From Text to Voice Expert Advice for Seamless MP3 Conversion

From Text to Voice Expert Advice for Seamless MP3 Conversion

Giselle Lv12

From Text to Voice: Expert Advice for Seamless MP3 Conversion

Super Tips on Converting Text to MP3

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

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Text-to-Speech is an ingenious accessibility invention that has only grown more and more popular as AI has been thrown in the mix — making the converted speech sound more natural than ever!

As requested, in this article, we’ll be focusing on the subject of converting text to MP3 format (or, rather, a tangible file that you can use for projects!)

In this article

01 [What is TTS?](#Part 1)

02 [How to Turn on Text to Speech Converter?](#Part 2)

03 [Useful Tips on Converting Text to MP3](#Part 3)

Part 1 What is TTS?

What is Text-to-Speech? Text-to-Speech, also called TTS, as previously mentioned, is an accessibility invention. It was developed to help those with vision impairment or blindness — giving them the ability to have text read to them out loud to them (without requiring someone specifically read it out loud for them.

More recent development in TTS technology has allowed it to grow more useful outside of those parameters, however. Especially seeing as it is now possible to convert text to MP3 with natural voices.

01Why Use Text to Speech Converter?

Text-to-Speech human voice converters are popular with content creators, and thus, they are the ones who see the most use for them (in the commercial sense). After all, it’s easy enough to convert already created content (in the form of text) into an audio file that there’s no reason not to! Especially since it means that more people would have access to their content!

Online TTS (Text-to-Speech) Converter

02Benefits of Free Online Text to Speech Readers

The benefit of FREE online text-to-speech human voice converters is exactly because they are free. Getting a live voice actor to convert text to MP3 for you is very expensive — since you’re paying not only for the voice-actors hours spent but also the use of the expensive equipment that they use for creating voiceovers.

In that regard, even PAID text-to-speech converters are easier on the budget. Making it the perfect solution for content creators who want to increase the accessibility of their content but do not have the time (to create the voiceovers themselves) or the money (to hire someone else to record it).

Text-to-Speech Audio

03Features of Text to Mp3 Converter

There are lots of text-to-speech converters out there. And, depending on what you’re looking for, you might find yourself longing for extra features later on down the line. That is why, when looking to convert text to MP3 we recommend considering the following:

Converting Time: How fast does the converter work? Most text-to-speech converters work almost instantaneously! So, if the one you’re using currently is slow? It might be best to give it a pass over to the next candidate.

Sound Quality: You should also test out whether or not the sound quality of the converted text to speech is good.

Multi-Language Support: Since this is all for the sake of increasing accessibility, you should start thinking about how many languages your converter supports as well. You might not be able to use all of them or even want to. But, that extra function can be helpful for the future.

Voice-Control Options: Does the converter offers you advanced voice controls? Your average converter usually offers speed and voice options, but you might find that a text-to-speech converter with more advanced options (i.e., tone, pitch, etc. controls) may help you get better quality content in the long run.

Online Text-to-MP3 Converter

Part 2 How to Turn on Text to Speech Converter?

For the next part of this article, we’ll be teaching you how to actually get from text to speech (MP3) with the use of a TTS converter. Specifically, a FREEmium text-to-speech converter that you can use when you’re still on the trying-out stage! This part will include a tutorial and a short introduction:

014 Steps to Use and Convert Text to Speech Online Free Unlimited?

First, for the promised tutorial! Most text-to-human voice converters function much the same way. The main difference usually being on the number of features focused and the limitations imposed (for tools with FREEmium services that impose limits on the FREE version, like the tool we’ll be using for our example):

Step 1: Upload Text

First, upload the text that you want to convert into speech!

Most online converters offer a text box that you can use in order to copy & paste the text onto (like in the image below), while others offer an ‘upload’ feature that you can use to upload text from a document.

Upload or Copy & Paste Text

Step 2: Adjust Voice Reader!

Next, the main thing that you usually have to worry about is the voice options.

Most TTS converters at least offer the opportunity to choose what voice you want the text to be read in. Some, more advanced solutions, may offer voices in other languages, dialects, accents, etc. as well as voice control options (tone, pitch, etc.)

Set Voice Reader

Step 3: Reader Controls!

Outside of voice options, most text-to-speech converters also offer the ability to control the general outcome of the converted text to speech.

More advanced tools will have multiple options on offer for this, but even the most basic ones at least offer a method for controlling the speed at which the text is read by the voice you’ve chosen!

Adjust Speech Controls

Step 4: Convert Text to MP3!

Now is finally the time to convert text to MP3 format! Some TTS readers will not allow for this without you paying the premium price, but most will at least offer a limited MP3 conversion feature (usually one that limits the length of conversion or the quality).

Convert Text to MP3

02What is the Best Free Text to Speech Software?

To finish off this section, we introduce the tool we used for our examples! It’s the online text to human voice converter, NaturalReader (URL has been provided below!) You can use this tool either directly or on your desktop (a software version is available.) It is FREEmium software though. That means that, if you want to make use of all of its advanced features, you’ll need to pay a price!

NaturalReaders Landing Page

Part 3 Useful Tips on Converting Text to MP3

The tutorial in the previous section was really more for the sake of ensuring that you have the basics down and that you are familiar with how these text-to-speech converters usually work. In this next part, we’ll be focusing on “super tips”

OR, tips that allow you to generally make the most of these text-to-human voice converters to the fullest!

Tip 1: Use AI Text-to-Speech!

Our first tip is to encourage you to take full advantage of AI text-to-speech functions. Artificial Intelligence allows the converted text to sound much nicer and much more like it was read by an actual human being — which enables you to create a very professional-sounding project without having to hire a voiceover actor/actress.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Text-to-Speech

Tip 2: Language and Regions Settings!

If your content is available in multiple languages and you want to convert all of the different editions of said content, you’ll need to find a converter that supports all of those languages. You may also consider looking for regional support as well. For example, for basic English language, most TTS converters usually have “American” voices as well as “British” voices to support different accents despite them using the same text.

Language and Regions Settings

Tip 3: Pick an Appropriate Voice!

The voice you choose to read your text is also very important. Some premium text-to-human voice converters offer a great variety to choose from to give you options when it comes to what kind of voice you want to read your content.

TTS Voices Settings

Tip 4: Audio Settings!

This is a bit of a rare feature, but some TTS converters will allow you to adjust your audio before it converts your content from text to speech (MP3). Sometimes, this is as simple as allowing you to choose an audio format (as is shown in the image below), other times, it allows you to control the actual sound quality of the finished product.

TTS Audio Settings

Tip 5: Adjust Voice Speed!

Earlier, we emphasized the importance of choosing your voice reader carefully! Now, we focus on the subject of speed. Some voices are better when they are slowed down, others are better when sped up. Play around with these settings to see which way is more natural for your chosen voice!

TTS Voice Speed Settings

Tip 6: Adjust Voice Pitch

To allow for even more flexibility when it comes to voice style, you’ll find that some TTS converters will allow you to adjust voice pitch! This is a helpful feature for when you’re looking for that particular voice type, as it will allow you to experiment more with the kind of sound you want your content to be known for.

Voice Pitch Settings

Tip 7: Voice Effects Options!

Another advanced feature that you might run into (and should definitely take advantage of), is voice effects! This, again, will allow you to fully customize the type of voice that your content is known for. It’s also great for when you’re aiming for a more natural sound (if you’re patient enough in order to take full advantage of it!)

Voice Effects Options

Tip 8: Use Advanced Video Editing!

Our last tip is not on the subject of using a TTS converter itself, but on the tool, you use in order to create your final project! For that, we recommend Wondershare Filmora Video Editor .

Filmora is a content creation tool that will allow you to expand your video editing capabilities with little to no effort. It’s highly intuitive and thus incredibly very easy to use — allowing you to create and perfect your content efficiently! It’s also, in this case, very good at ensuring that you can make full use of your carefully curated TTS MP3!

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Wondershare Filmora Pro

Key Takeaways from This Episode

Text-to-Speech has only continued to grow popular with content creators as the technology of it improves — allowing for more natural sounding voices and endless customizations.

Most of these text-to-speech converters work in much the same way. All you need to do is upload the text you want to convert, adjust the voice and sound settings as needed, and you’re done!

Of course, there are some extra little tidbits that you might also want to know in order to enhance your converted text. Our general advice for that is to experiment to the fullest and make sure that you finish everything up with a high-quality video editor like Filmora to ensure that your finished project is as near to perfect as possible!

Try It Free Try It Free

Text-to-Speech is an ingenious accessibility invention that has only grown more and more popular as AI has been thrown in the mix — making the converted speech sound more natural than ever!

As requested, in this article, we’ll be focusing on the subject of converting text to MP3 format (or, rather, a tangible file that you can use for projects!)

In this article

01 [What is TTS?](#Part 1)

02 [How to Turn on Text to Speech Converter?](#Part 2)

03 [Useful Tips on Converting Text to MP3](#Part 3)

Part 1 What is TTS?

What is Text-to-Speech? Text-to-Speech, also called TTS, as previously mentioned, is an accessibility invention. It was developed to help those with vision impairment or blindness — giving them the ability to have text read to them out loud to them (without requiring someone specifically read it out loud for them.

More recent development in TTS technology has allowed it to grow more useful outside of those parameters, however. Especially seeing as it is now possible to convert text to MP3 with natural voices.

01Why Use Text to Speech Converter?

Text-to-Speech human voice converters are popular with content creators, and thus, they are the ones who see the most use for them (in the commercial sense). After all, it’s easy enough to convert already created content (in the form of text) into an audio file that there’s no reason not to! Especially since it means that more people would have access to their content!

Online TTS (Text-to-Speech) Converter

02Benefits of Free Online Text to Speech Readers

The benefit of FREE online text-to-speech human voice converters is exactly because they are free. Getting a live voice actor to convert text to MP3 for you is very expensive — since you’re paying not only for the voice-actors hours spent but also the use of the expensive equipment that they use for creating voiceovers.

In that regard, even PAID text-to-speech converters are easier on the budget. Making it the perfect solution for content creators who want to increase the accessibility of their content but do not have the time (to create the voiceovers themselves) or the money (to hire someone else to record it).

Text-to-Speech Audio

03Features of Text to Mp3 Converter

There are lots of text-to-speech converters out there. And, depending on what you’re looking for, you might find yourself longing for extra features later on down the line. That is why, when looking to convert text to MP3 we recommend considering the following:

Converting Time: How fast does the converter work? Most text-to-speech converters work almost instantaneously! So, if the one you’re using currently is slow? It might be best to give it a pass over to the next candidate.

Sound Quality: You should also test out whether or not the sound quality of the converted text to speech is good.

Multi-Language Support: Since this is all for the sake of increasing accessibility, you should start thinking about how many languages your converter supports as well. You might not be able to use all of them or even want to. But, that extra function can be helpful for the future.

Voice-Control Options: Does the converter offers you advanced voice controls? Your average converter usually offers speed and voice options, but you might find that a text-to-speech converter with more advanced options (i.e., tone, pitch, etc. controls) may help you get better quality content in the long run.

Online Text-to-MP3 Converter

Part 2 How to Turn on Text to Speech Converter?

For the next part of this article, we’ll be teaching you how to actually get from text to speech (MP3) with the use of a TTS converter. Specifically, a FREEmium text-to-speech converter that you can use when you’re still on the trying-out stage! This part will include a tutorial and a short introduction:

014 Steps to Use and Convert Text to Speech Online Free Unlimited?

First, for the promised tutorial! Most text-to-human voice converters function much the same way. The main difference usually being on the number of features focused and the limitations imposed (for tools with FREEmium services that impose limits on the FREE version, like the tool we’ll be using for our example):

Step 1: Upload Text

First, upload the text that you want to convert into speech!

Most online converters offer a text box that you can use in order to copy & paste the text onto (like in the image below), while others offer an ‘upload’ feature that you can use to upload text from a document.

Upload or Copy & Paste Text

Step 2: Adjust Voice Reader!

Next, the main thing that you usually have to worry about is the voice options.

Most TTS converters at least offer the opportunity to choose what voice you want the text to be read in. Some, more advanced solutions, may offer voices in other languages, dialects, accents, etc. as well as voice control options (tone, pitch, etc.)

Set Voice Reader

Step 3: Reader Controls!

Outside of voice options, most text-to-speech converters also offer the ability to control the general outcome of the converted text to speech.

More advanced tools will have multiple options on offer for this, but even the most basic ones at least offer a method for controlling the speed at which the text is read by the voice you’ve chosen!

Adjust Speech Controls

Step 4: Convert Text to MP3!

Now is finally the time to convert text to MP3 format! Some TTS readers will not allow for this without you paying the premium price, but most will at least offer a limited MP3 conversion feature (usually one that limits the length of conversion or the quality).

Convert Text to MP3

02What is the Best Free Text to Speech Software?

To finish off this section, we introduce the tool we used for our examples! It’s the online text to human voice converter, NaturalReader (URL has been provided below!) You can use this tool either directly or on your desktop (a software version is available.) It is FREEmium software though. That means that, if you want to make use of all of its advanced features, you’ll need to pay a price!

NaturalReaders Landing Page

Part 3 Useful Tips on Converting Text to MP3

The tutorial in the previous section was really more for the sake of ensuring that you have the basics down and that you are familiar with how these text-to-speech converters usually work. In this next part, we’ll be focusing on “super tips”

OR, tips that allow you to generally make the most of these text-to-human voice converters to the fullest!

Tip 1: Use AI Text-to-Speech!

Our first tip is to encourage you to take full advantage of AI text-to-speech functions. Artificial Intelligence allows the converted text to sound much nicer and much more like it was read by an actual human being — which enables you to create a very professional-sounding project without having to hire a voiceover actor/actress.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Text-to-Speech

Tip 2: Language and Regions Settings!

If your content is available in multiple languages and you want to convert all of the different editions of said content, you’ll need to find a converter that supports all of those languages. You may also consider looking for regional support as well. For example, for basic English language, most TTS converters usually have “American” voices as well as “British” voices to support different accents despite them using the same text.

Language and Regions Settings

Tip 3: Pick an Appropriate Voice!

The voice you choose to read your text is also very important. Some premium text-to-human voice converters offer a great variety to choose from to give you options when it comes to what kind of voice you want to read your content.

TTS Voices Settings

Tip 4: Audio Settings!

This is a bit of a rare feature, but some TTS converters will allow you to adjust your audio before it converts your content from text to speech (MP3). Sometimes, this is as simple as allowing you to choose an audio format (as is shown in the image below), other times, it allows you to control the actual sound quality of the finished product.

TTS Audio Settings

Tip 5: Adjust Voice Speed!

Earlier, we emphasized the importance of choosing your voice reader carefully! Now, we focus on the subject of speed. Some voices are better when they are slowed down, others are better when sped up. Play around with these settings to see which way is more natural for your chosen voice!

TTS Voice Speed Settings

Tip 6: Adjust Voice Pitch

To allow for even more flexibility when it comes to voice style, you’ll find that some TTS converters will allow you to adjust voice pitch! This is a helpful feature for when you’re looking for that particular voice type, as it will allow you to experiment more with the kind of sound you want your content to be known for.

Voice Pitch Settings

Tip 7: Voice Effects Options!

Another advanced feature that you might run into (and should definitely take advantage of), is voice effects! This, again, will allow you to fully customize the type of voice that your content is known for. It’s also great for when you’re aiming for a more natural sound (if you’re patient enough in order to take full advantage of it!)

Voice Effects Options

Tip 8: Use Advanced Video Editing!

Our last tip is not on the subject of using a TTS converter itself, but on the tool, you use in order to create your final project! For that, we recommend Wondershare Filmora Video Editor .

Filmora is a content creation tool that will allow you to expand your video editing capabilities with little to no effort. It’s highly intuitive and thus incredibly very easy to use — allowing you to create and perfect your content efficiently! It’s also, in this case, very good at ensuring that you can make full use of your carefully curated TTS MP3!

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Wondershare Filmora Pro

Key Takeaways from This Episode

Text-to-Speech has only continued to grow popular with content creators as the technology of it improves — allowing for more natural sounding voices and endless customizations.

Most of these text-to-speech converters work in much the same way. All you need to do is upload the text you want to convert, adjust the voice and sound settings as needed, and you’re done!

Of course, there are some extra little tidbits that you might also want to know in order to enhance your converted text. Our general advice for that is to experiment to the fullest and make sure that you finish everything up with a high-quality video editor like Filmora to ensure that your finished project is as near to perfect as possible!

Try It Free Try It Free

Text-to-Speech is an ingenious accessibility invention that has only grown more and more popular as AI has been thrown in the mix — making the converted speech sound more natural than ever!

