Boost Your LinkedIn Video Performance with These Proven Aspect Ratios

Boost Your LinkedIn Video Performance with These Proven Aspect Ratios

Giselle Lv12

Boost Your LinkedIn Video Performance with These Proven Aspect Ratios

The Ideal LinkedIn Video Aspect Ratios for Effective Posting

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

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The written content of LinkedIn has been taken over by the video content these days. Videos created with exceptional features and editing perks are booming amongst the audience.

In this article

01 [What is LinkedIn Video Format?](#Part 1)

02 [Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs](#Part 2)

03 [5 Types of LinkedIn Ads](#Part 3)

04 [Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices](#Part 4)

Part 1 What is LinkedIn Video Format?

01Can you post 1920x1080 on LinkedIn?

Yes, videos of 1920 by 1080px can be easily posted on LinkedIn. Moreover, this is the best resolution in which you should post your video. This will provide you the best quality.

02What aspect ratio is best for a LinkedIn video?

Although LinkedIn accepts and allows almost each aspect ratio but the most recommended aspect ratio is 16:This means it should remain between 1.778 and 0.565However, the aspect ratio can vary according to the mode of your video that is horizontal or vertical.

Recommended aspect ratios for LinkedIn videos

Part 2 Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs

The specs can vary in the case of LinkedIn videos and LinkedIn ads. As the ads are totally different from the videos their specs also become different. Here are some of the specs that you should know when you are creating LinkedIn ads:

Length: The maximum and minimum length of these ad videos are 3 seconds to 30 minutes respectively. However, the most successful video length is up to 15 seconds.

File size and file format: The file size of the ad videos must be a minimum of 75 KB and the maximum it can be of 200 MB. The file format that is supported on the LinkedIn application is MP4.

Audio Format and size: The audio format of these ad videos must be MPEG4 or ACC. If you talk about the audio size then it is recommended not to be more than 64 KHz.

Resolution and aspect ratio: The resolution of these ads can be 360p, 480p, 720p or 1080p. When it comes to the aspect ratio then the best-recommended one is 16:9 for landscape mode and 9:16 for vertical mode.

Video captions and headlines: If you are adding video captions in your ad video, then it must be in SRT format and the headlines should also be under 200 characters. It is recommended to keep the headlines up to maximum of 70 characters.

Part 3 5 types of LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn provides you with several platforms and types of ad placements. Here mentioned are some of them:

Sponsored messages in LinkedIn: This type of LinkedIn ad was previously termed as sponsored InMail. Through this, you can directly advertise your product or brand in the user’s inbox. However, LinkedIn has set a maximum number of times that your customer can receive the messaging ad. This states that any member of your audience will not receive the ads more than two times in a short span of time. Also, it is estimated that consumers enjoy messaging ads but companies do not interact much with them via sponsored messaging ads.

Sponsored messaging on LinkedIn

Sponsored content: These ads show up in the feed of the LinkedIn user. No matter if they are using it on mobile on desktop. These sponsored contents also have a label of promotion on them. This makes them different from the regular contents. If you are choosing sponsored content then you also get the choice between carousel ads, video ads and images ads.

Sponsored content on LinkedIn

Dynamic ads: These ads are visible on the right rail as you open the LinkedIn. Also this is the best way to speak to your audience through personalization. The users get to see their own personal details as soon these ads pop up on the screen. This can even be changed through the settings so that the details get hidden if the user finds this to be very personal. Dynamic ads are also of two types. One is follower ads and other is sponsored ads.

Dynamic ads video requirements

Text ads: These ads are considered as the best way to build a strong lead amongst the audience. This is also suitable in the terms of professional demographic. These ads are shown on the top and right side of the feed of LinkedIn. Approximately 58% of the companies say that making the lead generation better is the top priority of digital marketing. This is also a good way to manage company’s budget.

Text ad videos

Awareness ads: If you want to make your brand stay on the tips of your audience then it is a good idea to go for awareness ads. These ads build a communication amongst the audience related to your brands, products and services, etc. These awareness ads also boost the engagement, help to gain followers and increase the views.

Awareness ad videos

Part 4 Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices

**Optimized setup:**To create an excellent video its setup is most important thing. So before you create the video keep in mind that your setup is well organized. Your set up includes lighting, background, camera and its position. Until the lighting is not perfect your video will lack its charm. Often natural lights are the best but artificial lights are also can do the work of perk. Also the background must be free from clutters. The camera that you are using should also be perfect and the camera position should also be in place.

Correct video length: When the correct video length is concerned, LinkedIn recommends it to be less than 15 seconds. This is so because the shorter the video is the more effective it can be. You should also keep in mind that these video may be of maximum 10 minutes but the starting moments must be engaging. This will keep your audience stay to watch your video till the end.

**Grab the viewer’s attention:**Social media platforms are filled with ignorable contents and when it comes to LinkedIn it can be so true. So if you want to grab the attention of your targeted audience then you must make your videos extraordinary. This is only possible when you focus on each and every aspect of the videos. Adding subtitles to your videos can also be an amazing idea to make them more engaging. You can even optimize the length of your video according to the objective that you want to convey.

**Plan the content according to your objective:**It is a good idea to remain up to the objective that you want to convey to your audience. No matter if you want to facilitate consideration or want to spread awareness. If you want to generate some conversions then you can go for making small demos in your videos.

**Go for the best tools:**At last but one of the most important points is to pay attention on the tool that you are using. Although there are a number of tools that can be used but nowadays, Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is the most in the use. Here are some extraordinary features of both the tools:

Features of Filmora:

This one is an easy to use tool that can be used by beginners and less professional people.

Using this tool you can experience latest filters and colors making their perk at the best.

Here you will also get amazing sound effect to make your video stand out.

You can create the videos in just a single click. This is the reason its feature of key framing is immensely popular.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


Key Takeaways from This Episode

LinkedIn is an application that has made its popularity amongst the users and advertisers in a very recent and less time. Ads and videos on this application is being loved and watched these days at a rapid rate. As per the increased demand increases a responsibility to meet those demands.

To meet up the demands it is essential that all the technical requirements are fulfilled and also the protocols of the app are followed. This remains crucial and important in the terms of video aspect ratio, resolution, size and dimensions, and a lot more.

If you are uploading your videos and ads on LinkedIn then it is must that they should be engaging and interesting. To make them exciting you may opt for the best practices which also include the use of popular tools. The latest tools like Filmora, Inshot, etc. are laced with all the additional features and make your video perfect for the apps.

Try It Free Try It Free

The written content of LinkedIn has been taken over by the video content these days. Videos created with exceptional features and editing perks are booming amongst the audience.

