a free video editor for Mac and Windows. It supports various video formats like MPEG, VOB, PS, M2P, MOD, VRO, DAT, MOV and more (not just MPEG as the name might suggest). You can cut, trim and join your video files using this software. Or set IN/OUT points and convert between muxed and de-muxed files. Besides that, it lets you convert videos from one format to another and download YouTube videos when you enter the page URLs into it.

free vob video editor


  • Support different video formats;
  • Different video editing functions.


  • Has a glitched button and Window.

3.VSDC Free Video Editor

This particular software program handles a great number of different video formats. You can import from all types of sources, create a video and burn DVD copies. It has different video editing options which let you combine multiple cuts, add transitions, and render them into a complete project.

free vob video editor


  • Many useful options provided;
  • Supports various video formats.


  • Advanced and not as intuitive to learn.

4. VideoPad Video Editor

One of the simplest, but sturdiest and most reliable free VOB editing systems on the web, the VideoPad Video Editor is the perfect introduction for video editing for beginners. Featuring a complete interface, double built-in screen to preview selected clips and the final edit, you can also add still images and a blank screen as well.

free vob video editor


  • Easy-to-use;
  • Powerful video conversion ability.


  • Only provides simple video editing functions.

5. Freemake Video Converter

Freemake Video Converter can also be a simple video editing program that is intuitive to use and a nice selection of features. It allows you to easily drag and drop video clips, add effects, new sound and subtitles as well converting your video to different formats.

top vob video editor


  • Easy-to-use;
  • Plenty of Output Options.


  • Certain trial limitations.

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Video editing today is now easier than ever thanks to a plethora of free video editing software programs available on the internet. Free VOB video editors are generally not as sophisticated as the much more expensive professional software programs that are purchased from companies such as Apple or Microsoft. But for most people who only want to perform some simple editing tasks and upload to YouTube or play for there own amusement, there are a number of excellent choices to be found online.

Want a more professional video editing tool? Wondershare Filmora is highly recommended. It provides you with all the video editing tools including trim, split, crop, etc. After editing videos, you can convert videos to different formats, upload to YouTube and Facebook or burn DVD.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

Top 5 Best Free VOB Video Editors

1. Jahshaka

Jahshaka is an open-source video and audio editing and effects system. It works on different platforms: Windows, Linux and Mac. There are also modules for color correction, keying, and tracking, and an array of media support.

free vob video editor


  • Various video formats supported;
  • Provides professional video editing options.


  • Can be hard for beginners to learn.

2. MPEG Streamclip

MPEG Streamclip is a free video editor for Mac and Windows. It supports various video formats like MPEG, VOB, PS, M2P, MOD, VRO, DAT, MOV and more (not just MPEG as the name might suggest). You can cut, trim and join your video files using this software. Or set IN/OUT points and convert between muxed and de-muxed files. Besides that, it lets you convert videos from one format to another and download YouTube videos when you enter the page URLs into it.

free vob video editor


  • Support different video formats;
  • Different video editing functions.


  • Has a glitched button and Window.

3.VSDC Free Video Editor

This particular software program handles a great number of different video formats. You can import from all types of sources, create a video and burn DVD copies. It has different video editing options which let you combine multiple cuts, add transitions, and render them into a complete project.

free vob video editor


  • Many useful options provided;
  • Supports various video formats.


  • Advanced and not as intuitive to learn.

4. VideoPad Video Editor

One of the simplest, but sturdiest and most reliable free VOB editing systems on the web, the VideoPad Video Editor is the perfect introduction for video editing for beginners. Featuring a complete interface, double built-in screen to preview selected clips and the final edit, you can also add still images and a blank screen as well.

free vob video editor


  • Easy-to-use;
  • Powerful video conversion ability.


  • Only provides simple video editing functions.

5. Freemake Video Converter

Freemake Video Converter can also be a simple video editing program that is intuitive to use and a nice selection of features. It allows you to easily drag and drop video clips, add effects, new sound and subtitles as well converting your video to different formats.

top vob video editor


  • Easy-to-use;
  • Plenty of Output Options.


  • Certain trial limitations.

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

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  • Author: Giselle
  • Created at : 2024-04-25 07:34:55
  • Updated at : 2024-04-26 07:34:55
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  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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New FCP X Tutorial How to Achieve Flawless Chroma Keying