As requested, in this article, we’ll be focusing on the subject of converting text to MP3 format (or, rather, a tangible file that you can use for projects!)

In this article

01 [What is TTS?](#Part 1)

02 [How to Turn on Text to Speech Converter?](#Part 2)

03 [Useful Tips on Converting Text to MP3](#Part 3)

Part 1 What is TTS?

What is Text-to-Speech? Text-to-Speech, also called TTS, as previously mentioned, is an accessibility invention. It was developed to help those with vision impairment or blindness — giving them the ability to have text read to them out loud to them (without requiring someone specifically read it out loud for them.

More recent development in TTS technology has allowed it to grow more useful outside of those parameters, however. Especially seeing as it is now possible to convert text to MP3 with natural voices.

01Why Use Text to Speech Converter?

Text-to-Speech human voice converters are popular with content creators, and thus, they are the ones who see the most use for them (in the commercial sense). After all, it’s easy enough to convert already created content (in the form of text) into an audio file that there’s no reason not to! Especially since it means that more people would have access to their content!

Online TTS (Text-to-Speech) Converter

02Benefits of Free Online Text to Speech Readers

The benefit of FREE online text-to-speech human voice converters is exactly because they are free. Getting a live voice actor to convert text to MP3 for you is very expensive — since you’re paying not only for the voice-actors hours spent but also the use of the expensive equipment that they use for creating voiceovers.

In that regard, even PAID text-to-speech converters are easier on the budget. Making it the perfect solution for content creators who want to increase the accessibility of their content but do not have the time (to create the voiceovers themselves) or the money (to hire someone else to record it).

Text-to-Speech Audio

03Features of Text to Mp3 Converter

There are lots of text-to-speech converters out there. And, depending on what you’re looking for, you might find yourself longing for extra features later on down the line. That is why, when looking to convert text to MP3 we recommend considering the following:

Converting Time: How fast does the converter work? Most text-to-speech converters work almost instantaneously! So, if the one you’re using currently is slow? It might be best to give it a pass over to the next candidate.

Sound Quality: You should also test out whether or not the sound quality of the converted text to speech is good.

Multi-Language Support: Since this is all for the sake of increasing accessibility, you should start thinking about how many languages your converter supports as well. You might not be able to use all of them or even want to. But, that extra function can be helpful for the future.

Voice-Control Options: Does the converter offers you advanced voice controls? Your average converter usually offers speed and voice options, but you might find that a text-to-speech converter with more advanced options (i.e., tone, pitch, etc. controls) may help you get better quality content in the long run.

Online Text-to-MP3 Converter

Part 2 How to Turn on Text to Speech Converter?

For the next part of this article, we’ll be teaching you how to actually get from text to speech (MP3) with the use of a TTS converter. Specifically, a FREEmium text-to-speech converter that you can use when you’re still on the trying-out stage! This part will include a tutorial and a short introduction:

014 Steps to Use and Convert Text to Speech Online Free Unlimited?

First, for the promised tutorial! Most text-to-human voice converters function much the same way. The main difference usually being on the number of features focused and the limitations imposed (for tools with FREEmium services that impose limits on the FREE version, like the tool we’ll be using for our example):

Step 1: Upload Text

First, upload the text that you want to convert into speech!

Most online converters offer a text box that you can use in order to copy & paste the text onto (like in the image below), while others offer an ‘upload’ feature that you can use to upload text from a document.

Upload or Copy & Paste Text

Step 2: Adjust Voice Reader!

Next, the main thing that you usually have to worry about is the voice options.

Most TTS converters at least offer the opportunity to choose what voice you want the text to be read in. Some, more advanced solutions, may offer voices in other languages, dialects, accents, etc. as well as voice control options (tone, pitch, etc.)

Set Voice Reader

Step 3: Reader Controls!

Outside of voice options, most text-to-speech converters also offer the ability to control the general outcome of the converted text to speech.

More advanced tools will have multiple options on offer for this, but even the most basic ones at least offer a method for controlling the speed at which the text is read by the voice you’ve chosen!

Adjust Speech Controls

Step 4: Convert Text to MP3!

Now is finally the time to convert text to MP3 format! Some TTS readers will not allow for this without you paying the premium price, but most will at least offer a limited MP3 conversion feature (usually one that limits the length of conversion or the quality).

Convert Text to MP3

02What is the Best Free Text to Speech Software?

To finish off this section, we introduce the tool we used for our examples! It’s the online text to human voice converter, NaturalReader (URL has been provided below!) You can use this tool either directly or on your desktop (a software version is available.) It is FREEmium software though. That means that, if you want to make use of all of its advanced features, you’ll need to pay a price!

NaturalReaders Landing Page

Part 3 Useful Tips on Converting Text to MP3

The tutorial in the previous section was really more for the sake of ensuring that you have the basics down and that you are familiar with how these text-to-speech converters usually work. In this next part, we’ll be focusing on “super tips”

OR, tips that allow you to generally make the most of these text-to-human voice converters to the fullest!

Tip 1: Use AI Text-to-Speech!

Our first tip is to encourage you to take full advantage of AI text-to-speech functions. Artificial Intelligence allows the converted text to sound much nicer and much more like it was read by an actual human being — which enables you to create a very professional-sounding project without having to hire a voiceover actor/actress.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Text-to-Speech

Tip 2: Language and Regions Settings!

If your content is available in multiple languages and you want to convert all of the different editions of said content, you’ll need to find a converter that supports all of those languages. You may also consider looking for regional support as well. For example, for basic English language, most TTS converters usually have “American” voices as well as “British” voices to support different accents despite them using the same text.

Language and Regions Settings

Tip 3: Pick an Appropriate Voice!

The voice you choose to read your text is also very important. Some premium text-to-human voice converters offer a great variety to choose from to give you options when it comes to what kind of voice you want to read your content.

TTS Voices Settings

Tip 4: Audio Settings!

This is a bit of a rare feature, but some TTS converters will allow you to adjust your audio before it converts your content from text to speech (MP3). Sometimes, this is as simple as allowing you to choose an audio format (as is shown in the image below), other times, it allows you to control the actual sound quality of the finished product.

TTS Audio Settings

Tip 5: Adjust Voice Speed!

Earlier, we emphasized the importance of choosing your voice reader carefully! Now, we focus on the subject of speed. Some voices are better when they are slowed down, others are better when sped up. Play around with these settings to see which way is more natural for your chosen voice!

TTS Voice Speed Settings

Tip 6: Adjust Voice Pitch

To allow for even more flexibility when it comes to voice style, you’ll find that some TTS converters will allow you to adjust voice pitch! This is a helpful feature for when you’re looking for that particular voice type, as it will allow you to experiment more with the kind of sound you want your content to be known for.

Voice Pitch Settings

Tip 7: Voice Effects Options!

Another advanced feature that you might run into (and should definitely take advantage of), is voice effects! This, again, will allow you to fully customize the type of voice that your content is known for. It’s also great for when you’re aiming for a more natural sound (if you’re patient enough in order to take full advantage of it!)

Voice Effects Options

Tip 8: Use Advanced Video Editing!

Our last tip is not on the subject of using a TTS converter itself, but on the tool, you use in order to create your final project! For that, we recommend Wondershare Filmora Video Editor .

Filmora is a content creation tool that will allow you to expand your video editing capabilities with little to no effort. It’s highly intuitive and thus incredibly very easy to use — allowing you to create and perfect your content efficiently! It’s also, in this case, very good at ensuring that you can make full use of your carefully curated TTS MP3!

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Wondershare Filmora Pro

Key Takeaways from This Episode

Text-to-Speech has only continued to grow popular with content creators as the technology of it improves — allowing for more natural sounding voices and endless customizations.

Most of these text-to-speech converters work in much the same way. All you need to do is upload the text you want to convert, adjust the voice and sound settings as needed, and you’re done!

Of course, there are some extra little tidbits that you might also want to know in order to enhance your converted text. Our general advice for that is to experiment to the fullest and make sure that you finish everything up with a high-quality video editor like Filmora to ensure that your finished project is as near to perfect as possible!

Try It Free Try It Free

Text-to-Speech is an ingenious accessibility invention that has only grown more and more popular as AI has been thrown in the mix — making the converted speech sound more natural than ever!

As requested, in this article, we’ll be focusing on the subject of converting text to MP3 format (or, rather, a tangible file that you can use for projects!)

In this article

01 [What is TTS?](#Part 1)

02 [How to Turn on Text to Speech Converter?](#Part 2)

03 [Useful Tips on Converting Text to MP3](#Part 3)

Part 1 What is TTS?

What is Text-to-Speech? Text-to-Speech, also called TTS, as previously mentioned, is an accessibility invention. It was developed to help those with vision impairment or blindness — giving them the ability to have text read to them out loud to them (without requiring someone specifically read it out loud for them.

More recent development in TTS technology has allowed it to grow more useful outside of those parameters, however. Especially seeing as it is now possible to convert text to MP3 with natural voices.

01Why Use Text to Speech Converter?

Text-to-Speech human voice converters are popular with content creators, and thus, they are the ones who see the most use for them (in the commercial sense). After all, it’s easy enough to convert already created content (in the form of text) into an audio file that there’s no reason not to! Especially since it means that more people would have access to their content!

Online TTS (Text-to-Speech) Converter

02Benefits of Free Online Text to Speech Readers

The benefit of FREE online text-to-speech human voice converters is exactly because they are free. Getting a live voice actor to convert text to MP3 for you is very expensive — since you’re paying not only for the voice-actors hours spent but also the use of the expensive equipment that they use for creating voiceovers.

In that regard, even PAID text-to-speech converters are easier on the budget. Making it the perfect solution for content creators who want to increase the accessibility of their content but do not have the time (to create the voiceovers themselves) or the money (to hire someone else to record it).

Text-to-Speech Audio

03Features of Text to Mp3 Converter

There are lots of text-to-speech converters out there. And, depending on what you’re looking for, you might find yourself longing for extra features later on down the line. That is why, when looking to convert text to MP3 we recommend considering the following:

Converting Time: How fast does the converter work? Most text-to-speech converters work almost instantaneously! So, if the one you’re using currently is slow? It might be best to give it a pass over to the next candidate.

Sound Quality: You should also test out whether or not the sound quality of the converted text to speech is good.

Multi-Language Support: Since this is all for the sake of increasing accessibility, you should start thinking about how many languages your converter supports as well. You might not be able to use all of them or even want to. But, that extra function can be helpful for the future.

Voice-Control Options: Does the converter offers you advanced voice controls? Your average converter usually offers speed and voice options, but you might find that a text-to-speech converter with more advanced options (i.e., tone, pitch, etc. controls) may help you get better quality content in the long run.

Online Text-to-MP3 Converter

Part 2 How to Turn on Text to Speech Converter?

For the next part of this article, we’ll be teaching you how to actually get from text to speech (MP3) with the use of a TTS converter. Specifically, a FREEmium text-to-speech converter that you can use when you’re still on the trying-out stage! This part will include a tutorial and a short introduction:

014 Steps to Use and Convert Text to Speech Online Free Unlimited?

First, for the promised tutorial! Most text-to-human voice converters function much the same way. The main difference usually being on the number of features focused and the limitations imposed (for tools with FREEmium services that impose limits on the FREE version, like the tool we’ll be using for our example):

Step 1: Upload Text

First, upload the text that you want to convert into speech!

Most online converters offer a text box that you can use in order to copy & paste the text onto (like in the image below), while others offer an ‘upload’ feature that you can use to upload text from a document.

Upload or Copy & Paste Text

Step 2: Adjust Voice Reader!

Next, the main thing that you usually have to worry about is the voice options.

Most TTS converters at least offer the opportunity to choose what voice you want the text to be read in. Some, more advanced solutions, may offer voices in other languages, dialects, accents, etc. as well as voice control options (tone, pitch, etc.)

Set Voice Reader

Step 3: Reader Controls!

Outside of voice options, most text-to-speech converters also offer the ability to control the general outcome of the converted text to speech.

More advanced tools will have multiple options on offer for this, but even the most basic ones at least offer a method for controlling the speed at which the text is read by the voice you’ve chosen!

Adjust Speech Controls

Step 4: Convert Text to MP3!

Now is finally the time to convert text to MP3 format! Some TTS readers will not allow for this without you paying the premium price, but most will at least offer a limited MP3 conversion feature (usually one that limits the length of conversion or the quality).

Convert Text to MP3

02What is the Best Free Text to Speech Software?

To finish off this section, we introduce the tool we used for our examples! It’s the online text to human voice converter, NaturalReader (URL has been provided below!) You can use this tool either directly or on your desktop (a software version is available.) It is FREEmium software though. That means that, if you want to make use of all of its advanced features, you’ll need to pay a price!

NaturalReaders Landing Page

Part 3 Useful Tips on Converting Text to MP3

The tutorial in the previous section was really more for the sake of ensuring that you have the basics down and that you are familiar with how these text-to-speech converters usually work. In this next part, we’ll be focusing on “super tips”

OR, tips that allow you to generally make the most of these text-to-human voice converters to the fullest!

Tip 1: Use AI Text-to-Speech!

Our first tip is to encourage you to take full advantage of AI text-to-speech functions. Artificial Intelligence allows the converted text to sound much nicer and much more like it was read by an actual human being — which enables you to create a very professional-sounding project without having to hire a voiceover actor/actress.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Text-to-Speech

Tip 2: Language and Regions Settings!

If your content is available in multiple languages and you want to convert all of the different editions of said content, you’ll need to find a converter that supports all of those languages. You may also consider looking for regional support as well. For example, for basic English language, most TTS converters usually have “American” voices as well as “British” voices to support different accents despite them using the same text.

Language and Regions Settings

Tip 3: Pick an Appropriate Voice!

The voice you choose to read your text is also very important. Some premium text-to-human voice converters offer a great variety to choose from to give you options when it comes to what kind of voice you want to read your content.

TTS Voices Settings

Tip 4: Audio Settings!

This is a bit of a rare feature, but some TTS converters will allow you to adjust your audio before it converts your content from text to speech (MP3). Sometimes, this is as simple as allowing you to choose an audio format (as is shown in the image below), other times, it allows you to control the actual sound quality of the finished product.

TTS Audio Settings

Tip 5: Adjust Voice Speed!

Earlier, we emphasized the importance of choosing your voice reader carefully! Now, we focus on the subject of speed. Some voices are better when they are slowed down, others are better when sped up. Play around with these settings to see which way is more natural for your chosen voice!

TTS Voice Speed Settings

Tip 6: Adjust Voice Pitch

To allow for even more flexibility when it comes to voice style, you’ll find that some TTS converters will allow you to adjust voice pitch! This is a helpful feature for when you’re looking for that particular voice type, as it will allow you to experiment more with the kind of sound you want your content to be known for.

Voice Pitch Settings

Tip 7: Voice Effects Options!

Another advanced feature that you might run into (and should definitely take advantage of), is voice effects! This, again, will allow you to fully customize the type of voice that your content is known for. It’s also great for when you’re aiming for a more natural sound (if you’re patient enough in order to take full advantage of it!)

Voice Effects Options

Tip 8: Use Advanced Video Editing!

Our last tip is not on the subject of using a TTS converter itself, but on the tool, you use in order to create your final project! For that, we recommend Wondershare Filmora Video Editor .

Filmora is a content creation tool that will allow you to expand your video editing capabilities with little to no effort. It’s highly intuitive and thus incredibly very easy to use — allowing you to create and perfect your content efficiently! It’s also, in this case, very good at ensuring that you can make full use of your carefully curated TTS MP3!

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Wondershare Filmora Pro

Key Takeaways from This Episode

Text-to-Speech has only continued to grow popular with content creators as the technology of it improves — allowing for more natural sounding voices and endless customizations.

Most of these text-to-speech converters work in much the same way. All you need to do is upload the text you want to convert, adjust the voice and sound settings as needed, and you’re done!

Of course, there are some extra little tidbits that you might also want to know in order to enhance your converted text. Our general advice for that is to experiment to the fullest and make sure that you finish everything up with a high-quality video editor like Filmora to ensure that your finished project is as near to perfect as possible!

Want to Turn a Photo Into a Cartoon but Don’t Know How? Here Are some of the Best Online Websites Which Allow You to Turn Pictures Into Cartoons without Downloading Any Software

Best Websites for Turning a Photo into a Cartoon

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Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Cartooning a photo is a simple and yet effective way of enhancing a picture and making it more visually appealing. Besides adding an artistic touch to portraits you take, cartooning a photo can also be a great way to have fun with your friends because the results of picture cartooning can be as entertaining as visually striking.

Besides portraiture, this visual effect can be applied to virtually any other genre of photography, although the contents of the shoot usually determine how well the effect is going to work. What’s more, you don’t need a professional video editing software to cartoon a photo, since there are so many websites that let you apply this effect to your photos for free.