In this article

01 [What is LinkedIn Video Format?](#Part 1)

02 [Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs](#Part 2)

03 [5 Types of LinkedIn Ads](#Part 3)

04 [Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices](#Part 4)

Part 1 What is LinkedIn Video Format?

01Can you post 1920x1080 on LinkedIn?

Yes, videos of 1920 by 1080px can be easily posted on LinkedIn. Moreover, this is the best resolution in which you should post your video. This will provide you the best quality.

02What aspect ratio is best for a LinkedIn video?

Although LinkedIn accepts and allows almost each aspect ratio but the most recommended aspect ratio is 16:This means it should remain between 1.778 and 0.565However, the aspect ratio can vary according to the mode of your video that is horizontal or vertical.

Recommended aspect ratios for LinkedIn videos

Part 2 Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs

The specs can vary in the case of LinkedIn videos and LinkedIn ads. As the ads are totally different from the videos their specs also become different. Here are some of the specs that you should know when you are creating LinkedIn ads:

Length: The maximum and minimum length of these ad videos are 3 seconds to 30 minutes respectively. However, the most successful video length is up to 15 seconds.

File size and file format: The file size of the ad videos must be a minimum of 75 KB and the maximum it can be of 200 MB. The file format that is supported on the LinkedIn application is MP4.

Audio Format and size: The audio format of these ad videos must be MPEG4 or ACC. If you talk about the audio size then it is recommended not to be more than 64 KHz.

Resolution and aspect ratio: The resolution of these ads can be 360p, 480p, 720p or 1080p. When it comes to the aspect ratio then the best-recommended one is 16:9 for landscape mode and 9:16 for vertical mode.

Video captions and headlines: If you are adding video captions in your ad video, then it must be in SRT format and the headlines should also be under 200 characters. It is recommended to keep the headlines up to maximum of 70 characters.

Part 3 5 types of LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn provides you with several platforms and types of ad placements. Here mentioned are some of them:

Sponsored messages in LinkedIn: This type of LinkedIn ad was previously termed as sponsored InMail. Through this, you can directly advertise your product or brand in the user’s inbox. However, LinkedIn has set a maximum number of times that your customer can receive the messaging ad. This states that any member of your audience will not receive the ads more than two times in a short span of time. Also, it is estimated that consumers enjoy messaging ads but companies do not interact much with them via sponsored messaging ads.

Sponsored messaging on LinkedIn

Sponsored content: These ads show up in the feed of the LinkedIn user. No matter if they are using it on mobile on desktop. These sponsored contents also have a label of promotion on them. This makes them different from the regular contents. If you are choosing sponsored content then you also get the choice between carousel ads, video ads and images ads.

Sponsored content on LinkedIn

Dynamic ads: These ads are visible on the right rail as you open the LinkedIn. Also this is the best way to speak to your audience through personalization. The users get to see their own personal details as soon these ads pop up on the screen. This can even be changed through the settings so that the details get hidden if the user finds this to be very personal. Dynamic ads are also of two types. One is follower ads and other is sponsored ads.

Dynamic ads video requirements

Text ads: These ads are considered as the best way to build a strong lead amongst the audience. This is also suitable in the terms of professional demographic. These ads are shown on the top and right side of the feed of LinkedIn. Approximately 58% of the companies say that making the lead generation better is the top priority of digital marketing. This is also a good way to manage company’s budget.

Text ad videos

Awareness ads: If you want to make your brand stay on the tips of your audience then it is a good idea to go for awareness ads. These ads build a communication amongst the audience related to your brands, products and services, etc. These awareness ads also boost the engagement, help to gain followers and increase the views.

Awareness ad videos

Part 4 Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices

**Optimized setup:**To create an excellent video its setup is most important thing. So before you create the video keep in mind that your setup is well organized. Your set up includes lighting, background, camera and its position. Until the lighting is not perfect your video will lack its charm. Often natural lights are the best but artificial lights are also can do the work of perk. Also the background must be free from clutters. The camera that you are using should also be perfect and the camera position should also be in place.

Correct video length: When the correct video length is concerned, LinkedIn recommends it to be less than 15 seconds. This is so because the shorter the video is the more effective it can be. You should also keep in mind that these video may be of maximum 10 minutes but the starting moments must be engaging. This will keep your audience stay to watch your video till the end.

**Grab the viewer’s attention:**Social media platforms are filled with ignorable contents and when it comes to LinkedIn it can be so true. So if you want to grab the attention of your targeted audience then you must make your videos extraordinary. This is only possible when you focus on each and every aspect of the videos. Adding subtitles to your videos can also be an amazing idea to make them more engaging. You can even optimize the length of your video according to the objective that you want to convey.

**Plan the content according to your objective:**It is a good idea to remain up to the objective that you want to convey to your audience. No matter if you want to facilitate consideration or want to spread awareness. If you want to generate some conversions then you can go for making small demos in your videos.

**Go for the best tools:**At last but one of the most important points is to pay attention on the tool that you are using. Although there are a number of tools that can be used but nowadays, Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is the most in the use. Here are some extraordinary features of both the tools:

Features of Filmora:

This one is an easy to use tool that can be used by beginners and less professional people.

Using this tool you can experience latest filters and colors making their perk at the best.

Here you will also get amazing sound effect to make your video stand out.

You can create the videos in just a single click. This is the reason its feature of key framing is immensely popular.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


Key Takeaways from This Episode

LinkedIn is an application that has made its popularity amongst the users and advertisers in a very recent and less time. Ads and videos on this application is being loved and watched these days at a rapid rate. As per the increased demand increases a responsibility to meet those demands.

To meet up the demands it is essential that all the technical requirements are fulfilled and also the protocols of the app are followed. This remains crucial and important in the terms of video aspect ratio, resolution, size and dimensions, and a lot more.

If you are uploading your videos and ads on LinkedIn then it is must that they should be engaging and interesting. To make them exciting you may opt for the best practices which also include the use of popular tools. The latest tools like Filmora, Inshot, etc. are laced with all the additional features and make your video perfect for the apps.

Try It Free Try It Free

The written content of LinkedIn has been taken over by the video content these days. Videos created with exceptional features and editing perks are booming amongst the audience.

In this article

01 [What is LinkedIn Video Format?](#Part 1)

02 [Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs](#Part 2)

03 [5 Types of LinkedIn Ads](#Part 3)

04 [Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices](#Part 4)

Part 1 What is LinkedIn Video Format?

01Can you post 1920x1080 on LinkedIn?