That’s why we selected some of the best websites for converting a photo into a cartoon.

10+ Best Online Cartoon Photo Makers

Making cartoons out of photos doesn’t have to be a difficult task that takes a lot of effort to complete. In fact, online cartoon photo makers are easy to use and they don’t require you to have a lot of photo editing experience.

We’ve selected some of the best online photo editors and photo converters that enable you to cartoon your photos in just a few clicks.

Part 1: Best Free Online Cartoon Photo Editors

You don’t have to purchase an expensive photo editing software if you want to cartoon your photos because there are so many different online photo editing platforms that allow you to apply this effect to your photos for free. Let’s take a closer look at what they have to offer.

2. BeFunky

Befunky is one of the best photo editors you can find online, which is why it is hardly surprising that it offers cartoonization effects. In fact, you can choose from five different cartoonization effects that are all equally impressive.

All of the cartoon effects Befunky has to offer are located in the Artsy menu, and you just have to click on Cartoonizer DLX, Cross Hatch DLX, Pop Art DLX, or Graphic Novel DLX effects in order to apply them to your photo. Furthermore, you can use the Erase mode if you don’t want to catoonize the entire photo or head over to the Adjust menu to specify the amount of the effect you’ll apply and increase or decrease the photo’s sharpness.

Go to and you can then turn your photos to cartoon easily in BeFunky.

3. Lunapic

This is yet another online photo editing platform that gives you access to a broad range of photo editing options for free. Even though a bit outdated, the Lunapic’s interface resembles Photoshop’s interface, so you won’t need much time to get used to it if you ever used Adobe’s iconic photo editing software.

Once you’ve uploaded a photo, you just have to go to the Effects menu and select the Cartoon option. Lunapic will then automatically apply the effect to the photo you uploaded and you just need to preview the image before you save it. The only downside is that you can’t adjust the effect’s settings in case you don’t like the results.

If you want to add cartoon effect to photo with this photo editor, you can go to .

4. wish2be cartoon photo editor

If you would like to turn yourself or your friends into a cartoon character , Wish2Be cartoon photo editor can be a fun option. The platform’s Free Caricature feature allows you to become a cartoon character in just three easy steps.

You start by customizing the background, selecting the body type, hairstyle, or adding different accessories, gadgets, or even weapons. Once you are done, you can proceed to upload a photo of the person you want to turn into a cartoon character. Optionally, you can add a text layer and adjust its position and size within the picture. If you like the caricature you created, you can buy a print or you can choose to share your design for free. The Pro Cartoonizer feature this platform offers is only available if you purchase one of the available subscription plans.

Here is the website for cartoon photos with Wish2Be.

5. SnapsTouch

This is a simple online photo editor that lets you turn your photos into sketches, paintings, or drawings. Choosing the Painting option is probably the easiest way to turn a photo into a cartoon, although this effect can also be achieved with the Pencil Sketch feature.

After you upload a photo you want to turn into a cartoon, you can choose between Painting 1 and Painting 2 options in order to determine the style of the cartoon you’re creating. In addition, you can decide if you want to include the outline in the painting as well as set the size of the brush and how many levels the final image should have. Click on the Paint button and wait for SnapsTouch to generate the cartoonized picture, and you can then proceed to download it to your computer.

To use this online photo editor to cartoon, go to .

Part 2: 8 Free Online Photo to Cartoon Converters That You Should Try

Converting a photo into a cartoon automates this process, which makes cartoon converters a great option for anyone who finds online photo editing apps difficult to use. Here are some of the best online photo to cartoon converters you can use for free.

1. KusoCartoon

You can cartoon a photo with the photo to cartoon converter even if you never went through this process before. All you need to do is upload the photo to the platform, pick the cartoon style you like and click on the Photo to Cartoon button.

The platform will automatically apply the effect to your photo and display the results after it cartoons the picture. If you are not satisfied with the results, you can change the cartoon style, reduce or increase the number of colors, and adjust the saturation and brightness values. In addition, the platform lets you decide if the lines in the picture are going to be thick or thin or how intense the shadows are going to be.

Convert a photo to cartoon with KusoCartoon: .


Cartoon is just one out of hundreds of effects the platform offers. In addition to cartooning a photo, you can also use this platform to retouch portraits, enhance photos automatically, or apply different types of visual effects.

You can upload a photo from your computer, your Facebook profile, or the cloud and the platform will cartoonize it as soon as the upload process is completed. In case you don’t like the results you can click on the Adjustments button and open the image in the’s editor to enhance its colors or apply stickers. However, all photos you cartooned with this photo to cartoon converter are going to be watermarked if you use its free version.

You can visit to turn photos to cartoons with


You can turn a photo into a cartoon in just a few moments with this platform. is going to apply a cartoon effect to a photo you upload automatically, but it also lets you choose from dozens of effects that make photos look like cartoons.

You just have to click on an effect you like in case you don’t like the effect the platform selected for you to apply it. However, you can’t fine-tune the effect’s settings, and some of your photos may not look perfect after you apply a cartoon effect to them. Besides cartooning photos, you can use this platform to perform basic photo editing actions like cropping or rotating, while the platform also offers powerful text tools that enable you to add text layers to photos you cartoon.

To cartoon a photo with, go to .

4. PhotoCartoon

Creating cartoons from photos with this platform is a fun process anyone can complete. You just have to upload a photo via URL or from your computer and then proceed to choose one of the available cartoon effects.

You can choose from effects like Cartoon, Toon Cloudy, or Watercolor, and you can just click on the one you like to apply it to your photo. In addition, you can also add text to each photo you cartoonize with the platform and choose a font or the size and color of the text. Moreover, each effect can be adjusted using the Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, and Hue sliders. The only downside is that the platform watermarks all photos you edit with it and you must purchase the PhotoCartoon software in order to remove it.

Want to create cartoons from photos with PhotoCartoon? Visit to get started.

5. Anymaking

This cartoon photo maker offers a basic set of photo editing options so that you can add frames around your pictures, crop, or resize your images and apply photo filters. Besides these tools, Anymaking also features an impressive collection of fun photo effects.

So, you just have to click on the Cartoon effect, and then proceed to upload a picture you want to turn into a cartoon. Once the picture is uploaded you can set the Color Level, Smoothness, and Edge Size values before clicking on the Apply Effect button. You can then save the cartoonized photo to your computer, but you should keep in mind that you must enable Flash in your browser in order to use the Anymaking online photo editor.

You can go to to add cartoon effect to photo to

6. Picture to People

Picture to People is much more than a simple photo to cartoon converter, as the platform features a photo editor, text customization tools, and a broad range of other photo editing options. You just have to upload a photo in order to start converting it. After the picture is uploaded you can adjust Color Improvement, Color Detail, Contour Style, and Contour Strength options.

In addition, you can choose whether or not you want to make a soft drawing. In case you do, you can adjust the Softness Level and Softness Extent values and then click on the Generate button. The platform will take a few moments to cartoonize your photo, but you can only download the photo to your computer since Picture to People doesn’t have social sharing options.

Go to\_effects/photo\_cartoon/photo\_cartoon.html to convert photos to cartoons with the Picture to People converter.


In addition to the Cartoon effect, the platform also features the Cartoons mode that cartoonizes photos automatically. Once you upload a picture from Facebook, your hard drive, or via an URL the platform will generate a preview where you can see how your cartoonized photo looks. Besides the Cartoon effect, this mode also offers the Face Morphing and Face Auto Crop options.

You should click on the Save and Share button if you like the result. However, fine-tuning the effect’s settings isn’t possible, so there isn’t much you can do if you didn’t like the results of cartoonization. Optionally you can open the photo you turned into a cartoon in the platform’s editor and add text layers, stickers or tweak the brightness and contrast values.

Visit to use the tool.

8. Prima Cartoonizer

All you need to do after you arrive at the Prima Cartoonizer’s home page is click on the Choose File button and the platform’s editor will launch as soon as the upload is completed. You can then start browsing through the huge collection of cartoon effects.

Once you find the effect you like you should click on it in order to apply it to your photo and then preview the results. Adjusting the effect’s settings is not possible, and some cartoon effects are only available on the desktop version of the app. Moreover, all photos you cartoonize on this platform are watermarked and you must install Prima Cartoonizer on your computer if you want to create watermark-free cartoons from your photos.

Want to convert photos to cartoons with Prima Cartoonizer, go to .


Online cartoon photo editors and converters are remarkably easy to use, and they enable you to turn any photo you take into an entertaining cartoon in just a few clicks. However, some of these online platforms watermark your pictures and don’t allow you to adjust the effect’s settings, which impact the quality of the final cartoonized photo.

Which websites for turning a photo into a cartoon are you going to choose? Leave a comment below and share your opinions with us.

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Cartooning a photo is a simple and yet effective way of enhancing a picture and making it more visually appealing. Besides adding an artistic touch to portraits you take, cartooning a photo can also be a great way to have fun with your friends because the results of picture cartooning can be as entertaining as visually striking.

Besides portraiture, this visual effect can be applied to virtually any other genre of photography, although the contents of the shoot usually determine how well the effect is going to work. What’s more, you don’t need a professional video editing software to cartoon a photo, since there are so many websites that let you apply this effect to your photos for free.

That’s why we selected some of the best websites for converting a photo into a cartoon.

10+ Best Online Cartoon Photo Makers

Making cartoons out of photos doesn’t have to be a difficult task that takes a lot of effort to complete. In fact, online cartoon photo makers are easy to use and they don’t require you to have a lot of photo editing experience.

We’ve selected some of the best online photo editors and photo converters that enable you to cartoon your photos in just a few clicks.

Part 1: Best Free Online Cartoon Photo Editors

You don’t have to purchase an expensive photo editing software if you want to cartoon your photos because there are so many different online photo editing platforms that allow you to apply this effect to your photos for free. Let’s take a closer look at what they have to offer.

2. BeFunky

Befunky is one of the best photo editors you can find online, which is why it is hardly surprising that it offers cartoonization effects. In fact, you can choose from five different cartoonization effects that are all equally impressive.

All of the cartoon effects Befunky has to offer are located in the Artsy menu, and you just have to click on Cartoonizer DLX, Cross Hatch DLX, Pop Art DLX, or Graphic Novel DLX effects in order to apply them to your photo. Furthermore, you can use the Erase mode if you don’t want to catoonize the entire photo or head over to the Adjust menu to specify the amount of the effect you’ll apply and increase or decrease the photo’s sharpness.

Go to and you can then turn your photos to cartoon easily in BeFunky.

3. Lunapic

This is yet another online photo editing platform that gives you access to a broad range of photo editing options for free. Even though a bit outdated, the Lunapic’s interface resembles Photoshop’s interface, so you won’t need much time to get used to it if you ever used Adobe’s iconic photo editing software.

Once you’ve uploaded a photo, you just have to go to the Effects menu and select the Cartoon option. Lunapic will then automatically apply the effect to the photo you uploaded and you just need to preview the image before you save it. The only downside is that you can’t adjust the effect’s settings in case you don’t like the results.

If you want to add cartoon effect to photo with this photo editor, you can go to .

4. wish2be cartoon photo editor

If you would like to turn yourself or your friends into a cartoon character , Wish2Be cartoon photo editor can be a fun option. The platform’s Free Caricature feature allows you to become a cartoon character in just three easy steps.

You start by customizing the background, selecting the body type, hairstyle, or adding different accessories, gadgets, or even weapons. Once you are done, you can proceed to upload a photo of the person you want to turn into a cartoon character. Optionally, you can add a text layer and adjust its position and size within the picture. If you like the caricature you created, you can buy a print or you can choose to share your design for free. The Pro Cartoonizer feature this platform offers is only available if you purchase one of the available subscription plans.

Here is the website for cartoon photos with Wish2Be.

5. SnapsTouch

This is a simple online photo editor that lets you turn your photos into sketches, paintings, or drawings. Choosing the Painting option is probably the easiest way to turn a photo into a cartoon, although this effect can also be achieved with the Pencil Sketch feature.

After you upload a photo you want to turn into a cartoon, you can choose between Painting 1 and Painting 2 options in order to determine the style of the cartoon you’re creating. In addition, you can decide if you want to include the outline in the painting as well as set the size of the brush and how many levels the final image should have. Click on the Paint button and wait for SnapsTouch to generate the cartoonized picture, and you can then proceed to download it to your computer.

To use this online photo editor to cartoon, go to .

Part 2: 8 Free Online Photo to Cartoon Converters That You Should Try

Converting a photo into a cartoon automates this process, which makes cartoon converters a great option for anyone who finds online photo editing apps difficult to use. Here are some of the best online photo to cartoon converters you can use for free.

1. KusoCartoon

You can cartoon a photo with the photo to cartoon converter even if you never went through this process before. All you need to do is upload the photo to the platform, pick the cartoon style you like and click on the Photo to Cartoon button.

The platform will automatically apply the effect to your photo and display the results after it cartoons the picture. If you are not satisfied with the results, you can change the cartoon style, reduce or increase the number of colors, and adjust the saturation and brightness values. In addition, the platform lets you decide if the lines in the picture are going to be thick or thin or how intense the shadows are going to be.

Convert a photo to cartoon with KusoCartoon: .


Cartoon is just one out of hundreds of effects the platform offers. In addition to cartooning a photo, you can also use this platform to retouch portraits, enhance photos automatically, or apply different types of visual effects.

You can upload a photo from your computer, your Facebook profile, or the cloud and the platform will cartoonize it as soon as the upload process is completed. In case you don’t like the results you can click on the Adjustments button and open the image in the’s editor to enhance its colors or apply stickers. However, all photos you cartooned with this photo to cartoon converter are going to be watermarked if you use its free version.

You can visit to turn photos to cartoons with


You can turn a photo into a cartoon in just a few moments with this platform. is going to apply a cartoon effect to a photo you upload automatically, but it also lets you choose from dozens of effects that make photos look like cartoons.

You just have to click on an effect you like in case you don’t like the effect the platform selected for you to apply it. However, you can’t fine-tune the effect’s settings, and some of your photos may not look perfect after you apply a cartoon effect to them. Besides cartooning photos, you can use this platform to perform basic photo editing actions like cropping or rotating, while the platform also offers powerful text tools that enable you to add text layers to photos you cartoon.

To cartoon a photo with, go to .

4. PhotoCartoon

Creating cartoons from photos with this platform is a fun process anyone can complete. You just have to upload a photo via URL or from your computer and then proceed to choose one of the available cartoon effects.

You can choose from effects like Cartoon, Toon Cloudy, or Watercolor, and you can just click on the one you like to apply it to your photo. In addition, you can also add text to each photo you cartoonize with the platform and choose a font or the size and color of the text. Moreover, each effect can be adjusted using the Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, and Hue sliders. The only downside is that the platform watermarks all photos you edit with it and you must purchase the PhotoCartoon software in order to remove it.

Want to create cartoons from photos with PhotoCartoon? Visit to get started.

5. Anymaking

This cartoon photo maker offers a basic set of photo editing options so that you can add frames around your pictures, crop, or resize your images and apply photo filters. Besides these tools, Anymaking also features an impressive collection of fun photo effects.

So, you just have to click on the Cartoon effect, and then proceed to upload a picture you want to turn into a cartoon. Once the picture is uploaded you can set the Color Level, Smoothness, and Edge Size values before clicking on the Apply Effect button. You can then save the cartoonized photo to your computer, but you should keep in mind that you must enable Flash in your browser in order to use the Anymaking online photo editor.

You can go to to add cartoon effect to photo to

6. Picture to People

Picture to People is much more than a simple photo to cartoon converter, as the platform features a photo editor, text customization tools, and a broad range of other photo editing options. You just have to upload a photo in order to start converting it. After the picture is uploaded you can adjust Color Improvement, Color Detail, Contour Style, and Contour Strength options.

In addition, you can choose whether or not you want to make a soft drawing. In case you do, you can adjust the Softness Level and Softness Extent values and then click on the Generate button. The platform will take a few moments to cartoonize your photo, but you can only download the photo to your computer since Picture to People doesn’t have social sharing options.

Go to\_effects/photo\_cartoon/photo\_cartoon.html to convert photos to cartoons with the Picture to People converter.


In addition to the Cartoon effect, the platform also features the Cartoons mode that cartoonizes photos automatically. Once you upload a picture from Facebook, your hard drive, or via an URL the platform will generate a preview where you can see how your cartoonized photo looks. Besides the Cartoon effect, this mode also offers the Face Morphing and Face Auto Crop options.

You should click on the Save and Share button if you like the result. However, fine-tuning the effect’s settings isn’t possible, so there isn’t much you can do if you didn’t like the results of cartoonization. Optionally you can open the photo you turned into a cartoon in the platform’s editor and add text layers, stickers or tweak the brightness and contrast values.

Visit to use the tool.

8. Prima Cartoonizer

All you need to do after you arrive at the Prima Cartoonizer’s home page is click on the Choose File button and the platform’s editor will launch as soon as the upload is completed. You can then start browsing through the huge collection of cartoon effects.

Once you find the effect you like you should click on it in order to apply it to your photo and then preview the results. Adjusting the effect’s settings is not possible, and some cartoon effects are only available on the desktop version of the app. Moreover, all photos you cartoonize on this platform are watermarked and you must install Prima Cartoonizer on your computer if you want to create watermark-free cartoons from your photos.

Want to convert photos to cartoons with Prima Cartoonizer, go to .


Online cartoon photo editors and converters are remarkably easy to use, and they enable you to turn any photo you take into an entertaining cartoon in just a few clicks. However, some of these online platforms watermark your pictures and don’t allow you to adjust the effect’s settings, which impact the quality of the final cartoonized photo.

Which websites for turning a photo into a cartoon are you going to choose? Leave a comment below and share your opinions with us.

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Cartooning a photo is a simple and yet effective way of enhancing a picture and making it more visually appealing. Besides adding an artistic touch to portraits you take, cartooning a photo can also be a great way to have fun with your friends because the results of picture cartooning can be as entertaining as visually striking.

Besides portraiture, this visual effect can be applied to virtually any other genre of photography, although the contents of the shoot usually determine how well the effect is going to work. What’s more, you don’t need a professional video editing software to cartoon a photo, since there are so many websites that let you apply this effect to your photos for free.

That’s why we selected some of the best websites for converting a photo into a cartoon.

10+ Best Online Cartoon Photo Makers

Making cartoons out of photos doesn’t have to be a difficult task that takes a lot of effort to complete. In fact, online cartoon photo makers are easy to use and they don’t require you to have a lot of photo editing experience.

We’ve selected some of the best online photo editors and photo converters that enable you to cartoon your photos in just a few clicks.

Part 1: Best Free Online Cartoon Photo Editors

You don’t have to purchase an expensive photo editing software if you want to cartoon your photos because there are so many different online photo editing platforms that allow you to apply this effect to your photos for free. Let’s take a closer look at what they have to offer.

2. BeFunky

Befunky is one of the best photo editors you can find online, which is why it is hardly surprising that it offers cartoonization effects. In fact, you can choose from five different cartoonization effects that are all equally impressive.

All of the cartoon effects Befunky has to offer are located in the Artsy menu, and you just have to click on Cartoonizer DLX, Cross Hatch DLX, Pop Art DLX, or Graphic Novel DLX effects in order to apply them to your photo. Furthermore, you can use the Erase mode if you don’t want to catoonize the entire photo or head over to the Adjust menu to specify the amount of the effect you’ll apply and increase or decrease the photo’s sharpness.

Go to and you can then turn your photos to cartoon easily in BeFunky.

3. Lunapic

This is yet another online photo editing platform that gives you access to a broad range of photo editing options for free. Even though a bit outdated, the Lunapic’s interface resembles Photoshop’s interface, so you won’t need much time to get used to it if you ever used Adobe’s iconic photo editing software.

Once you’ve uploaded a photo, you just have to go to the Effects menu and select the Cartoon option. Lunapic will then automatically apply the effect to the photo you uploaded and you just need to preview the image before you save it. The only downside is that you can’t adjust the effect’s settings in case you don’t like the results.

If you want to add cartoon effect to photo with this photo editor, you can go to .

4. wish2be cartoon photo editor

If you would like to turn yourself or your friends into a cartoon character , Wish2Be cartoon photo editor can be a fun option. The platform’s Free Caricature feature allows you to become a cartoon character in just three easy steps.

You start by customizing the background, selecting the body type, hairstyle, or adding different accessories, gadgets, or even weapons. Once you are done, you can proceed to upload a photo of the person you want to turn into a cartoon character. Optionally, you can add a text layer and adjust its position and size within the picture. If you like the caricature you created, you can buy a print or you can choose to share your design for free. The Pro Cartoonizer feature this platform offers is only available if you purchase one of the available subscription plans.

Here is the website for cartoon photos with Wish2Be.

5. SnapsTouch

This is a simple online photo editor that lets you turn your photos into sketches, paintings, or drawings. Choosing the Painting option is probably the easiest way to turn a photo into a cartoon, although this effect can also be achieved with the Pencil Sketch feature.

After you upload a photo you want to turn into a cartoon, you can choose between Painting 1 and Painting 2 options in order to determine the style of the cartoon you’re creating. In addition, you can decide if you want to include the outline in the painting as well as set the size of the brush and how many levels the final image should have. Click on the Paint button and wait for SnapsTouch to generate the cartoonized picture, and you can then proceed to download it to your computer.

To use this online photo editor to cartoon, go to .

Part 2: 8 Free Online Photo to Cartoon Converters That You Should Try

Converting a photo into a cartoon automates this process, which makes cartoon converters a great option for anyone who finds online photo editing apps difficult to use. Here are some of the best online photo to cartoon converters you can use for free.

1. KusoCartoon

You can cartoon a photo with the photo to cartoon converter even if you never went through this process before. All you need to do is upload the photo to the platform, pick the cartoon style you like and click on the Photo to Cartoon button.

The platform will automatically apply the effect to your photo and display the results after it cartoons the picture. If you are not satisfied with the results, you can change the cartoon style, reduce or increase the number of colors, and adjust the saturation and brightness values. In addition, the platform lets you decide if the lines in the picture are going to be thick or thin or how intense the shadows are going to be.

Convert a photo to cartoon with KusoCartoon: .


Cartoon is just one out of hundreds of effects the platform offers. In addition to cartooning a photo, you can also use this platform to retouch portraits, enhance photos automatically, or apply different types of visual effects.

You can upload a photo from your computer, your Facebook profile, or the cloud and the platform will cartoonize it as soon as the upload process is completed. In case you don’t like the results you can click on the Adjustments button and open the image in the’s editor to enhance its colors or apply stickers. However, all photos you cartooned with this photo to cartoon converter are going to be watermarked if you use its free version.

You can visit to turn photos to cartoons with


You can turn a photo into a cartoon in just a few moments with this platform. is going to apply a cartoon effect to a photo you upload automatically, but it also lets you choose from dozens of effects that make photos look like cartoons.

You just have to click on an effect you like in case you don’t like the effect the platform selected for you to apply it. However, you can’t fine-tune the effect’s settings, and some of your photos may not look perfect after you apply a cartoon effect to them. Besides cartooning photos, you can use this platform to perform basic photo editing actions like cropping or rotating, while the platform also offers powerful text tools that enable you to add text layers to photos you cartoon.

To cartoon a photo with, go to .

4. PhotoCartoon

Creating cartoons from photos with this platform is a fun process anyone can complete. You just have to upload a photo via URL or from your computer and then proceed to choose one of the available cartoon effects.

You can choose from effects like Cartoon, Toon Cloudy, or Watercolor, and you can just click on the one you like to apply it to your photo. In addition, you can also add text to each photo you cartoonize with the platform and choose a font or the size and color of the text. Moreover, each effect can be adjusted using the Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, and Hue sliders. The only downside is that the platform watermarks all photos you edit with it and you must purchase the PhotoCartoon software in order to remove it.

Want to create cartoons from photos with PhotoCartoon? Visit to get started.

5. Anymaking

This cartoon photo maker offers a basic set of photo editing options so that you can add frames around your pictures, crop, or resize your images and apply photo filters. Besides these tools, Anymaking also features an impressive collection of fun photo effects.

So, you just have to click on the Cartoon effect, and then proceed to upload a picture you want to turn into a cartoon. Once the picture is uploaded you can set the Color Level, Smoothness, and Edge Size values before clicking on the Apply Effect button. You can then save the cartoonized photo to your computer, but you should keep in mind that you must enable Flash in your browser in order to use the Anymaking online photo editor.

You can go to to add cartoon effect to photo to

6. Picture to People

Picture to People is much more than a simple photo to cartoon converter, as the platform features a photo editor, text customization tools, and a broad range of other photo editing options. You just have to upload a photo in order to start converting it. After the picture is uploaded you can adjust Color Improvement, Color Detail, Contour Style, and Contour Strength options.

In addition, you can choose whether or not you want to make a soft drawing. In case you do, you can adjust the Softness Level and Softness Extent values and then click on the Generate button. The platform will take a few moments to cartoonize your photo, but you can only download the photo to your computer since Picture to People doesn’t have social sharing options.

Go to\_effects/photo\_cartoon/photo\_cartoon.html to convert photos to cartoons with the Picture to People converter.


In addition to the Cartoon effect, the platform also features the Cartoons mode that cartoonizes photos automatically. Once you upload a picture from Facebook, your hard drive, or via an URL the platform will generate a preview where you can see how your cartoonized photo looks. Besides the Cartoon effect, this mode also offers the Face Morphing and Face Auto Crop options.

You should click on the Save and Share button if you like the result. However, fine-tuning the effect’s settings isn’t possible, so there isn’t much you can do if you didn’t like the results of cartoonization. Optionally you can open the photo you turned into a cartoon in the platform’s editor and add text layers, stickers or tweak the brightness and contrast values.

Visit to use the tool.

8. Prima Cartoonizer

All you need to do after you arrive at the Prima Cartoonizer’s home page is click on the Choose File button and the platform’s editor will launch as soon as the upload is completed. You can then start browsing through the huge collection of cartoon effects.

Once you find the effect you like you should click on it in order to apply it to your photo and then preview the results. Adjusting the effect’s settings is not possible, and some cartoon effects are only available on the desktop version of the app. Moreover, all photos you cartoonize on this platform are watermarked and you must install Prima Cartoonizer on your computer if you want to create watermark-free cartoons from your photos.

Want to convert photos to cartoons with Prima Cartoonizer, go to .


Online cartoon photo editors and converters are remarkably easy to use, and they enable you to turn any photo you take into an entertaining cartoon in just a few clicks. However, some of these online platforms watermark your pictures and don’t allow you to adjust the effect’s settings, which impact the quality of the final cartoonized photo.

Which websites for turning a photo into a cartoon are you going to choose? Leave a comment below and share your opinions with us.

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Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Cartooning a photo is a simple and yet effective way of enhancing a picture and making it more visually appealing. Besides adding an artistic touch to portraits you take, cartooning a photo can also be a great way to have fun with your friends because the results of picture cartooning can be as entertaining as visually striking.

Besides portraiture, this visual effect can be applied to virtually any other genre of photography, although the contents of the shoot usually determine how well the effect is going to work. What’s more, you don’t need a professional video editing software to cartoon a photo, since there are so many websites that let you apply this effect to your photos for free.

That’s why we selected some of the best websites for converting a photo into a cartoon.

10+ Best Online Cartoon Photo Makers

Making cartoons out of photos doesn’t have to be a difficult task that takes a lot of effort to complete. In fact, online cartoon photo makers are easy to use and they don’t require you to have a lot of photo editing experience.

We’ve selected some of the best online photo editors and photo converters that enable you to cartoon your photos in just a few clicks.

Part 1: Best Free Online Cartoon Photo Editors

You don’t have to purchase an expensive photo editing software if you want to cartoon your photos because there are so many different online photo editing platforms that allow you to apply this effect to your photos for free. Let’s take a closer look at what they have to offer.

2. BeFunky

Befunky is one of the best photo editors you can find online, which is why it is hardly surprising that it offers cartoonization effects. In fact, you can choose from five different cartoonization effects that are all equally impressive.

All of the cartoon effects Befunky has to offer are located in the Artsy menu, and you just have to click on Cartoonizer DLX, Cross Hatch DLX, Pop Art DLX, or Graphic Novel DLX effects in order to apply them to your photo. Furthermore, you can use the Erase mode if you don’t want to catoonize the entire photo or head over to the Adjust menu to specify the amount of the effect you’ll apply and increase or decrease the photo’s sharpness.

Go to and you can then turn your photos to cartoon easily in BeFunky.

3. Lunapic

This is yet another online photo editing platform that gives you access to a broad range of photo editing options for free. Even though a bit outdated, the Lunapic’s interface resembles Photoshop’s interface, so you won’t need much time to get used to it if you ever used Adobe’s iconic photo editing software.

Once you’ve uploaded a photo, you just have to go to the Effects menu and select the Cartoon option. Lunapic will then automatically apply the effect to the photo you uploaded and you just need to preview the image before you save it. The only downside is that you can’t adjust the effect’s settings in case you don’t like the results.

If you want to add cartoon effect to photo with this photo editor, you can go to .

4. wish2be cartoon photo editor

If you would like to turn yourself or your friends into a cartoon character , Wish2Be cartoon photo editor can be a fun option. The platform’s Free Caricature feature allows you to become a cartoon character in just three easy steps.

You start by customizing the background, selecting the body type, hairstyle, or adding different accessories, gadgets, or even weapons. Once you are done, you can proceed to upload a photo of the person you want to turn into a cartoon character. Optionally, you can add a text layer and adjust its position and size within the picture. If you like the caricature you created, you can buy a print or you can choose to share your design for free. The Pro Cartoonizer feature this platform offers is only available if you purchase one of the available subscription plans.

Here is the website for cartoon photos with Wish2Be.

5. SnapsTouch

This is a simple online photo editor that lets you turn your photos into sketches, paintings, or drawings. Choosing the Painting option is probably the easiest way to turn a photo into a cartoon, although this effect can also be achieved with the Pencil Sketch feature.

After you upload a photo you want to turn into a cartoon, you can choose between Painting 1 and Painting 2 options in order to determine the style of the cartoon you’re creating. In addition, you can decide if you want to include the outline in the painting as well as set the size of the brush and how many levels the final image should have. Click on the Paint button and wait for SnapsTouch to generate the cartoonized picture, and you can then proceed to download it to your computer.

To use this online photo editor to cartoon, go to .

Part 2: 8 Free Online Photo to Cartoon Converters That You Should Try

Converting a photo into a cartoon automates this process, which makes cartoon converters a great option for anyone who finds online photo editing apps difficult to use. Here are some of the best online photo to cartoon converters you can use for free.

1. KusoCartoon

You can cartoon a photo with the photo to cartoon converter even if you never went through this process before. All you need to do is upload the photo to the platform, pick the cartoon style you like and click on the Photo to Cartoon button.

The platform will automatically apply the effect to your photo and display the results after it cartoons the picture. If you are not satisfied with the results, you can change the cartoon style, reduce or increase the number of colors, and adjust the saturation and brightness values. In addition, the platform lets you decide if the lines in the picture are going to be thick or thin or how intense the shadows are going to be.

Convert a photo to cartoon with KusoCartoon: .


Cartoon is just one out of hundreds of effects the platform offers. In addition to cartooning a photo, you can also use this platform to retouch portraits, enhance photos automatically, or apply different types of visual effects.

You can upload a photo from your computer, your Facebook profile, or the cloud and the platform will cartoonize it as soon as the upload process is completed. In case you don’t like the results you can click on the Adjustments button and open the image in the’s editor to enhance its colors or apply stickers. However, all photos you cartooned with this photo to cartoon converter are going to be watermarked if you use its free version.

You can visit to turn photos to cartoons with


You can turn a photo into a cartoon in just a few moments with this platform. is going to apply a cartoon effect to a photo you upload automatically, but it also lets you choose from dozens of effects that make photos look like cartoons.

You just have to click on an effect you like in case you don’t like the effect the platform selected for you to apply it. However, you can’t fine-tune the effect’s settings, and some of your photos may not look perfect after you apply a cartoon effect to them. Besides cartooning photos, you can use this platform to perform basic photo editing actions like cropping or rotating, while the platform also offers powerful text tools that enable you to add text layers to photos you cartoon.

To cartoon a photo with, go to .

4. PhotoCartoon

Creating cartoons from photos with this platform is a fun process anyone can complete. You just have to upload a photo via URL or from your computer and then proceed to choose one of the available cartoon effects.

You can choose from effects like Cartoon, Toon Cloudy, or Watercolor, and you can just click on the one you like to apply it to your photo. In addition, you can also add text to each photo you cartoonize with the platform and choose a font or the size and color of the text. Moreover, each effect can be adjusted using the Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, and Hue sliders. The only downside is that the platform watermarks all photos you edit with it and you must purchase the PhotoCartoon software in order to remove it.

Want to create cartoons from photos with PhotoCartoon? Visit to get started.

5. Anymaking

This cartoon photo maker offers a basic set of photo editing options so that you can add frames around your pictures, crop, or resize your images and apply photo filters. Besides these tools, Anymaking also features an impressive collection of fun photo effects.