Yes, videos of 1920 by 1080px can be easily posted on LinkedIn. Moreover, this is the best resolution in which you should post your video. This will provide you the best quality.

02What aspect ratio is best for a LinkedIn video?

Although LinkedIn accepts and allows almost each aspect ratio but the most recommended aspect ratio is 16:This means it should remain between 1.778 and 0.565However, the aspect ratio can vary according to the mode of your video that is horizontal or vertical.

Recommended aspect ratios for LinkedIn videos

Part 2 Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs

The specs can vary in the case of LinkedIn videos and LinkedIn ads. As the ads are totally different from the videos their specs also become different. Here are some of the specs that you should know when you are creating LinkedIn ads:

Length: The maximum and minimum length of these ad videos are 3 seconds to 30 minutes respectively. However, the most successful video length is up to 15 seconds.

File size and file format: The file size of the ad videos must be a minimum of 75 KB and the maximum it can be of 200 MB. The file format that is supported on the LinkedIn application is MP4.

Audio Format and size: The audio format of these ad videos must be MPEG4 or ACC. If you talk about the audio size then it is recommended not to be more than 64 KHz.

Resolution and aspect ratio: The resolution of these ads can be 360p, 480p, 720p or 1080p. When it comes to the aspect ratio then the best-recommended one is 16:9 for landscape mode and 9:16 for vertical mode.

Video captions and headlines: If you are adding video captions in your ad video, then it must be in SRT format and the headlines should also be under 200 characters. It is recommended to keep the headlines up to maximum of 70 characters.

Part 3 5 types of LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn provides you with several platforms and types of ad placements. Here mentioned are some of them:

Sponsored messages in LinkedIn: This type of LinkedIn ad was previously termed as sponsored InMail. Through this, you can directly advertise your product or brand in the user’s inbox. However, LinkedIn has set a maximum number of times that your customer can receive the messaging ad. This states that any member of your audience will not receive the ads more than two times in a short span of time. Also, it is estimated that consumers enjoy messaging ads but companies do not interact much with them via sponsored messaging ads.

Sponsored messaging on LinkedIn

Sponsored content: These ads show up in the feed of the LinkedIn user. No matter if they are using it on mobile on desktop. These sponsored contents also have a label of promotion on them. This makes them different from the regular contents. If you are choosing sponsored content then you also get the choice between carousel ads, video ads and images ads.

Sponsored content on LinkedIn

Dynamic ads: These ads are visible on the right rail as you open the LinkedIn. Also this is the best way to speak to your audience through personalization. The users get to see their own personal details as soon these ads pop up on the screen. This can even be changed through the settings so that the details get hidden if the user finds this to be very personal. Dynamic ads are also of two types. One is follower ads and other is sponsored ads.

Dynamic ads video requirements

Text ads: These ads are considered as the best way to build a strong lead amongst the audience. This is also suitable in the terms of professional demographic. These ads are shown on the top and right side of the feed of LinkedIn. Approximately 58% of the companies say that making the lead generation better is the top priority of digital marketing. This is also a good way to manage company’s budget.

Text ad videos

Awareness ads: If you want to make your brand stay on the tips of your audience then it is a good idea to go for awareness ads. These ads build a communication amongst the audience related to your brands, products and services, etc. These awareness ads also boost the engagement, help to gain followers and increase the views.

Awareness ad videos

Part 4 Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices

**Optimized setup:**To create an excellent video its setup is most important thing. So before you create the video keep in mind that your setup is well organized. Your set up includes lighting, background, camera and its position. Until the lighting is not perfect your video will lack its charm. Often natural lights are the best but artificial lights are also can do the work of perk. Also the background must be free from clutters. The camera that you are using should also be perfect and the camera position should also be in place.

Correct video length: When the correct video length is concerned, LinkedIn recommends it to be less than 15 seconds. This is so because the shorter the video is the more effective it can be. You should also keep in mind that these video may be of maximum 10 minutes but the starting moments must be engaging. This will keep your audience stay to watch your video till the end.

**Grab the viewer’s attention:**Social media platforms are filled with ignorable contents and when it comes to LinkedIn it can be so true. So if you want to grab the attention of your targeted audience then you must make your videos extraordinary. This is only possible when you focus on each and every aspect of the videos. Adding subtitles to your videos can also be an amazing idea to make them more engaging. You can even optimize the length of your video according to the objective that you want to convey.

**Plan the content according to your objective:**It is a good idea to remain up to the objective that you want to convey to your audience. No matter if you want to facilitate consideration or want to spread awareness. If you want to generate some conversions then you can go for making small demos in your videos.

**Go for the best tools:**At last but one of the most important points is to pay attention on the tool that you are using. Although there are a number of tools that can be used but nowadays, Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is the most in the use. Here are some extraordinary features of both the tools:

Features of Filmora:

This one is an easy to use tool that can be used by beginners and less professional people.

Using this tool you can experience latest filters and colors making their perk at the best.

Here you will also get amazing sound effect to make your video stand out.

You can create the videos in just a single click. This is the reason its feature of key framing is immensely popular.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


Key Takeaways from This Episode

LinkedIn is an application that has made its popularity amongst the users and advertisers in a very recent and less time. Ads and videos on this application is being loved and watched these days at a rapid rate. As per the increased demand increases a responsibility to meet those demands.

To meet up the demands it is essential that all the technical requirements are fulfilled and also the protocols of the app are followed. This remains crucial and important in the terms of video aspect ratio, resolution, size and dimensions, and a lot more.

If you are uploading your videos and ads on LinkedIn then it is must that they should be engaging and interesting. To make them exciting you may opt for the best practices which also include the use of popular tools. The latest tools like Filmora, Inshot, etc. are laced with all the additional features and make your video perfect for the apps.

Try It Free Try It Free

The written content of LinkedIn has been taken over by the video content these days. Videos created with exceptional features and editing perks are booming amongst the audience.

In this article

01 [What is LinkedIn Video Format?](#Part 1)

02 [Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs](#Part 2)

03 [5 Types of LinkedIn Ads](#Part 3)

04 [Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices](#Part 4)

Part 1 What is LinkedIn Video Format?

01Can you post 1920x1080 on LinkedIn?

Yes, videos of 1920 by 1080px can be easily posted on LinkedIn. Moreover, this is the best resolution in which you should post your video. This will provide you the best quality.

02What aspect ratio is best for a LinkedIn video?

Although LinkedIn accepts and allows almost each aspect ratio but the most recommended aspect ratio is 16:This means it should remain between 1.778 and 0.565However, the aspect ratio can vary according to the mode of your video that is horizontal or vertical.

Recommended aspect ratios for LinkedIn videos

Part 2 Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Ad Specs

The specs can vary in the case of LinkedIn videos and LinkedIn ads. As the ads are totally different from the videos their specs also become different. Here are some of the specs that you should know when you are creating LinkedIn ads:

Length: The maximum and minimum length of these ad videos are 3 seconds to 30 minutes respectively. However, the most successful video length is up to 15 seconds.

File size and file format: The file size of the ad videos must be a minimum of 75 KB and the maximum it can be of 200 MB. The file format that is supported on the LinkedIn application is MP4.

Audio Format and size: The audio format of these ad videos must be MPEG4 or ACC. If you talk about the audio size then it is recommended not to be more than 64 KHz.

Resolution and aspect ratio: The resolution of these ads can be 360p, 480p, 720p or 1080p. When it comes to the aspect ratio then the best-recommended one is 16:9 for landscape mode and 9:16 for vertical mode.

Video captions and headlines: If you are adding video captions in your ad video, then it must be in SRT format and the headlines should also be under 200 characters. It is recommended to keep the headlines up to maximum of 70 characters.

Part 3 5 types of LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn provides you with several platforms and types of ad placements. Here mentioned are some of them:

Sponsored messages in LinkedIn: This type of LinkedIn ad was previously termed as sponsored InMail. Through this, you can directly advertise your product or brand in the user’s inbox. However, LinkedIn has set a maximum number of times that your customer can receive the messaging ad. This states that any member of your audience will not receive the ads more than two times in a short span of time. Also, it is estimated that consumers enjoy messaging ads but companies do not interact much with them via sponsored messaging ads.

Sponsored messaging on LinkedIn

Sponsored content: These ads show up in the feed of the LinkedIn user. No matter if they are using it on mobile on desktop. These sponsored contents also have a label of promotion on them. This makes them different from the regular contents. If you are choosing sponsored content then you also get the choice between carousel ads, video ads and images ads.

Sponsored content on LinkedIn

Dynamic ads: These ads are visible on the right rail as you open the LinkedIn. Also this is the best way to speak to your audience through personalization. The users get to see their own personal details as soon these ads pop up on the screen. This can even be changed through the settings so that the details get hidden if the user finds this to be very personal. Dynamic ads are also of two types. One is follower ads and other is sponsored ads.

Dynamic ads video requirements

Text ads: These ads are considered as the best way to build a strong lead amongst the audience. This is also suitable in the terms of professional demographic. These ads are shown on the top and right side of the feed of LinkedIn. Approximately 58% of the companies say that making the lead generation better is the top priority of digital marketing. This is also a good way to manage company’s budget.

Text ad videos

Awareness ads: If you want to make your brand stay on the tips of your audience then it is a good idea to go for awareness ads. These ads build a communication amongst the audience related to your brands, products and services, etc. These awareness ads also boost the engagement, help to gain followers and increase the views.

Awareness ad videos

Part 4 Best 5 LinkedIn Video Practices

**Optimized setup:**To create an excellent video its setup is most important thing. So before you create the video keep in mind that your setup is well organized. Your set up includes lighting, background, camera and its position. Until the lighting is not perfect your video will lack its charm. Often natural lights are the best but artificial lights are also can do the work of perk. Also the background must be free from clutters. The camera that you are using should also be perfect and the camera position should also be in place.

Correct video length: When the correct video length is concerned, LinkedIn recommends it to be less than 15 seconds. This is so because the shorter the video is the more effective it can be. You should also keep in mind that these video may be of maximum 10 minutes but the starting moments must be engaging. This will keep your audience stay to watch your video till the end.

**Grab the viewer’s attention:**Social media platforms are filled with ignorable contents and when it comes to LinkedIn it can be so true. So if you want to grab the attention of your targeted audience then you must make your videos extraordinary. This is only possible when you focus on each and every aspect of the videos. Adding subtitles to your videos can also be an amazing idea to make them more engaging. You can even optimize the length of your video according to the objective that you want to convey.

**Plan the content according to your objective:**It is a good idea to remain up to the objective that you want to convey to your audience. No matter if you want to facilitate consideration or want to spread awareness. If you want to generate some conversions then you can go for making small demos in your videos.

**Go for the best tools:**At last but one of the most important points is to pay attention on the tool that you are using. Although there are a number of tools that can be used but nowadays, Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is the most in the use. Here are some extraordinary features of both the tools:

Features of Filmora:

This one is an easy to use tool that can be used by beginners and less professional people.

Using this tool you can experience latest filters and colors making their perk at the best.

Here you will also get amazing sound effect to make your video stand out.

You can create the videos in just a single click. This is the reason its feature of key framing is immensely popular.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


Key Takeaways from This Episode

LinkedIn is an application that has made its popularity amongst the users and advertisers in a very recent and less time. Ads and videos on this application is being loved and watched these days at a rapid rate. As per the increased demand increases a responsibility to meet those demands.

To meet up the demands it is essential that all the technical requirements are fulfilled and also the protocols of the app are followed. This remains crucial and important in the terms of video aspect ratio, resolution, size and dimensions, and a lot more.

If you are uploading your videos and ads on LinkedIn then it is must that they should be engaging and interesting. To make them exciting you may opt for the best practices which also include the use of popular tools. The latest tools like Filmora, Inshot, etc. are laced with all the additional features and make your video perfect for the apps.

Splice Is High-Rated Video Editing App for iOS and Android Devices. Read on to Learn How to Download Splice Video Editor for Mac and the Best Alternative

Splice Video Editor on Mac: Download Guide and Best Alternative

author avatar

Liza Brown

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Splice video editor is available only on iOS and Android devices, which means there is no mac version that you can download. Surprisingly, there is a way that you can use Splice video editor for Mac and here in this article, we will walk you through the process. But before that, let us know more of Splice.

Part1: Splice Video Editor Review

Splice is an easy-to-use video editor that makes it quick and easy to polish your videos. It comes with various editing tools like trim, crop, transition, fast and slow motion, sound effects, reverse videos, video blur, and many more. Splice has an intuitive look and feel that makes video editing accessible to all. A beginner looking to edit and share the videos can create spectacular videos within a few minutes. Also, it has an in-built music library to add music to your videos and a chroma key to change the color. With so many features, you can easily edit the videos the way you want and directly share them with the world.


  • Splice video editor for Mac is very simple to use, and it will take few minutes to edit a video.
  • Has all the basic editing features.
  • Comes with a free music library and integration with iTunes where you get a wide range of audio options to add.
  • Directly share the videos to any social platform.