So, you just have to click on the Cartoon effect, and then proceed to upload a picture you want to turn into a cartoon. Once the picture is uploaded you can set the Color Level, Smoothness, and Edge Size values before clicking on the Apply Effect button. You can then save the cartoonized photo to your computer, but you should keep in mind that you must enable Flash in your browser in order to use the Anymaking online photo editor.

You can go to to add cartoon effect to photo to

6. Picture to People

Picture to People is much more than a simple photo to cartoon converter, as the platform features a photo editor, text customization tools, and a broad range of other photo editing options. You just have to upload a photo in order to start converting it. After the picture is uploaded you can adjust Color Improvement, Color Detail, Contour Style, and Contour Strength options.

In addition, you can choose whether or not you want to make a soft drawing. In case you do, you can adjust the Softness Level and Softness Extent values and then click on the Generate button. The platform will take a few moments to cartoonize your photo, but you can only download the photo to your computer since Picture to People doesn’t have social sharing options.

Go to\_effects/photo\_cartoon/photo\_cartoon.html to convert photos to cartoons with the Picture to People converter.


In addition to the Cartoon effect, the platform also features the Cartoons mode that cartoonizes photos automatically. Once you upload a picture from Facebook, your hard drive, or via an URL the platform will generate a preview where you can see how your cartoonized photo looks. Besides the Cartoon effect, this mode also offers the Face Morphing and Face Auto Crop options.

You should click on the Save and Share button if you like the result. However, fine-tuning the effect’s settings isn’t possible, so there isn’t much you can do if you didn’t like the results of cartoonization. Optionally you can open the photo you turned into a cartoon in the platform’s editor and add text layers, stickers or tweak the brightness and contrast values.

Visit to use the tool.

8. Prima Cartoonizer

All you need to do after you arrive at the Prima Cartoonizer’s home page is click on the Choose File button and the platform’s editor will launch as soon as the upload is completed. You can then start browsing through the huge collection of cartoon effects.

Once you find the effect you like you should click on it in order to apply it to your photo and then preview the results. Adjusting the effect’s settings is not possible, and some cartoon effects are only available on the desktop version of the app. Moreover, all photos you cartoonize on this platform are watermarked and you must install Prima Cartoonizer on your computer if you want to create watermark-free cartoons from your photos.

Want to convert photos to cartoons with Prima Cartoonizer, go to .


Online cartoon photo editors and converters are remarkably easy to use, and they enable you to turn any photo you take into an entertaining cartoon in just a few clicks. However, some of these online platforms watermark your pictures and don’t allow you to adjust the effect’s settings, which impact the quality of the final cartoonized photo.

Which websites for turning a photo into a cartoon are you going to choose? Leave a comment below and share your opinions with us.

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Video Ratio Made Simple: A Beginner’s Guide to Resizing

How to Change Ratio of Video in a Quick & Easy Way

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

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It is important that how your video appears on the screen and for this aspect ratio is one of the most important factors. Several times, when your video appears awkward or cropped on a certain site or a device, it means that its aspect ratio is not correct and the best solution here is to change the aspect ratio. Using related software and programs this task can be done easily.

The article will throw more light on these tools that can change ratio of video.

In this article

01 [What is Aspect Ratio and Why Does It Matter?](#Part 1)

02 [Difference Between Aspect Ratio and Resolution](#Part 2)

Part 1 What is Aspect Ratio and Why Does It Matter?

Aspect ratio is the relationship between the width and the height of the video and it defines how your video will appear on the screen. The right aspect ratio is important to offer a pleasing viewing experience. With multiple social media sites supporting different aspect ratios, the need for changing them accordingly arises quite often.

The marketing, business, and all other activities have taken an online route and with this, the video content on several social media sites for promotion has also increased. So, if you upload a video with a certain aspect ratio on a different platform, they will look weird with cropped portions, black borders, and other issues that will lead to a negative viewing experience and impact.

Though there is no fixed or standard aspect ratio that can be considered as the best as different values are suitable for different platforms and sites. Some of the commonly used aspect ratios are as below.

16:9- This is one of the most widely used aspect ratios and appears in the form of a wide rectangle. The majority of the video players as well as capturing devices use this aspect ratio as their default settings. The best resolution that can be used with this aspect ratio is 3840 X 2160 pixels.

1:1- Originally this aspect ratio was used for square TV sets but now it is majorly used for the videos on Instagram and Facebook. A lot of cameras also support this setting.

9:16- The setting for this aspect ratio has become popular after the increased use of smartphones. Used for the tall videos, the setting can be seen in the videos posted as an Instagram story, Snapchat, and Facebook.

21:9 – This setting of the aspect ratio is used for cinematic widescreen or videos with the anamorphic format. The use of this aspect ratio is very particular and videos supporting this setting generally can be seen in theme parks, special theatres, and museums.

Regarding social media sites, below listed are the popularly used aspect ratio.

Square (1:1) – Used for Facebook and Instagram feed videos.

Vertical (9:16) – Best for Instagram story videos and snaps

Horizontal (16:9) – Used for (9:16 YouTube videos

Landscape (5:4) – Apt for landscape videos on Facebook and Twitter.

Portrait (4:5) – Used for the portrait videos to be posted on Twitter and Facebook.

For the Facebook cover video, 21:9 is the recommended aspect ratio.

Commonly Used Aspect Ratio

Part 2 Difference Between Aspect Ratio and Resolution

Aspect ratio and resolution are interrelated and go hand-in-hand. For a certain aspect ratio, there is several counterparts’ resolution that can be used. While the aspect ratio defines the width and the height relationship, the resolution is the number of pixels on the screen.

To obtain the resolution of a video, you will multiply the height by the width while for the aspect ratio, width is divided by the height. When the height is multiplied by its width times, the results you get represent the square pixels of your screen and this number dented the quality of the video. The higher the pixels, the higher will be the video quality.

5 Quick Ways to Change Video Aspect Ratio on Windows and Mac

To make your videos suitable for different platforms and sites, you would need to change the aspect ratio, and to get this task done there are several windows and Mac-based tools available. Listed below are the top ones that will let process the videos quickly.

VideoProc Converter

This is a Windows and Mac-based full-featured software that allows performing multiple tasks like changing the aspect ratio, editing videos, converting files, and more. Using the program, you can easily change the aspect ratio without any quality loss and without adding any black bars or video stretching. Further video customization as needed can also be done using the tool.

Steps to change the aspect ratio

Step 1. Download, install, and run the software on your system and select the Video option.

Step 2. To add the video, click on the + Video button. Next, choose the target format for the video.

Step 3. Next to change the aspect ratio of the video you can either resize the video or can crop it. While resizing the video, you will need to change the resolution from the Codec section. Alternatively, you can also use the Crop toolbar for selecting the desired aspect ratio from the supported options.

Step 4. Finally, choose the output folder and then click on the RUN button to start the file processing.

VideoProc Converter

AnyMP4 Video Converter Ultimate

This is a widely used video editing tool that supports multiple functions and features for video customization. Using this program on your Windows and Mac system you can change the aspect ratio of the videos using the pre-set options or manually. All popular video formats are supported by the software and the files are processed in lossless quality.

Steps to change the aspect ratio

Step 1. Run the installed software and add the video by clicking on the +Add Files button.

Step 2. Click on the Edit icon and a pop-up editing window will open. Go to the Crop section and expand the drop-down list at the Aspect Ratio. Choose the desired option. You can also change the aspect ratio manually by moving the crop box. Click on the OK button when selected.

Step 3. Next, choose the output folder, target format, and then finally click on the Convert All button to start the processing.

AnyMP4 Video Converter Ultimate


This is among the early transcoding tools and is known for its support of rich features for video customization. Several video parameters including aspect ratio can be adjusted using the tool and it also supports functions like conversion, disc ripping, video enhancement, and more. A wide range of formats for processing is supported by the software that is available for the Windows system.

Step to change the aspect ratio

Step 1. Launch the software and add the desired video from the File tab.

Step 2. After the video is added, choose the Picture tab at the bottom menu.

Step 3. At the Aspect Ratio section, pull the menu and choose from the available options. Other parameters can also be changed as needed.

Step 4. Choose the output folder and start processing the file.



To change the aspect ratio of a video on your Mac systems without installing any third-party software, iMovie works as the best tool. Using the program, you can even do basic editing simply and quickly. You can resize the videos in iMovie by simply cropping or exporting them using pre-set aspect ratio options.

Steps for iMovie aspect ratio change

Step 1. Open the iMovie on your system and tap on the Create New button at the top-left corner.

Step 2. Choose the Movie option from the drop-down menu.

Step 3. To add the video, click on the Import Media button and then tap on the Crop icon present on the top toolbar.

Step 4. Move the edges of the video and when done tap on the blue-tick icon present at the top-right corner.

Step 5. Next, click on the Share icon at the top-right corner and then the video can be saved to the desired location.


Using iMovie you can also change aspect ratio iphone video.

Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is an excellent Windows and Mac-based software for changing the aspect ratio of your videos and editing it using a variety of functions. The files can be processed in lossless quality using the tool and the interface is also user-friendly. There are multiple ways by which you can change the aspect ratio using the software and these include - changing it from the starting interface, under project settings, while editing, while exporting, and with the Auto reframe option.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

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The simplest of all ways is by changing the video aspect ratio from the starting interface and the steps for the same are enlisted below.

Step 1. Launch the installed software on your system.

Step 2. At the starting interface, you can choose the desired aspect ratio from the available options – 16:9, 4:3, 1:1, and 9:16.

Step 3. After the selection is done, you can add the video by clicking on the New Project and then edit the file as required using several features.

The above steps can be used to change aspect ratio MP4 as well as all other popular formats.

Step 4. After the video settings are done you can process it and save it at the desired location.

To edit the aspect ratio using other ways, you can check out the detailshere .

Wondershare Filmora

Key Takeaways from This Episode

Aspect ratio defines how a video will appear on a different screen, social media sites, and platforms.

To use the same video on multiple platforms, you need to change its aspect ratio and for this, good software is needed.

An array of aspect ratio changer tools for Windows and Mac are available. Wondershare Filmora is one such feature-packed tool that can process your files in lossless quality with added features.

Try It Free Try It Free

It is important that how your video appears on the screen and for this aspect ratio is one of the most important factors. Several times, when your video appears awkward or cropped on a certain site or a device, it means that its aspect ratio is not correct and the best solution here is to change the aspect ratio. Using related software and programs this task can be done easily.

The article will throw more light on these tools that can change ratio of video.

In this article

01 [What is Aspect Ratio and Why Does It Matter?](#Part 1)

02 [Difference Between Aspect Ratio and Resolution](#Part 2)

Part 1 What is Aspect Ratio and Why Does It Matter?

Aspect ratio is the relationship between the width and the height of the video and it defines how your video will appear on the screen. The right aspect ratio is important to offer a pleasing viewing experience. With multiple social media sites supporting different aspect ratios, the need for changing them accordingly arises quite often.

The marketing, business, and all other activities have taken an online route and with this, the video content on several social media sites for promotion has also increased. So, if you upload a video with a certain aspect ratio on a different platform, they will look weird with cropped portions, black borders, and other issues that will lead to a negative viewing experience and impact.

Though there is no fixed or standard aspect ratio that can be considered as the best as different values are suitable for different platforms and sites. Some of the commonly used aspect ratios are as below.

16:9- This is one of the most widely used aspect ratios and appears in the form of a wide rectangle. The majority of the video players as well as capturing devices use this aspect ratio as their default settings. The best resolution that can be used with this aspect ratio is 3840 X 2160 pixels.

1:1- Originally this aspect ratio was used for square TV sets but now it is majorly used for the videos on Instagram and Facebook. A lot of cameras also support this setting.

9:16- The setting for this aspect ratio has become popular after the increased use of smartphones. Used for the tall videos, the setting can be seen in the videos posted as an Instagram story, Snapchat, and Facebook.

21:9 – This setting of the aspect ratio is used for cinematic widescreen or videos with the anamorphic format. The use of this aspect ratio is very particular and videos supporting this setting generally can be seen in theme parks, special theatres, and museums.

Regarding social media sites, below listed are the popularly used aspect ratio.

Square (1:1) – Used for Facebook and Instagram feed videos.

Vertical (9:16) – Best for Instagram story videos and snaps

Horizontal (16:9) – Used for (9:16 YouTube videos

Landscape (5:4) – Apt for landscape videos on Facebook and Twitter.

Portrait (4:5) – Used for the portrait videos to be posted on Twitter and Facebook.

For the Facebook cover video, 21:9 is the recommended aspect ratio.

Commonly Used Aspect Ratio

Part 2 Difference Between Aspect Ratio and Resolution

Aspect ratio and resolution are interrelated and go hand-in-hand. For a certain aspect ratio, there is several counterparts’ resolution that can be used. While the aspect ratio defines the width and the height relationship, the resolution is the number of pixels on the screen.

To obtain the resolution of a video, you will multiply the height by the width while for the aspect ratio, width is divided by the height. When the height is multiplied by its width times, the results you get represent the square pixels of your screen and this number dented the quality of the video. The higher the pixels, the higher will be the video quality.

5 Quick Ways to Change Video Aspect Ratio on Windows and Mac

To make your videos suitable for different platforms and sites, you would need to change the aspect ratio, and to get this task done there are several windows and Mac-based tools available. Listed below are the top ones that will let process the videos quickly.

VideoProc Converter

This is a Windows and Mac-based full-featured software that allows performing multiple tasks like changing the aspect ratio, editing videos, converting files, and more. Using the program, you can easily change the aspect ratio without any quality loss and without adding any black bars or video stretching. Further video customization as needed can also be done using the tool.

Steps to change the aspect ratio

Step 1. Download, install, and run the software on your system and select the Video option.

Step 2. To add the video, click on the + Video button. Next, choose the target format for the video.

Step 3. Next to change the aspect ratio of the video you can either resize the video or can crop it. While resizing the video, you will need to change the resolution from the Codec section. Alternatively, you can also use the Crop toolbar for selecting the desired aspect ratio from the supported options.

Step 4. Finally, choose the output folder and then click on the RUN button to start the file processing.

VideoProc Converter

AnyMP4 Video Converter Ultimate

This is a widely used video editing tool that supports multiple functions and features for video customization. Using this program on your Windows and Mac system you can change the aspect ratio of the videos using the pre-set options or manually. All popular video formats are supported by the software and the files are processed in lossless quality.

Steps to change the aspect ratio

Step 1. Run the installed software and add the video by clicking on the +Add Files button.

Step 2. Click on the Edit icon and a pop-up editing window will open. Go to the Crop section and expand the drop-down list at the Aspect Ratio. Choose the desired option. You can also change the aspect ratio manually by moving the crop box. Click on the OK button when selected.

Step 3. Next, choose the output folder, target format, and then finally click on the Convert All button to start the processing.

AnyMP4 Video Converter Ultimate


This is among the early transcoding tools and is known for its support of rich features for video customization. Several video parameters including aspect ratio can be adjusted using the tool and it also supports functions like conversion, disc ripping, video enhancement, and more. A wide range of formats for processing is supported by the software that is available for the Windows system.

Step to change the aspect ratio

Step 1. Launch the software and add the desired video from the File tab.

Step 2. After the video is added, choose the Picture tab at the bottom menu.

Step 3. At the Aspect Ratio section, pull the menu and choose from the available options. Other parameters can also be changed as needed.

Step 4. Choose the output folder and start processing the file.



To change the aspect ratio of a video on your Mac systems without installing any third-party software, iMovie works as the best tool. Using the program, you can even do basic editing simply and quickly. You can resize the videos in iMovie by simply cropping or exporting them using pre-set aspect ratio options.

Steps for iMovie aspect ratio change

Step 1. Open the iMovie on your system and tap on the Create New button at the top-left corner.

Step 2. Choose the Movie option from the drop-down menu.

Step 3. To add the video, click on the Import Media button and then tap on the Crop icon present on the top toolbar.

Step 4. Move the edges of the video and when done tap on the blue-tick icon present at the top-right corner.

Step 5. Next, click on the Share icon at the top-right corner and then the video can be saved to the desired location.


Using iMovie you can also change aspect ratio iphone video.

Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is an excellent Windows and Mac-based software for changing the aspect ratio of your videos and editing it using a variety of functions. The files can be processed in lossless quality using the tool and the interface is also user-friendly. There are multiple ways by which you can change the aspect ratio using the software and these include - changing it from the starting interface, under project settings, while editing, while exporting, and with the Auto reframe option.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


The simplest of all ways is by changing the video aspect ratio from the starting interface and the steps for the same are enlisted below.

Step 1. Launch the installed software on your system.

Step 2. At the starting interface, you can choose the desired aspect ratio from the available options – 16:9, 4:3, 1:1, and 9:16.

Step 3. After the selection is done, you can add the video by clicking on the New Project and then edit the file as required using several features.

The above steps can be used to change aspect ratio MP4 as well as all other popular formats.

Step 4. After the video settings are done you can process it and save it at the desired location.

To edit the aspect ratio using other ways, you can check out the detailshere .

Wondershare Filmora

Key Takeaways from This Episode

Aspect ratio defines how a video will appear on a different screen, social media sites, and platforms.

To use the same video on multiple platforms, you need to change its aspect ratio and for this, good software is needed.

An array of aspect ratio changer tools for Windows and Mac are available. Wondershare Filmora is one such feature-packed tool that can process your files in lossless quality with added features.

Try It Free Try It Free

It is important that how your video appears on the screen and for this aspect ratio is one of the most important factors. Several times, when your video appears awkward or cropped on a certain site or a device, it means that its aspect ratio is not correct and the best solution here is to change the aspect ratio. Using related software and programs this task can be done easily.

The article will throw more light on these tools that can change ratio of video.

In this article

01 [What is Aspect Ratio and Why Does It Matter?](#Part 1)

02 [Difference Between Aspect Ratio and Resolution](#Part 2)

Part 1 What is Aspect Ratio and Why Does It Matter?

Aspect ratio is the relationship between the width and the height of the video and it defines how your video will appear on the screen. The right aspect ratio is important to offer a pleasing viewing experience. With multiple social media sites supporting different aspect ratios, the need for changing them accordingly arises quite often.

The marketing, business, and all other activities have taken an online route and with this, the video content on several social media sites for promotion has also increased. So, if you upload a video with a certain aspect ratio on a different platform, they will look weird with cropped portions, black borders, and other issues that will lead to a negative viewing experience and impact.

Though there is no fixed or standard aspect ratio that can be considered as the best as different values are suitable for different platforms and sites. Some of the commonly used aspect ratios are as below.

16:9- This is one of the most widely used aspect ratios and appears in the form of a wide rectangle. The majority of the video players as well as capturing devices use this aspect ratio as their default settings. The best resolution that can be used with this aspect ratio is 3840 X 2160 pixels.

1:1- Originally this aspect ratio was used for square TV sets but now it is majorly used for the videos on Instagram and Facebook. A lot of cameras also support this setting.

9:16- The setting for this aspect ratio has become popular after the increased use of smartphones. Used for the tall videos, the setting can be seen in the videos posted as an Instagram story, Snapchat, and Facebook.

21:9 – This setting of the aspect ratio is used for cinematic widescreen or videos with the anamorphic format. The use of this aspect ratio is very particular and videos supporting this setting generally can be seen in theme parks, special theatres, and museums.

Regarding social media sites, below listed are the popularly used aspect ratio.

Square (1:1) – Used for Facebook and Instagram feed videos.

Vertical (9:16) – Best for Instagram story videos and snaps

Horizontal (16:9) – Used for (9:16 YouTube videos

Landscape (5:4) – Apt for landscape videos on Facebook and Twitter.

Portrait (4:5) – Used for the portrait videos to be posted on Twitter and Facebook.

For the Facebook cover video, 21:9 is the recommended aspect ratio.

Commonly Used Aspect Ratio

Part 2 Difference Between Aspect Ratio and Resolution

Aspect ratio and resolution are interrelated and go hand-in-hand. For a certain aspect ratio, there is several counterparts’ resolution that can be used. While the aspect ratio defines the width and the height relationship, the resolution is the number of pixels on the screen.

To obtain the resolution of a video, you will multiply the height by the width while for the aspect ratio, width is divided by the height. When the height is multiplied by its width times, the results you get represent the square pixels of your screen and this number dented the quality of the video. The higher the pixels, the higher will be the video quality.

5 Quick Ways to Change Video Aspect Ratio on Windows and Mac

To make your videos suitable for different platforms and sites, you would need to change the aspect ratio, and to get this task done there are several windows and Mac-based tools available. Listed below are the top ones that will let process the videos quickly.

VideoProc Converter

This is a Windows and Mac-based full-featured software that allows performing multiple tasks like changing the aspect ratio, editing videos, converting files, and more. Using the program, you can easily change the aspect ratio without any quality loss and without adding any black bars or video stretching. Further video customization as needed can also be done using the tool.

Steps to change the aspect ratio

Step 1. Download, install, and run the software on your system and select the Video option.

Step 2. To add the video, click on the + Video button. Next, choose the target format for the video.

Step 3. Next to change the aspect ratio of the video you can either resize the video or can crop it. While resizing the video, you will need to change the resolution from the Codec section. Alternatively, you can also use the Crop toolbar for selecting the desired aspect ratio from the supported options.

Step 4. Finally, choose the output folder and then click on the RUN button to start the file processing.

VideoProc Converter

AnyMP4 Video Converter Ultimate

This is a widely used video editing tool that supports multiple functions and features for video customization. Using this program on your Windows and Mac system you can change the aspect ratio of the videos using the pre-set options or manually. All popular video formats are supported by the software and the files are processed in lossless quality.

Steps to change the aspect ratio

Step 1. Run the installed software and add the video by clicking on the +Add Files button.

Step 2. Click on the Edit icon and a pop-up editing window will open. Go to the Crop section and expand the drop-down list at the Aspect Ratio. Choose the desired option. You can also change the aspect ratio manually by moving the crop box. Click on the OK button when selected.

Step 3. Next, choose the output folder, target format, and then finally click on the Convert All button to start the processing.

AnyMP4 Video Converter Ultimate


This is among the early transcoding tools and is known for its support of rich features for video customization. Several video parameters including aspect ratio can be adjusted using the tool and it also supports functions like conversion, disc ripping, video enhancement, and more. A wide range of formats for processing is supported by the software that is available for the Windows system.

Step to change the aspect ratio

Step 1. Launch the software and add the desired video from the File tab.

Step 2. After the video is added, choose the Picture tab at the bottom menu.

Step 3. At the Aspect Ratio section, pull the menu and choose from the available options. Other parameters can also be changed as needed.

Step 4. Choose the output folder and start processing the file.



To change the aspect ratio of a video on your Mac systems without installing any third-party software, iMovie works as the best tool. Using the program, you can even do basic editing simply and quickly. You can resize the videos in iMovie by simply cropping or exporting them using pre-set aspect ratio options.

Steps for iMovie aspect ratio change

Step 1. Open the iMovie on your system and tap on the Create New button at the top-left corner.

Step 2. Choose the Movie option from the drop-down menu.

Step 3. To add the video, click on the Import Media button and then tap on the Crop icon present on the top toolbar.

Step 4. Move the edges of the video and when done tap on the blue-tick icon present at the top-right corner.

Step 5. Next, click on the Share icon at the top-right corner and then the video can be saved to the desired location.


Using iMovie you can also change aspect ratio iphone video.

Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is an excellent Windows and Mac-based software for changing the aspect ratio of your videos and editing it using a variety of functions. The files can be processed in lossless quality using the tool and the interface is also user-friendly. There are multiple ways by which you can change the aspect ratio using the software and these include - changing it from the starting interface, under project settings, while editing, while exporting, and with the Auto reframe option.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


The simplest of all ways is by changing the video aspect ratio from the starting interface and the steps for the same are enlisted below.

Step 1. Launch the installed software on your system.

Step 2. At the starting interface, you can choose the desired aspect ratio from the available options – 16:9, 4:3, 1:1, and 9:16.

Step 3. After the selection is done, you can add the video by clicking on the New Project and then edit the file as required using several features.

The above steps can be used to change aspect ratio MP4 as well as all other popular formats.

Step 4. After the video settings are done you can process it and save it at the desired location.

To edit the aspect ratio using other ways, you can check out the detailshere .

Wondershare Filmora

Key Takeaways from This Episode

Aspect ratio defines how a video will appear on a different screen, social media sites, and platforms.

To use the same video on multiple platforms, you need to change its aspect ratio and for this, good software is needed.

An array of aspect ratio changer tools for Windows and Mac are available. Wondershare Filmora is one such feature-packed tool that can process your files in lossless quality with added features.

Try It Free Try It Free

It is important that how your video appears on the screen and for this aspect ratio is one of the most important factors. Several times, when your video appears awkward or cropped on a certain site or a device, it means that its aspect ratio is not correct and the best solution here is to change the aspect ratio. Using related software and programs this task can be done easily.

The article will throw more light on these tools that can change ratio of video.

In this article

01 [What is Aspect Ratio and Why Does It Matter?](#Part 1)

02 [Difference Between Aspect Ratio and Resolution](#Part 2)

Part 1 What is Aspect Ratio and Why Does It Matter?

Aspect ratio is the relationship between the width and the height of the video and it defines how your video will appear on the screen. The right aspect ratio is important to offer a pleasing viewing experience. With multiple social media sites supporting different aspect ratios, the need for changing them accordingly arises quite often.

The marketing, business, and all other activities have taken an online route and with this, the video content on several social media sites for promotion has also increased. So, if you upload a video with a certain aspect ratio on a different platform, they will look weird with cropped portions, black borders, and other issues that will lead to a negative viewing experience and impact.

Though there is no fixed or standard aspect ratio that can be considered as the best as different values are suitable for different platforms and sites. Some of the commonly used aspect ratios are as below.

16:9- This is one of the most widely used aspect ratios and appears in the form of a wide rectangle. The majority of the video players as well as capturing devices use this aspect ratio as their default settings. The best resolution that can be used with this aspect ratio is 3840 X 2160 pixels.

1:1- Originally this aspect ratio was used for square TV sets but now it is majorly used for the videos on Instagram and Facebook. A lot of cameras also support this setting.

9:16- The setting for this aspect ratio has become popular after the increased use of smartphones. Used for the tall videos, the setting can be seen in the videos posted as an Instagram story, Snapchat, and Facebook.

21:9 – This setting of the aspect ratio is used for cinematic widescreen or videos with the anamorphic format. The use of this aspect ratio is very particular and videos supporting this setting generally can be seen in theme parks, special theatres, and museums.

Regarding social media sites, below listed are the popularly used aspect ratio.

Square (1:1) – Used for Facebook and Instagram feed videos.

Vertical (9:16) – Best for Instagram story videos and snaps

Horizontal (16:9) – Used for (9:16 YouTube videos

Landscape (5:4) – Apt for landscape videos on Facebook and Twitter.

Portrait (4:5) – Used for the portrait videos to be posted on Twitter and Facebook.

For the Facebook cover video, 21:9 is the recommended aspect ratio.

Commonly Used Aspect Ratio

Part 2 Difference Between Aspect Ratio and Resolution

Aspect ratio and resolution are interrelated and go hand-in-hand. For a certain aspect ratio, there is several counterparts’ resolution that can be used. While the aspect ratio defines the width and the height relationship, the resolution is the number of pixels on the screen.

To obtain the resolution of a video, you will multiply the height by the width while for the aspect ratio, width is divided by the height. When the height is multiplied by its width times, the results you get represent the square pixels of your screen and this number dented the quality of the video. The higher the pixels, the higher will be the video quality.

5 Quick Ways to Change Video Aspect Ratio on Windows and Mac

To make your videos suitable for different platforms and sites, you would need to change the aspect ratio, and to get this task done there are several windows and Mac-based tools available. Listed below are the top ones that will let process the videos quickly.

VideoProc Converter

This is a Windows and Mac-based full-featured software that allows performing multiple tasks like changing the aspect ratio, editing videos, converting files, and more. Using the program, you can easily change the aspect ratio without any quality loss and without adding any black bars or video stretching. Further video customization as needed can also be done using the tool.

Steps to change the aspect ratio

Step 1. Download, install, and run the software on your system and select the Video option.

Step 2. To add the video, click on the + Video button. Next, choose the target format for the video.

Step 3. Next to change the aspect ratio of the video you can either resize the video or can crop it. While resizing the video, you will need to change the resolution from the Codec section. Alternatively, you can also use the Crop toolbar for selecting the desired aspect ratio from the supported options.

Step 4. Finally, choose the output folder and then click on the RUN button to start the file processing.

VideoProc Converter

AnyMP4 Video Converter Ultimate

This is a widely used video editing tool that supports multiple functions and features for video customization. Using this program on your Windows and Mac system you can change the aspect ratio of the videos using the pre-set options or manually. All popular video formats are supported by the software and the files are processed in lossless quality.

Steps to change the aspect ratio

Step 1. Run the installed software and add the video by clicking on the +Add Files button.

Step 2. Click on the Edit icon and a pop-up editing window will open. Go to the Crop section and expand the drop-down list at the Aspect Ratio. Choose the desired option. You can also change the aspect ratio manually by moving the crop box. Click on the OK button when selected.

Step 3. Next, choose the output folder, target format, and then finally click on the Convert All button to start the processing.

AnyMP4 Video Converter Ultimate


This is among the early transcoding tools and is known for its support of rich features for video customization. Several video parameters including aspect ratio can be adjusted using the tool and it also supports functions like conversion, disc ripping, video enhancement, and more. A wide range of formats for processing is supported by the software that is available for the Windows system.

Step to change the aspect ratio

Step 1. Launch the software and add the desired video from the File tab.

Step 2. After the video is added, choose the Picture tab at the bottom menu.

Step 3. At the Aspect Ratio section, pull the menu and choose from the available options. Other parameters can also be changed as needed.

Step 4. Choose the output folder and start processing the file.



To change the aspect ratio of a video on your Mac systems without installing any third-party software, iMovie works as the best tool. Using the program, you can even do basic editing simply and quickly. You can resize the videos in iMovie by simply cropping or exporting them using pre-set aspect ratio options.

Steps for iMovie aspect ratio change

Step 1. Open the iMovie on your system and tap on the Create New button at the top-left corner.

Step 2. Choose the Movie option from the drop-down menu.

Step 3. To add the video, click on the Import Media button and then tap on the Crop icon present on the top toolbar.

Step 4. Move the edges of the video and when done tap on the blue-tick icon present at the top-right corner.

Step 5. Next, click on the Share icon at the top-right corner and then the video can be saved to the desired location.


Using iMovie you can also change aspect ratio iphone video.

Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is an excellent Windows and Mac-based software for changing the aspect ratio of your videos and editing it using a variety of functions. The files can be processed in lossless quality using the tool and the interface is also user-friendly. There are multiple ways by which you can change the aspect ratio using the software and these include - changing it from the starting interface, under project settings, while editing, while exporting, and with the Auto reframe option.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


The simplest of all ways is by changing the video aspect ratio from the starting interface and the steps for the same are enlisted below.

Step 1. Launch the installed software on your system.

Step 2. At the starting interface, you can choose the desired aspect ratio from the available options – 16:9, 4:3, 1:1, and 9:16.

Step 3. After the selection is done, you can add the video by clicking on the New Project and then edit the file as required using several features.

The above steps can be used to change aspect ratio MP4 as well as all other popular formats.

Step 4. After the video settings are done you can process it and save it at the desired location.

To edit the aspect ratio using other ways, you can check out the detailshere .

Wondershare Filmora

Key Takeaways from This Episode

Aspect ratio defines how a video will appear on a different screen, social media sites, and platforms.

To use the same video on multiple platforms, you need to change its aspect ratio and for this, good software is needed.

An array of aspect ratio changer tools for Windows and Mac are available. Wondershare Filmora is one such feature-packed tool that can process your files in lossless quality with added features.

The Best Lego Stop Motion Channels to Follow

Best Lego Stop Motion Maker

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Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Brickfilms, the cool name for Lego stop-motion animations, is a raging success on YouTube and other video streaming sites. No longer are you limited to build and play with your Lego sets. You can now use apps to bring a story alive. Drag those bricks down from the attic or pull them out of the kids’ box, as you could have a potential goldmine in your home.

Preparation Tips for Shooting Lego Stop Motion Movies

Before you select your stop-motion movie maker , you need to secure some of the essential props to make your film-making a success. You only need a basic set of Lego bricks and your smartphone or iPad if you want to keep it simple. You could use a desk lamp for lighting or a professional camera to add some professionalism should you wish.

Start by setting up your scene. You need a flat and stable surface. It needs to be at a height where you will be comfortable working for an extended period. If you set it up on your floor, you could regret this when the aches in your knees and back kick in. Keep your set in place by using masking tape, so it doesn’t move if you accidentally bump into it.

Lego Stop Motion shooting Settings

Now you are ready to start. Lego movies are painstaking. It will take a while to get into a rhythm and to get something of value to be watched by others. Don’t be discouraged. You will get quicker and better with practice. You just need to get started.

With everything in place, as well as a realistic mindset, it is time to choose the stop motion app that will help you produce the best Lego movies.