  • The splice video editor can sometimes crash
  • Copyright issues with the audio available in it.
  • It has few transition and effect options.
  • No desktop version is available.

Part2: Download Splice Video Editor on Mac

Splice video editor software is not designed for Mac, but you can still download it on your Mac device with these three simple steps.

Step1: Download BlueStacks Emulator

The first step to download the Splice video editor app on your Mac is to download the BlueStacks Emulator. Either visit the BlueStacks website or go to the Mac store to download and install the emulator on your Mac device.

download emulator

Step2: Access Google Play

Open BlueStacks Emulator, open Google Play and login with your Google account.

access google play

Step3: Install Splice on Mac

Type Splice video editor in the search box. Click on the Splice video editor icon in the search result list. Now, click to install the Splice video editor for Mac. It takes a few seconds to complete the download process.

install splice

Part3: Best Alternative to Splice for Mac - Filmora

Splice video editor is an easy-to-use tool with various features to edit your videos. However, there is a downside to this amazing tool, it does not have a desktop version, and downloading the app for Mac is not straightforward. The best alternative for Splice Video Editor for Mac is Wondershare Filmora. It is not only easy-to-use but highly sophisticated, and you can download it on your Mac easily with a click of a button.

Wondershare Filmora has a pleasing interface with a three-panel layout for source content, video preview, and timeline. It is a great video editing program that blends impressive features with an intuitive interface.

It supports a wide range of videos, audio, and photos and provides all common editing tools like trim, split, rotate, crop, merge, and more. Also, it offers advanced features that enable you to add animated titles, text effects, apply transitions, change the video speed, adjust audio pitch, and more.

You will get all the advanced tools and the basic tool for a better video-editing experience and produce great video without much complexity. Filmora also supports an impressive number of file formats and importing files from your hard drive into the Filmora media library is easy. You can also record your screen while editing the videos with audio, mouse click tracking, and varying quality options.

Unlike other video-editing software, Filmora won’t lag between the editing process. Moreover, the price of the software is affordable and reasonable.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

Key features of Wondershare Filmora

  • It is an easy-to-use software with no learning curve.
  • Beginners can quickly conduct basic video editing.
  • It has powerful and advanced editing tools that enable you to edit videos like a pro.
  • Comes with a cloud-based effect library to make your videos attractive.
  • Supports popular formats like MOV, MP4, and MTS.
  • You can directly share videos on social media platforms.


Splice is a reliable video editing app for iOS and Android devices, but you can still install it on your Mac. Even though we have outlined how to install Splice video editor for Mac, you may face some problems using it, as it is not specially designed for Mac. However, you can choose the best alternative to Splice video editor, and that is Wondershare Filmora. It is a solid video editing program suitable for everyone. It comes with an exceptional set of both basic and advanced features that makes the video editing process easier. Moreover, it offers a free trial, download now to start editing your videos on Mac.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Liza Brown

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Splice video editor is available only on iOS and Android devices, which means there is no mac version that you can download. Surprisingly, there is a way that you can use Splice video editor for Mac and here in this article, we will walk you through the process. But before that, let us know more of Splice.

Part1: Splice Video Editor Review

Splice is an easy-to-use video editor that makes it quick and easy to polish your videos. It comes with various editing tools like trim, crop, transition, fast and slow motion, sound effects, reverse videos, video blur, and many more. Splice has an intuitive look and feel that makes video editing accessible to all. A beginner looking to edit and share the videos can create spectacular videos within a few minutes. Also, it has an in-built music library to add music to your videos and a chroma key to change the color. With so many features, you can easily edit the videos the way you want and directly share them with the world.


  • Splice video editor for Mac is very simple to use, and it will take few minutes to edit a video.
  • Has all the basic editing features.
  • Comes with a free music library and integration with iTunes where you get a wide range of audio options to add.
  • Directly share the videos to any social platform.


  • The splice video editor can sometimes crash
  • Copyright issues with the audio available in it.
  • It has few transition and effect options.
  • No desktop version is available.

Part2: Download Splice Video Editor on Mac

Splice video editor software is not designed for Mac, but you can still download it on your Mac device with these three simple steps.

Step1: Download BlueStacks Emulator

The first step to download the Splice video editor app on your Mac is to download the BlueStacks Emulator. Either visit the BlueStacks website or go to the Mac store to download and install the emulator on your Mac device.

download emulator

Step2: Access Google Play

Open BlueStacks Emulator, open Google Play and login with your Google account.

access google play

Step3: Install Splice on Mac

Type Splice video editor in the search box. Click on the Splice video editor icon in the search result list. Now, click to install the Splice video editor for Mac. It takes a few seconds to complete the download process.

install splice

Part3: Best Alternative to Splice for Mac - Filmora

Splice video editor is an easy-to-use tool with various features to edit your videos. However, there is a downside to this amazing tool, it does not have a desktop version, and downloading the app for Mac is not straightforward. The best alternative for Splice Video Editor for Mac is Wondershare Filmora. It is not only easy-to-use but highly sophisticated, and you can download it on your Mac easily with a click of a button.

Wondershare Filmora has a pleasing interface with a three-panel layout for source content, video preview, and timeline. It is a great video editing program that blends impressive features with an intuitive interface.

It supports a wide range of videos, audio, and photos and provides all common editing tools like trim, split, rotate, crop, merge, and more. Also, it offers advanced features that enable you to add animated titles, text effects, apply transitions, change the video speed, adjust audio pitch, and more.

You will get all the advanced tools and the basic tool for a better video-editing experience and produce great video without much complexity. Filmora also supports an impressive number of file formats and importing files from your hard drive into the Filmora media library is easy. You can also record your screen while editing the videos with audio, mouse click tracking, and varying quality options.

Unlike other video-editing software, Filmora won’t lag between the editing process. Moreover, the price of the software is affordable and reasonable.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

Key features of Wondershare Filmora

  • It is an easy-to-use software with no learning curve.
  • Beginners can quickly conduct basic video editing.
  • It has powerful and advanced editing tools that enable you to edit videos like a pro.
  • Comes with a cloud-based effect library to make your videos attractive.
  • Supports popular formats like MOV, MP4, and MTS.
  • You can directly share videos on social media platforms.


Splice is a reliable video editing app for iOS and Android devices, but you can still install it on your Mac. Even though we have outlined how to install Splice video editor for Mac, you may face some problems using it, as it is not specially designed for Mac. However, you can choose the best alternative to Splice video editor, and that is Wondershare Filmora. It is a solid video editing program suitable for everyone. It comes with an exceptional set of both basic and advanced features that makes the video editing process easier. Moreover, it offers a free trial, download now to start editing your videos on Mac.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Liza Brown

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Splice video editor is available only on iOS and Android devices, which means there is no mac version that you can download. Surprisingly, there is a way that you can use Splice video editor for Mac and here in this article, we will walk you through the process. But before that, let us know more of Splice.