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Best Stop Motion App for Lego Movie

1. I Can Animate

  • Cost of app: $2.99 on Apple Store or $4.99 per item on Google Play
  • For children 4+
  • Unique feature – the timeline allows for simple reordering and editing

I Can Animate for iOS Interface

I Can Animate is a way to produce movies quickly and with little need for that much tech knowledge. You can use your iOS device, whether tablet or phone, to create and then share your videos. This app is produced by Kudlian Software Ltd and retails on different prices on Apple Store and Google Play.

I Can Animate is unique in its simplicity. You use the camera on your iOS device, and the app will show you the differences between frames, so you can check your progress. This is called onion skinning and is essential to the success of your animation.

There are some basic editing features. These features include an ability to view the images on a timeline and duplicate or reorder these. You can also change the exposure, balance and focus settings to ensure there is a replication of conditions between photographs.

I Can Animate for Andriod Interface

A useful option is the ability to connect a Bluetooth keyboard and capture your images without returning to your device. This means you can secure your phone or tablet and avoid knocking or changing the angle by tapping on the screen. Also helpful for streamlining the filming process is the inbuilt time-lapse feature. You can automatically capture images one after another without having to return to the camera.

You can then share these movies by exporting them to Facebook, YouTube or Dropbox.

2. Stop Motion Studio

  • Free basic package with in-app purchases
  • Pro version costing $9.99 on Apple Store and $4.99 on Google Play
  • For children 4+
  • Unique feature – the ability to add and edit audio

Stop Motion Studio Interface

Stop Motion Studio, produced by Cateater, is an app offered for people age 4 and over and is available on iOS and Android – for your phone or your tablet. There is also a full-featured movie editing software that you can buy for your PC and Mac.

The app is free to download, with some free features. However, there are in-App purchases for some of the better features. You can purchase the Stop Motion Studio Pro app at the cost of $4.99 for Android devices, which then opens all the advanced features in the app.

The advanced features include a function to add and adjust audio, importing and cropping images as well as 4K Ultra HD and much more. The Green Screen function is particularly smart, as this allows you to include a background, which is preloaded onto the phone.

Reviews are positive. Most note that the product appears simple to use – and you can get high-quality Lego movies without feeling daunted. However, the intuitive nature of the app design belies the smart tools available for your movie production. You can add in text, speech bubbles and titles. You can add facial expressions to your Lego figures. The eraser tool is wonderful, as you can delete unwanted objects from your images.

3. The Lego Movie 2™ Movie Maker

  • Free
  • For children 8+
  • Unique feature – a chance to be part of a Lego moviemaking community

The Lego Movie  Maker

This branded movie maker is free on iOS and Android . It is suitable for children aged 8 and above, so a little more advanced than the more basic I Can Animate – but it is designed only to be used on your phone, using the in-built camera. There is the option to add sounds and visual effects to the live footage, as well as edit material within the app. There is no save facility, which means your project needs to be sensible for the time you have before sharing to the site.

You will need to set up an account to be able to share your movies. However, for parents, this adds a reassuring level of moderation and support. Every video is moderated before it is shared. The set-up of the account is not too arduous. You are asked for your home country, your email address and your date of birth. All your videos will be anonymised as part of a stringent adherence to GDPR and safeguarding policies. The strength of this app is the infrastructure of a large brand that understands how to protect children. Be aware, your movie will become the property of the Lego group when uploaded.

Probably the most attractive selling point of this app is that there is no third-party advertising. Consequently, there are hours of uninterrupted fun offered.

4. LifeLapse Stop Motion Maker

  • Free for the basic package
  • PRO subscription plan, after a 7-day trial
  • Pro Monthly $7.99/ Pro Yearly $39.99 on App Store
  • For users 12+ with a focus on B2B adult target market
  • Unique feature – professional-level design features – with Instagram cropping guidelines

Created by Bolandia Creative Inc., Life Lapse Stop Motion Maker is designed for a more sophisticated audience. It is available on iOS and Android . It is aimed at users 12 and above, and there is a definite feel of a professional design package. The interface is a clean white with simple black icons for the function buttons. Essentially, the company is aiming the app at other businesses looking to produce marketing material.

This is not to say that the app cannot be used by Lego movie makers. The app has an intuitive interface, with simple icons that make it clear how the features can be used. There is the option to adjust the brightness, contrast, saturation and warmth of each image. You can also change the speed and size of images.

LifeLapse Stop Motion Maker

The apparent marketing leaning of this app is evident in the offer of Instagram crop guidelines, which will allow businesses to upload the stop-motion animations to the site. However, the in-app tutorials are excellent for helping younger people compose the Lego movies with a degree of sophistication that the other apps don’t provide. There is the option of an exposure lock, so the conditions stay the same for each photograph. You can use the ghosted image overlay, which allows you to check the difference from one frame to another.

Particularly useful, the grids allow you to clearly map the changes from one image to the next. This stop motion maker app helps you to track your stop-motion animation with some accuracy and it’s quite popular for making Instagram Stop Motion Videos .

5. Onion Cam2

  • Free
  • For children aged 4+
  • Unique feature – simplicity and the onion skin feature allowing you to easily track the stop motion effect

Onion Cam2 Stop Motion Maker

From the developers Yosuke Seki, this StopMotion camera is a simple tool for taking a series of images to produce your Lego movie and then play it back. You can now store the images within the app, which is new from Onion Cam1, which means you can come back to your movies and continue your work. You can also export your video with OnionCam 2.

The “onion” in the title comes from the onion-skin function which allows you to check the lapse between photographs. There is a translucent display of the picture you took last time – allowing you to gradually build up your time-lapse movie.

The guidelines are also a useful way to measure the changes you are making.

If you want an app that allows you to create a simple movie without too many bells and whistles, then this is the app for you. There are not too many advanced features, only the changing order function stands out. However, your young child should be able to use this app without much intervention from you.

Basic Tips for Improving Lego stop motion videos

The essential ingredients for the best Lego movies include creativity and patience. If you have both vital qualities, read on to understand how to maximise the effects in your film.

1. Get your timing right

If you want your characters to move quickly, then you need fewer images and movements per second. If you’re going to slow the characters down, you need to take more pictures with more actions. Getting this right is a matter of trial and error, to begin with.

However, you can make this easier for yourself by planning a little. If you have a shooting rate of 15-frames per second, then you will need to plan out 15 images to fill a second of film. Each action in your movie that would last a second will need 15 pictures with gradual changes per image.

2. Making your characters’ movements natural

If you are not careful, your characters will move around in a jerky fashion. In real life, we ease in and ease out of actions. We start and finish an action slowly. Therefore, when taking images, use more pictures at the start and end of a movement, giving the impression of easing in and out of actions.

3. Master the walk cycle

A great place to start your Lego movie-making is in the perfection of the walk. Your characters will go through 4 movements in a walk.

  • One leg will step forward, heel down, and toe up.
  • The toe on this foot then descends
  • The other leg passes the standing leg
  • The passing leg heel hits the floor

This movement will likely take about 20 frames. When moving the arms, make sure the opposite arms move with the leg – so the left arm swings as the right leg is moving forward.

4. Practice and perfect

Finally, watch how people move in real life. Notice how the heads, arms, and legs move together. Then, try to recreate this with your Lego characters. Watch your material, reflect on what could be improved, and try again. The only way to become a great Lego movie maker is to practice, practice, and practice some more!


Finding ways to produce content that stands out on social media is becoming increasingly difficult as video content is growing more popular. Online stop motion makers provide a simple way to use photos and videos to create attention-grabbing videos.

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author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Brickfilms, the cool name for Lego stop-motion animations, is a raging success on YouTube and other video streaming sites. No longer are you limited to build and play with your Lego sets. You can now use apps to bring a story alive. Drag those bricks down from the attic or pull them out of the kids’ box, as you could have a potential goldmine in your home.

Preparation Tips for Shooting Lego Stop Motion Movies

Before you select your stop-motion movie maker , you need to secure some of the essential props to make your film-making a success. You only need a basic set of Lego bricks and your smartphone or iPad if you want to keep it simple. You could use a desk lamp for lighting or a professional camera to add some professionalism should you wish.

Start by setting up your scene. You need a flat and stable surface. It needs to be at a height where you will be comfortable working for an extended period. If you set it up on your floor, you could regret this when the aches in your knees and back kick in. Keep your set in place by using masking tape, so it doesn’t move if you accidentally bump into it.

Lego Stop Motion shooting Settings

Now you are ready to start. Lego movies are painstaking. It will take a while to get into a rhythm and to get something of value to be watched by others. Don’t be discouraged. You will get quicker and better with practice. You just need to get started.

With everything in place, as well as a realistic mindset, it is time to choose the stop motion app that will help you produce the best Lego movies.

You might also like:

Best Stop Motion App for Lego Movie

1. I Can Animate

  • Cost of app: $2.99 on Apple Store or $4.99 per item on Google Play
  • For children 4+
  • Unique feature – the timeline allows for simple reordering and editing

I Can Animate for iOS Interface

I Can Animate is a way to produce movies quickly and with little need for that much tech knowledge. You can use your iOS device, whether tablet or phone, to create and then share your videos. This app is produced by Kudlian Software Ltd and retails on different prices on Apple Store and Google Play.

I Can Animate is unique in its simplicity. You use the camera on your iOS device, and the app will show you the differences between frames, so you can check your progress. This is called onion skinning and is essential to the success of your animation.

There are some basic editing features. These features include an ability to view the images on a timeline and duplicate or reorder these. You can also change the exposure, balance and focus settings to ensure there is a replication of conditions between photographs.

I Can Animate for Andriod Interface

A useful option is the ability to connect a Bluetooth keyboard and capture your images without returning to your device. This means you can secure your phone or tablet and avoid knocking or changing the angle by tapping on the screen. Also helpful for streamlining the filming process is the inbuilt time-lapse feature. You can automatically capture images one after another without having to return to the camera.

You can then share these movies by exporting them to Facebook, YouTube or Dropbox.

2. Stop Motion Studio

  • Free basic package with in-app purchases
  • Pro version costing $9.99 on Apple Store and $4.99 on Google Play
  • For children 4+
  • Unique feature – the ability to add and edit audio

Stop Motion Studio Interface

Stop Motion Studio, produced by Cateater, is an app offered for people age 4 and over and is available on iOS and Android – for your phone or your tablet. There is also a full-featured movie editing software that you can buy for your PC and Mac.

The app is free to download, with some free features. However, there are in-App purchases for some of the better features. You can purchase the Stop Motion Studio Pro app at the cost of $4.99 for Android devices, which then opens all the advanced features in the app.

The advanced features include a function to add and adjust audio, importing and cropping images as well as 4K Ultra HD and much more. The Green Screen function is particularly smart, as this allows you to include a background, which is preloaded onto the phone.

Reviews are positive. Most note that the product appears simple to use – and you can get high-quality Lego movies without feeling daunted. However, the intuitive nature of the app design belies the smart tools available for your movie production. You can add in text, speech bubbles and titles. You can add facial expressions to your Lego figures. The eraser tool is wonderful, as you can delete unwanted objects from your images.

3. The Lego Movie 2™ Movie Maker

  • Free
  • For children 8+
  • Unique feature – a chance to be part of a Lego moviemaking community

The Lego Movie  Maker

This branded movie maker is free on iOS and Android . It is suitable for children aged 8 and above, so a little more advanced than the more basic I Can Animate – but it is designed only to be used on your phone, using the in-built camera. There is the option to add sounds and visual effects to the live footage, as well as edit material within the app. There is no save facility, which means your project needs to be sensible for the time you have before sharing to the site.

You will need to set up an account to be able to share your movies. However, for parents, this adds a reassuring level of moderation and support. Every video is moderated before it is shared. The set-up of the account is not too arduous. You are asked for your home country, your email address and your date of birth. All your videos will be anonymised as part of a stringent adherence to GDPR and safeguarding policies. The strength of this app is the infrastructure of a large brand that understands how to protect children. Be aware, your movie will become the property of the Lego group when uploaded.

Probably the most attractive selling point of this app is that there is no third-party advertising. Consequently, there are hours of uninterrupted fun offered.

4. LifeLapse Stop Motion Maker

  • Free for the basic package
  • PRO subscription plan, after a 7-day trial
  • Pro Monthly $7.99/ Pro Yearly $39.99 on App Store
  • For users 12+ with a focus on B2B adult target market
  • Unique feature – professional-level design features – with Instagram cropping guidelines

Created by Bolandia Creative Inc., Life Lapse Stop Motion Maker is designed for a more sophisticated audience. It is available on iOS and Android . It is aimed at users 12 and above, and there is a definite feel of a professional design package. The interface is a clean white with simple black icons for the function buttons. Essentially, the company is aiming the app at other businesses looking to produce marketing material.

This is not to say that the app cannot be used by Lego movie makers. The app has an intuitive interface, with simple icons that make it clear how the features can be used. There is the option to adjust the brightness, contrast, saturation and warmth of each image. You can also change the speed and size of images.

LifeLapse Stop Motion Maker

The apparent marketing leaning of this app is evident in the offer of Instagram crop guidelines, which will allow businesses to upload the stop-motion animations to the site. However, the in-app tutorials are excellent for helping younger people compose the Lego movies with a degree of sophistication that the other apps don’t provide. There is the option of an exposure lock, so the conditions stay the same for each photograph. You can use the ghosted image overlay, which allows you to check the difference from one frame to another.

Particularly useful, the grids allow you to clearly map the changes from one image to the next. This stop motion maker app helps you to track your stop-motion animation with some accuracy and it’s quite popular for making Instagram Stop Motion Videos .

5. Onion Cam2

  • Free
  • For children aged 4+
  • Unique feature – simplicity and the onion skin feature allowing you to easily track the stop motion effect

Onion Cam2 Stop Motion Maker

From the developers Yosuke Seki, this StopMotion camera is a simple tool for taking a series of images to produce your Lego movie and then play it back. You can now store the images within the app, which is new from Onion Cam1, which means you can come back to your movies and continue your work. You can also export your video with OnionCam 2.

The “onion” in the title comes from the onion-skin function which allows you to check the lapse between photographs. There is a translucent display of the picture you took last time – allowing you to gradually build up your time-lapse movie.

The guidelines are also a useful way to measure the changes you are making.

If you want an app that allows you to create a simple movie without too many bells and whistles, then this is the app for you. There are not too many advanced features, only the changing order function stands out. However, your young child should be able to use this app without much intervention from you.

Basic Tips for Improving Lego stop motion videos

The essential ingredients for the best Lego movies include creativity and patience. If you have both vital qualities, read on to understand how to maximise the effects in your film.

1. Get your timing right

If you want your characters to move quickly, then you need fewer images and movements per second. If you’re going to slow the characters down, you need to take more pictures with more actions. Getting this right is a matter of trial and error, to begin with.

However, you can make this easier for yourself by planning a little. If you have a shooting rate of 15-frames per second, then you will need to plan out 15 images to fill a second of film. Each action in your movie that would last a second will need 15 pictures with gradual changes per image.

2. Making your characters’ movements natural

If you are not careful, your characters will move around in a jerky fashion. In real life, we ease in and ease out of actions. We start and finish an action slowly. Therefore, when taking images, use more pictures at the start and end of a movement, giving the impression of easing in and out of actions.

3. Master the walk cycle

A great place to start your Lego movie-making is in the perfection of the walk. Your characters will go through 4 movements in a walk.

  • One leg will step forward, heel down, and toe up.
  • The toe on this foot then descends
  • The other leg passes the standing leg
  • The passing leg heel hits the floor

This movement will likely take about 20 frames. When moving the arms, make sure the opposite arms move with the leg – so the left arm swings as the right leg is moving forward.

4. Practice and perfect

Finally, watch how people move in real life. Notice how the heads, arms, and legs move together. Then, try to recreate this with your Lego characters. Watch your material, reflect on what could be improved, and try again. The only way to become a great Lego movie maker is to practice, practice, and practice some more!


Finding ways to produce content that stands out on social media is becoming increasingly difficult as video content is growing more popular. Online stop motion makers provide a simple way to use photos and videos to create attention-grabbing videos.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Brickfilms, the cool name for Lego stop-motion animations, is a raging success on YouTube and other video streaming sites. No longer are you limited to build and play with your Lego sets. You can now use apps to bring a story alive. Drag those bricks down from the attic or pull them out of the kids’ box, as you could have a potential goldmine in your home.

Preparation Tips for Shooting Lego Stop Motion Movies

Before you select your stop-motion movie maker , you need to secure some of the essential props to make your film-making a success. You only need a basic set of Lego bricks and your smartphone or iPad if you want to keep it simple. You could use a desk lamp for lighting or a professional camera to add some professionalism should you wish.

Start by setting up your scene. You need a flat and stable surface. It needs to be at a height where you will be comfortable working for an extended period. If you set it up on your floor, you could regret this when the aches in your knees and back kick in. Keep your set in place by using masking tape, so it doesn’t move if you accidentally bump into it.