Part1: Splice Video Editor Review

Splice is an easy-to-use video editor that makes it quick and easy to polish your videos. It comes with various editing tools like trim, crop, transition, fast and slow motion, sound effects, reverse videos, video blur, and many more. Splice has an intuitive look and feel that makes video editing accessible to all. A beginner looking to edit and share the videos can create spectacular videos within a few minutes. Also, it has an in-built music library to add music to your videos and a chroma key to change the color. With so many features, you can easily edit the videos the way you want and directly share them with the world.


  • Splice video editor for Mac is very simple to use, and it will take few minutes to edit a video.
  • Has all the basic editing features.
  • Comes with a free music library and integration with iTunes where you get a wide range of audio options to add.
  • Directly share the videos to any social platform.


  • The splice video editor can sometimes crash
  • Copyright issues with the audio available in it.
  • It has few transition and effect options.
  • No desktop version is available.

Part2: Download Splice Video Editor on Mac

Splice video editor software is not designed for Mac, but you can still download it on your Mac device with these three simple steps.

Step1: Download BlueStacks Emulator

The first step to download the Splice video editor app on your Mac is to download the BlueStacks Emulator. Either visit the BlueStacks website or go to the Mac store to download and install the emulator on your Mac device.

download emulator

Step2: Access Google Play

Open BlueStacks Emulator, open Google Play and login with your Google account.

access google play

Step3: Install Splice on Mac

Type Splice video editor in the search box. Click on the Splice video editor icon in the search result list. Now, click to install the Splice video editor for Mac. It takes a few seconds to complete the download process.

install splice

Part3: Best Alternative to Splice for Mac - Filmora

Splice video editor is an easy-to-use tool with various features to edit your videos. However, there is a downside to this amazing tool, it does not have a desktop version, and downloading the app for Mac is not straightforward. The best alternative for Splice Video Editor for Mac is Wondershare Filmora. It is not only easy-to-use but highly sophisticated, and you can download it on your Mac easily with a click of a button.

Wondershare Filmora has a pleasing interface with a three-panel layout for source content, video preview, and timeline. It is a great video editing program that blends impressive features with an intuitive interface.

It supports a wide range of videos, audio, and photos and provides all common editing tools like trim, split, rotate, crop, merge, and more. Also, it offers advanced features that enable you to add animated titles, text effects, apply transitions, change the video speed, adjust audio pitch, and more.

You will get all the advanced tools and the basic tool for a better video-editing experience and produce great video without much complexity. Filmora also supports an impressive number of file formats and importing files from your hard drive into the Filmora media library is easy. You can also record your screen while editing the videos with audio, mouse click tracking, and varying quality options.

Unlike other video-editing software, Filmora won’t lag between the editing process. Moreover, the price of the software is affordable and reasonable.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

Key features of Wondershare Filmora

  • It is an easy-to-use software with no learning curve.
  • Beginners can quickly conduct basic video editing.
  • It has powerful and advanced editing tools that enable you to edit videos like a pro.
  • Comes with a cloud-based effect library to make your videos attractive.
  • Supports popular formats like MOV, MP4, and MTS.
  • You can directly share videos on social media platforms.


Splice is a reliable video editing app for iOS and Android devices, but you can still install it on your Mac. Even though we have outlined how to install Splice video editor for Mac, you may face some problems using it, as it is not specially designed for Mac. However, you can choose the best alternative to Splice video editor, and that is Wondershare Filmora. It is a solid video editing program suitable for everyone. It comes with an exceptional set of both basic and advanced features that makes the video editing process easier. Moreover, it offers a free trial, download now to start editing your videos on Mac.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Liza Brown

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Splice video editor is available only on iOS and Android devices, which means there is no mac version that you can download. Surprisingly, there is a way that you can use Splice video editor for Mac and here in this article, we will walk you through the process. But before that, let us know more of Splice.

Part1: Splice Video Editor Review

Splice is an easy-to-use video editor that makes it quick and easy to polish your videos. It comes with various editing tools like trim, crop, transition, fast and slow motion, sound effects, reverse videos, video blur, and many more. Splice has an intuitive look and feel that makes video editing accessible to all. A beginner looking to edit and share the videos can create spectacular videos within a few minutes. Also, it has an in-built music library to add music to your videos and a chroma key to change the color. With so many features, you can easily edit the videos the way you want and directly share them with the world.


  • Splice video editor for Mac is very simple to use, and it will take few minutes to edit a video.
  • Has all the basic editing features.
  • Comes with a free music library and integration with iTunes where you get a wide range of audio options to add.
  • Directly share the videos to any social platform.


  • The splice video editor can sometimes crash
  • Copyright issues with the audio available in it.
  • It has few transition and effect options.
  • No desktop version is available.

Part2: Download Splice Video Editor on Mac

Splice video editor software is not designed for Mac, but you can still download it on your Mac device with these three simple steps.

Step1: Download BlueStacks Emulator

The first step to download the Splice video editor app on your Mac is to download the BlueStacks Emulator. Either visit the BlueStacks website or go to the Mac store to download and install the emulator on your Mac device.

download emulator

Step2: Access Google Play

Open BlueStacks Emulator, open Google Play and login with your Google account.

access google play

Step3: Install Splice on Mac

Type Splice video editor in the search box. Click on the Splice video editor icon in the search result list. Now, click to install the Splice video editor for Mac. It takes a few seconds to complete the download process.

install splice

Part3: Best Alternative to Splice for Mac - Filmora

Splice video editor is an easy-to-use tool with various features to edit your videos. However, there is a downside to this amazing tool, it does not have a desktop version, and downloading the app for Mac is not straightforward. The best alternative for Splice Video Editor for Mac is Wondershare Filmora. It is not only easy-to-use but highly sophisticated, and you can download it on your Mac easily with a click of a button.

Wondershare Filmora has a pleasing interface with a three-panel layout for source content, video preview, and timeline. It is a great video editing program that blends impressive features with an intuitive interface.

It supports a wide range of videos, audio, and photos and provides all common editing tools like trim, split, rotate, crop, merge, and more. Also, it offers advanced features that enable you to add animated titles, text effects, apply transitions, change the video speed, adjust audio pitch, and more.

You will get all the advanced tools and the basic tool for a better video-editing experience and produce great video without much complexity. Filmora also supports an impressive number of file formats and importing files from your hard drive into the Filmora media library is easy. You can also record your screen while editing the videos with audio, mouse click tracking, and varying quality options.

Unlike other video-editing software, Filmora won’t lag between the editing process. Moreover, the price of the software is affordable and reasonable.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

Key features of Wondershare Filmora

  • It is an easy-to-use software with no learning curve.
  • Beginners can quickly conduct basic video editing.
  • It has powerful and advanced editing tools that enable you to edit videos like a pro.
  • Comes with a cloud-based effect library to make your videos attractive.
  • Supports popular formats like MOV, MP4, and MTS.
  • You can directly share videos on social media platforms.


Splice is a reliable video editing app for iOS and Android devices, but you can still install it on your Mac. Even though we have outlined how to install Splice video editor for Mac, you may face some problems using it, as it is not specially designed for Mac. However, you can choose the best alternative to Splice video editor, and that is Wondershare Filmora. It is a solid video editing program suitable for everyone. It comes with an exceptional set of both basic and advanced features that makes the video editing process easier. Moreover, it offers a free trial, download now to start editing your videos on Mac.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

The Ultimate Guide to Free FLV Video Editors (2023 Update)

Top 5 Best Free FLV Video Editors

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Video edition is necessary to make your FLV files into what you would like them to be. The good news is that there are a number of these editors that you can get for free. Below are some of the top five FLV editors available for use. The one you choose will depend on the kind of editing you have in mind.

If you need a more professional MP4 video joiner, Wondershare Filmora is highly recommended. It supports a wide range of video formats including MP4, FLV, MOV, AVI, WMV and more. With it, you can not only join different videos together, but also add transitions and other effects as you like.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

Top 5 Best Free FLV Video Editors

1. Movica

Movica is a graphic or movie editor for Windows Media (.wmv), MPEG files and FLV movies with the ability to select or delete multiple portions from a video file. It enables users to cop, paste, join, split and fine tune the videos. Very fast and easy to use.

free flv editor


  • Keyboard shortcuts;
  • Enables you to save parts of a video split to be edited.


  • Some status messages can be hard to understand;
  • Doesn’t support 64-bit computer.

2. Free Video Dub

This freeware is lightweight and user-friendly. It allows you to easily edit your video files by simply deleting off the unwanted sections. As a matter of fact, it supports a number of video formats. The best part about the process is that Free Video Dub doesn’t need to re-encode anything, which keeps the original quality of your video.

free flv editor


  • Multi-lingual interface which makes it easy to use;
  • Several video formats supported.


  • May be difficult to add visual effects.

3. Video Toolbox

Video Toolbox is an efficient and user-friendly online video editor that allows you to cut, crop, merge, preview and play the video. It supports various video formats like 3GP, AMV, ASF, AVI, FLV, MKV, MOV, M4V, MP4, MPEG, MPG, RM, VOB, WMV and more. It also features an Advanced File Manager which makes it easy for you to upload the videos and download files from other sites on the Web.

free flv editor


  • Supports different video formats;
  • Different video editing options.


  • Restricts your file sizes to 560MB.

4. Any Video Converter

This is not only a converter but a player and editor as well. It offers you a means to convert files into appropriate formats for loading to the web and also for use in mobile devices. The tools necessary for editing are easily available and you do not have to go through another download procedure to get them.

free flv editor


  • Supports many video formats;
  • Easy to use interface.


  • Can’t convert audio files.

You may also like: How to Convert FLV to MP4 [Best FLV to MP4 Converters Provided] >>

5. VSDC Video Editor

You can perform several video edit functions with this free video editing program. These include watermark, trim, crop, merge as well as special effects. You have the advantage of multiple output formats and this only means that in your edition, you do not have to end with FLV files. Indeed, it has numerous video file edit options to meet your needs.

free flv editor


  • Many useful options provided;
  • Can also be used as a video converter.


  • Computer resources (CPU and RAM) are required at a high level.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Video edition is necessary to make your FLV files into what you would like them to be. The good news is that there are a number of these editors that you can get for free. Below are some of the top five FLV editors available for use. The one you choose will depend on the kind of editing you have in mind.

If you need a more professional MP4 video joiner, Wondershare Filmora is highly recommended. It supports a wide range of video formats including MP4, FLV, MOV, AVI, WMV and more. With it, you can not only join different videos together, but also add transitions and other effects as you like.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

Top 5 Best Free FLV Video Editors

1. Movica

Movica is a graphic or movie editor for Windows Media (.wmv), MPEG files and FLV movies with the ability to select or delete multiple portions from a video file. It enables users to cop, paste, join, split and fine tune the videos. Very fast and easy to use.

free flv editor


  • Keyboard shortcuts;
  • Enables you to save parts of a video split to be edited.


  • Some status messages can be hard to understand;
  • Doesn’t support 64-bit computer.

2. Free Video Dub

This freeware is lightweight and user-friendly. It allows you to easily edit your video files by simply deleting off the unwanted sections. As a matter of fact, it supports a number of video formats. The best part about the process is that Free Video Dub doesn’t need to re-encode anything, which keeps the original quality of your video.

free flv editor


  • Multi-lingual interface which makes it easy to use;
  • Several video formats supported.


  • May be difficult to add visual effects.

3. Video Toolbox

Video Toolbox is an efficient and user-friendly online video editor that allows you to cut, crop, merge, preview and play the video. It supports various video formats like 3GP, AMV, ASF, AVI, FLV, MKV, MOV, M4V, MP4, MPEG, MPG, RM, VOB, WMV and more. It also features an Advanced File Manager which makes it easy for you to upload the videos and download files from other sites on the Web.

free flv editor


  • Supports different video formats;
  • Different video editing options.


  • Restricts your file sizes to 560MB.

4. Any Video Converter

This is not only a converter but a player and editor as well. It offers you a means to convert files into appropriate formats for loading to the web and also for use in mobile devices. The tools necessary for editing are easily available and you do not have to go through another download procedure to get them.

free flv editor


  • Supports many video formats;
  • Easy to use interface.


  • Can’t convert audio files.

You may also like: How to Convert FLV to MP4 [Best FLV to MP4 Converters Provided] >>

5. VSDC Video Editor

You can perform several video edit functions with this free video editing program. These include watermark, trim, crop, merge as well as special effects. You have the advantage of multiple output formats and this only means that in your edition, you do not have to end with FLV files. Indeed, it has numerous video file edit options to meet your needs.

free flv editor


  • Many useful options provided;
  • Can also be used as a video converter.