Lego Stop Motion shooting Settings

Now you are ready to start. Lego movies are painstaking. It will take a while to get into a rhythm and to get something of value to be watched by others. Don’t be discouraged. You will get quicker and better with practice. You just need to get started.

With everything in place, as well as a realistic mindset, it is time to choose the stop motion app that will help you produce the best Lego movies.

You might also like:

Best Stop Motion App for Lego Movie

1. I Can Animate

  • Cost of app: $2.99 on Apple Store or $4.99 per item on Google Play
  • For children 4+
  • Unique feature – the timeline allows for simple reordering and editing

I Can Animate for iOS Interface

I Can Animate is a way to produce movies quickly and with little need for that much tech knowledge. You can use your iOS device, whether tablet or phone, to create and then share your videos. This app is produced by Kudlian Software Ltd and retails on different prices on Apple Store and Google Play.

I Can Animate is unique in its simplicity. You use the camera on your iOS device, and the app will show you the differences between frames, so you can check your progress. This is called onion skinning and is essential to the success of your animation.

There are some basic editing features. These features include an ability to view the images on a timeline and duplicate or reorder these. You can also change the exposure, balance and focus settings to ensure there is a replication of conditions between photographs.

I Can Animate for Andriod Interface

A useful option is the ability to connect a Bluetooth keyboard and capture your images without returning to your device. This means you can secure your phone or tablet and avoid knocking or changing the angle by tapping on the screen. Also helpful for streamlining the filming process is the inbuilt time-lapse feature. You can automatically capture images one after another without having to return to the camera.

You can then share these movies by exporting them to Facebook, YouTube or Dropbox.

2. Stop Motion Studio

  • Free basic package with in-app purchases
  • Pro version costing $9.99 on Apple Store and $4.99 on Google Play
  • For children 4+
  • Unique feature – the ability to add and edit audio

Stop Motion Studio Interface

Stop Motion Studio, produced by Cateater, is an app offered for people age 4 and over and is available on iOS and Android – for your phone or your tablet. There is also a full-featured movie editing software that you can buy for your PC and Mac.

The app is free to download, with some free features. However, there are in-App purchases for some of the better features. You can purchase the Stop Motion Studio Pro app at the cost of $4.99 for Android devices, which then opens all the advanced features in the app.

The advanced features include a function to add and adjust audio, importing and cropping images as well as 4K Ultra HD and much more. The Green Screen function is particularly smart, as this allows you to include a background, which is preloaded onto the phone.

Reviews are positive. Most note that the product appears simple to use – and you can get high-quality Lego movies without feeling daunted. However, the intuitive nature of the app design belies the smart tools available for your movie production. You can add in text, speech bubbles and titles. You can add facial expressions to your Lego figures. The eraser tool is wonderful, as you can delete unwanted objects from your images.

3. The Lego Movie 2™ Movie Maker

  • Free
  • For children 8+
  • Unique feature – a chance to be part of a Lego moviemaking community

The Lego Movie  Maker

This branded movie maker is free on iOS and Android . It is suitable for children aged 8 and above, so a little more advanced than the more basic I Can Animate – but it is designed only to be used on your phone, using the in-built camera. There is the option to add sounds and visual effects to the live footage, as well as edit material within the app. There is no save facility, which means your project needs to be sensible for the time you have before sharing to the site.

You will need to set up an account to be able to share your movies. However, for parents, this adds a reassuring level of moderation and support. Every video is moderated before it is shared. The set-up of the account is not too arduous. You are asked for your home country, your email address and your date of birth. All your videos will be anonymised as part of a stringent adherence to GDPR and safeguarding policies. The strength of this app is the infrastructure of a large brand that understands how to protect children. Be aware, your movie will become the property of the Lego group when uploaded.

Probably the most attractive selling point of this app is that there is no third-party advertising. Consequently, there are hours of uninterrupted fun offered.

4. LifeLapse Stop Motion Maker

  • Free for the basic package
  • PRO subscription plan, after a 7-day trial
  • Pro Monthly $7.99/ Pro Yearly $39.99 on App Store
  • For users 12+ with a focus on B2B adult target market
  • Unique feature – professional-level design features – with Instagram cropping guidelines

Created by Bolandia Creative Inc., Life Lapse Stop Motion Maker is designed for a more sophisticated audience. It is available on iOS and Android . It is aimed at users 12 and above, and there is a definite feel of a professional design package. The interface is a clean white with simple black icons for the function buttons. Essentially, the company is aiming the app at other businesses looking to produce marketing material.

This is not to say that the app cannot be used by Lego movie makers. The app has an intuitive interface, with simple icons that make it clear how the features can be used. There is the option to adjust the brightness, contrast, saturation and warmth of each image. You can also change the speed and size of images.

LifeLapse Stop Motion Maker

The apparent marketing leaning of this app is evident in the offer of Instagram crop guidelines, which will allow businesses to upload the stop-motion animations to the site. However, the in-app tutorials are excellent for helping younger people compose the Lego movies with a degree of sophistication that the other apps don’t provide. There is the option of an exposure lock, so the conditions stay the same for each photograph. You can use the ghosted image overlay, which allows you to check the difference from one frame to another.

Particularly useful, the grids allow you to clearly map the changes from one image to the next. This stop motion maker app helps you to track your stop-motion animation with some accuracy and it’s quite popular for making Instagram Stop Motion Videos .

5. Onion Cam2

  • Free
  • For children aged 4+
  • Unique feature – simplicity and the onion skin feature allowing you to easily track the stop motion effect

Onion Cam2 Stop Motion Maker

From the developers Yosuke Seki, this StopMotion camera is a simple tool for taking a series of images to produce your Lego movie and then play it back. You can now store the images within the app, which is new from Onion Cam1, which means you can come back to your movies and continue your work. You can also export your video with OnionCam 2.

The “onion” in the title comes from the onion-skin function which allows you to check the lapse between photographs. There is a translucent display of the picture you took last time – allowing you to gradually build up your time-lapse movie.

The guidelines are also a useful way to measure the changes you are making.

If you want an app that allows you to create a simple movie without too many bells and whistles, then this is the app for you. There are not too many advanced features, only the changing order function stands out. However, your young child should be able to use this app without much intervention from you.

Basic Tips for Improving Lego stop motion videos

The essential ingredients for the best Lego movies include creativity and patience. If you have both vital qualities, read on to understand how to maximise the effects in your film.

1. Get your timing right

If you want your characters to move quickly, then you need fewer images and movements per second. If you’re going to slow the characters down, you need to take more pictures with more actions. Getting this right is a matter of trial and error, to begin with.

However, you can make this easier for yourself by planning a little. If you have a shooting rate of 15-frames per second, then you will need to plan out 15 images to fill a second of film. Each action in your movie that would last a second will need 15 pictures with gradual changes per image.

2. Making your characters’ movements natural

If you are not careful, your characters will move around in a jerky fashion. In real life, we ease in and ease out of actions. We start and finish an action slowly. Therefore, when taking images, use more pictures at the start and end of a movement, giving the impression of easing in and out of actions.

3. Master the walk cycle

A great place to start your Lego movie-making is in the perfection of the walk. Your characters will go through 4 movements in a walk.

  • One leg will step forward, heel down, and toe up.
  • The toe on this foot then descends
  • The other leg passes the standing leg
  • The passing leg heel hits the floor

This movement will likely take about 20 frames. When moving the arms, make sure the opposite arms move with the leg – so the left arm swings as the right leg is moving forward.

4. Practice and perfect

Finally, watch how people move in real life. Notice how the heads, arms, and legs move together. Then, try to recreate this with your Lego characters. Watch your material, reflect on what could be improved, and try again. The only way to become a great Lego movie maker is to practice, practice, and practice some more!


Finding ways to produce content that stands out on social media is becoming increasingly difficult as video content is growing more popular. Online stop motion makers provide a simple way to use photos and videos to create attention-grabbing videos.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Brickfilms, the cool name for Lego stop-motion animations, is a raging success on YouTube and other video streaming sites. No longer are you limited to build and play with your Lego sets. You can now use apps to bring a story alive. Drag those bricks down from the attic or pull them out of the kids’ box, as you could have a potential goldmine in your home.

Preparation Tips for Shooting Lego Stop Motion Movies

Before you select your stop-motion movie maker , you need to secure some of the essential props to make your film-making a success. You only need a basic set of Lego bricks and your smartphone or iPad if you want to keep it simple. You could use a desk lamp for lighting or a professional camera to add some professionalism should you wish.

Start by setting up your scene. You need a flat and stable surface. It needs to be at a height where you will be comfortable working for an extended period. If you set it up on your floor, you could regret this when the aches in your knees and back kick in. Keep your set in place by using masking tape, so it doesn’t move if you accidentally bump into it.

Lego Stop Motion shooting Settings

Now you are ready to start. Lego movies are painstaking. It will take a while to get into a rhythm and to get something of value to be watched by others. Don’t be discouraged. You will get quicker and better with practice. You just need to get started.

With everything in place, as well as a realistic mindset, it is time to choose the stop motion app that will help you produce the best Lego movies.

You might also like:

Best Stop Motion App for Lego Movie

1. I Can Animate

  • Cost of app: $2.99 on Apple Store or $4.99 per item on Google Play
  • For children 4+
  • Unique feature – the timeline allows for simple reordering and editing

I Can Animate for iOS Interface

I Can Animate is a way to produce movies quickly and with little need for that much tech knowledge. You can use your iOS device, whether tablet or phone, to create and then share your videos. This app is produced by Kudlian Software Ltd and retails on different prices on Apple Store and Google Play.

I Can Animate is unique in its simplicity. You use the camera on your iOS device, and the app will show you the differences between frames, so you can check your progress. This is called onion skinning and is essential to the success of your animation.

There are some basic editing features. These features include an ability to view the images on a timeline and duplicate or reorder these. You can also change the exposure, balance and focus settings to ensure there is a replication of conditions between photographs.

I Can Animate for Andriod Interface

A useful option is the ability to connect a Bluetooth keyboard and capture your images without returning to your device. This means you can secure your phone or tablet and avoid knocking or changing the angle by tapping on the screen. Also helpful for streamlining the filming process is the inbuilt time-lapse feature. You can automatically capture images one after another without having to return to the camera.

You can then share these movies by exporting them to Facebook, YouTube or Dropbox.

2. Stop Motion Studio

  • Free basic package with in-app purchases
  • Pro version costing $9.99 on Apple Store and $4.99 on Google Play
  • For children 4+
  • Unique feature – the ability to add and edit audio

Stop Motion Studio Interface

Stop Motion Studio, produced by Cateater, is an app offered for people age 4 and over and is available on iOS and Android – for your phone or your tablet. There is also a full-featured movie editing software that you can buy for your PC and Mac.

The app is free to download, with some free features. However, there are in-App purchases for some of the better features. You can purchase the Stop Motion Studio Pro app at the cost of $4.99 for Android devices, which then opens all the advanced features in the app.

The advanced features include a function to add and adjust audio, importing and cropping images as well as 4K Ultra HD and much more. The Green Screen function is particularly smart, as this allows you to include a background, which is preloaded onto the phone.

Reviews are positive. Most note that the product appears simple to use – and you can get high-quality Lego movies without feeling daunted. However, the intuitive nature of the app design belies the smart tools available for your movie production. You can add in text, speech bubbles and titles. You can add facial expressions to your Lego figures. The eraser tool is wonderful, as you can delete unwanted objects from your images.

3. The Lego Movie 2™ Movie Maker

  • Free
  • For children 8+
  • Unique feature – a chance to be part of a Lego moviemaking community

The Lego Movie  Maker

This branded movie maker is free on iOS and Android . It is suitable for children aged 8 and above, so a little more advanced than the more basic I Can Animate – but it is designed only to be used on your phone, using the in-built camera. There is the option to add sounds and visual effects to the live footage, as well as edit material within the app. There is no save facility, which means your project needs to be sensible for the time you have before sharing to the site.

You will need to set up an account to be able to share your movies. However, for parents, this adds a reassuring level of moderation and support. Every video is moderated before it is shared. The set-up of the account is not too arduous. You are asked for your home country, your email address and your date of birth. All your videos will be anonymised as part of a stringent adherence to GDPR and safeguarding policies. The strength of this app is the infrastructure of a large brand that understands how to protect children. Be aware, your movie will become the property of the Lego group when uploaded.

Probably the most attractive selling point of this app is that there is no third-party advertising. Consequently, there are hours of uninterrupted fun offered.

4. LifeLapse Stop Motion Maker

  • Free for the basic package
  • PRO subscription plan, after a 7-day trial
  • Pro Monthly $7.99/ Pro Yearly $39.99 on App Store
  • For users 12+ with a focus on B2B adult target market
  • Unique feature – professional-level design features – with Instagram cropping guidelines

Created by Bolandia Creative Inc., Life Lapse Stop Motion Maker is designed for a more sophisticated audience. It is available on iOS and Android . It is aimed at users 12 and above, and there is a definite feel of a professional design package. The interface is a clean white with simple black icons for the function buttons. Essentially, the company is aiming the app at other businesses looking to produce marketing material.

This is not to say that the app cannot be used by Lego movie makers. The app has an intuitive interface, with simple icons that make it clear how the features can be used. There is the option to adjust the brightness, contrast, saturation and warmth of each image. You can also change the speed and size of images.

LifeLapse Stop Motion Maker

The apparent marketing leaning of this app is evident in the offer of Instagram crop guidelines, which will allow businesses to upload the stop-motion animations to the site. However, the in-app tutorials are excellent for helping younger people compose the Lego movies with a degree of sophistication that the other apps don’t provide. There is the option of an exposure lock, so the conditions stay the same for each photograph. You can use the ghosted image overlay, which allows you to check the difference from one frame to another.

Particularly useful, the grids allow you to clearly map the changes from one image to the next. This stop motion maker app helps you to track your stop-motion animation with some accuracy and it’s quite popular for making Instagram Stop Motion Videos .

5. Onion Cam2

  • Free
  • For children aged 4+
  • Unique feature – simplicity and the onion skin feature allowing you to easily track the stop motion effect

Onion Cam2 Stop Motion Maker

From the developers Yosuke Seki, this StopMotion camera is a simple tool for taking a series of images to produce your Lego movie and then play it back. You can now store the images within the app, which is new from Onion Cam1, which means you can come back to your movies and continue your work. You can also export your video with OnionCam 2.

The “onion” in the title comes from the onion-skin function which allows you to check the lapse between photographs. There is a translucent display of the picture you took last time – allowing you to gradually build up your time-lapse movie.

The guidelines are also a useful way to measure the changes you are making.

If you want an app that allows you to create a simple movie without too many bells and whistles, then this is the app for you. There are not too many advanced features, only the changing order function stands out. However, your young child should be able to use this app without much intervention from you.

Basic Tips for Improving Lego stop motion videos

The essential ingredients for the best Lego movies include creativity and patience. If you have both vital qualities, read on to understand how to maximise the effects in your film.

1. Get your timing right

If you want your characters to move quickly, then you need fewer images and movements per second. If you’re going to slow the characters down, you need to take more pictures with more actions. Getting this right is a matter of trial and error, to begin with.

However, you can make this easier for yourself by planning a little. If you have a shooting rate of 15-frames per second, then you will need to plan out 15 images to fill a second of film. Each action in your movie that would last a second will need 15 pictures with gradual changes per image.

2. Making your characters’ movements natural

If you are not careful, your characters will move around in a jerky fashion. In real life, we ease in and ease out of actions. We start and finish an action slowly. Therefore, when taking images, use more pictures at the start and end of a movement, giving the impression of easing in and out of actions.

3. Master the walk cycle

A great place to start your Lego movie-making is in the perfection of the walk. Your characters will go through 4 movements in a walk.

  • One leg will step forward, heel down, and toe up.
  • The toe on this foot then descends
  • The other leg passes the standing leg
  • The passing leg heel hits the floor

This movement will likely take about 20 frames. When moving the arms, make sure the opposite arms move with the leg – so the left arm swings as the right leg is moving forward.

4. Practice and perfect

Finally, watch how people move in real life. Notice how the heads, arms, and legs move together. Then, try to recreate this with your Lego characters. Watch your material, reflect on what could be improved, and try again. The only way to become a great Lego movie maker is to practice, practice, and practice some more!


Finding ways to produce content that stands out on social media is becoming increasingly difficult as video content is growing more popular. Online stop motion makers provide a simple way to use photos and videos to create attention-grabbing videos.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

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  • Title: From Text to Voice Expert Advice for Seamless MP3 Conversion
  • Author: Giselle
  • Created at : 2024-05-19 07:45:04
  • Updated at : 2024-05-20 07:45:04
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
From Text to Voice Expert Advice for Seamless MP3 Conversion