  • Computer resources (CPU and RAM) are required at a high level.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Video edition is necessary to make your FLV files into what you would like them to be. The good news is that there are a number of these editors that you can get for free. Below are some of the top five FLV editors available for use. The one you choose will depend on the kind of editing you have in mind.

If you need a more professional MP4 video joiner, Wondershare Filmora is highly recommended. It supports a wide range of video formats including MP4, FLV, MOV, AVI, WMV and more. With it, you can not only join different videos together, but also add transitions and other effects as you like.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

Top 5 Best Free FLV Video Editors

1. Movica

Movica is a graphic or movie editor for Windows Media (.wmv), MPEG files and FLV movies with the ability to select or delete multiple portions from a video file. It enables users to cop, paste, join, split and fine tune the videos. Very fast and easy to use.

free flv editor


  • Keyboard shortcuts;
  • Enables you to save parts of a video split to be edited.


  • Some status messages can be hard to understand;
  • Doesn’t support 64-bit computer.

2. Free Video Dub

This freeware is lightweight and user-friendly. It allows you to easily edit your video files by simply deleting off the unwanted sections. As a matter of fact, it supports a number of video formats. The best part about the process is that Free Video Dub doesn’t need to re-encode anything, which keeps the original quality of your video.

free flv editor


  • Multi-lingual interface which makes it easy to use;
  • Several video formats supported.


  • May be difficult to add visual effects.

3. Video Toolbox

Video Toolbox is an efficient and user-friendly online video editor that allows you to cut, crop, merge, preview and play the video. It supports various video formats like 3GP, AMV, ASF, AVI, FLV, MKV, MOV, M4V, MP4, MPEG, MPG, RM, VOB, WMV and more. It also features an Advanced File Manager which makes it easy for you to upload the videos and download files from other sites on the Web.

free flv editor


  • Supports different video formats;
  • Different video editing options.


  • Restricts your file sizes to 560MB.

4. Any Video Converter

This is not only a converter but a player and editor as well. It offers you a means to convert files into appropriate formats for loading to the web and also for use in mobile devices. The tools necessary for editing are easily available and you do not have to go through another download procedure to get them.

free flv editor


  • Supports many video formats;
  • Easy to use interface.


  • Can’t convert audio files.

You may also like: How to Convert FLV to MP4 [Best FLV to MP4 Converters Provided] >>

5. VSDC Video Editor

You can perform several video edit functions with this free video editing program. These include watermark, trim, crop, merge as well as special effects. You have the advantage of multiple output formats and this only means that in your edition, you do not have to end with FLV files. Indeed, it has numerous video file edit options to meet your needs.

free flv editor


  • Many useful options provided;
  • Can also be used as a video converter.


  • Computer resources (CPU and RAM) are required at a high level.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Video edition is necessary to make your FLV files into what you would like them to be. The good news is that there are a number of these editors that you can get for free. Below are some of the top five FLV editors available for use. The one you choose will depend on the kind of editing you have in mind.

If you need a more professional MP4 video joiner, Wondershare Filmora is highly recommended. It supports a wide range of video formats including MP4, FLV, MOV, AVI, WMV and more. With it, you can not only join different videos together, but also add transitions and other effects as you like.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version ]( )

Top 5 Best Free FLV Video Editors

1. Movica

Movica is a graphic or movie editor for Windows Media (.wmv), MPEG files and FLV movies with the ability to select or delete multiple portions from a video file. It enables users to cop, paste, join, split and fine tune the videos. Very fast and easy to use.

free flv editor


  • Keyboard shortcuts;
  • Enables you to save parts of a video split to be edited.


  • Some status messages can be hard to understand;
  • Doesn’t support 64-bit computer.

2. Free Video Dub

This freeware is lightweight and user-friendly. It allows you to easily edit your video files by simply deleting off the unwanted sections. As a matter of fact, it supports a number of video formats. The best part about the process is that Free Video Dub doesn’t need to re-encode anything, which keeps the original quality of your video.

free flv editor


  • Multi-lingual interface which makes it easy to use;
  • Several video formats supported.


  • May be difficult to add visual effects.

3. Video Toolbox

Video Toolbox is an efficient and user-friendly online video editor that allows you to cut, crop, merge, preview and play the video. It supports various video formats like 3GP, AMV, ASF, AVI, FLV, MKV, MOV, M4V, MP4, MPEG, MPG, RM, VOB, WMV and more. It also features an Advanced File Manager which makes it easy for you to upload the videos and download files from other sites on the Web.

free flv editor


  • Supports different video formats;
  • Different video editing options.


  • Restricts your file sizes to 560MB.

4. Any Video Converter

This is not only a converter but a player and editor as well. It offers you a means to convert files into appropriate formats for loading to the web and also for use in mobile devices. The tools necessary for editing are easily available and you do not have to go through another download procedure to get them.

free flv editor


  • Supports many video formats;
  • Easy to use interface.


  • Can’t convert audio files.

You may also like: How to Convert FLV to MP4 [Best FLV to MP4 Converters Provided] >>

5. VSDC Video Editor

You can perform several video edit functions with this free video editing program. These include watermark, trim, crop, merge as well as special effects. You have the advantage of multiple output formats and this only means that in your edition, you do not have to end with FLV files. Indeed, it has numerous video file edit options to meet your needs.

free flv editor


  • Many useful options provided;
  • Can also be used as a video converter.


  • Computer resources (CPU and RAM) are required at a high level.

Download Win VersionDownload Mac Version

author avatar

Ollie Mattison

Ollie Mattison is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Ollie Mattison

Animate Your Videos: Best Phone Apps for Text Animation

Best Apps To Animate Text In Video On Phone

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

The addition of the animated text makes a video more alluring. The effects like disappearing, moving, and reappearing texts, changing the color and size of the texts in the video make it 10 times more likely to be viewed by the customers.

Many a time, we come across people who think that it is very difficult to create flying texts or moving objects with 2D text animation maker on PC . Let me tell you, it is not difficult at all. You may animate text in a video on your phone itself. Here’s a list of some great apps that can help you with text animation using your phone.

Moreover, if you also need to animate text on computer. Filmora video editor will be a good choice. It is the best animated text maker . In comparison to popular video editors, Filmora has the widest range of text effects and animations that you can apply to the text in your video instantly. Most importantly, you can customize and personalize the effects and animations as per your requirements.


Free Download

Free Download

Part1: Best Apps to Animate Text in Video

1. Legend

Content has the power to motivate people. When it is presented in an animated form, content becomes more attractive and eye-catching. Legend helps you to animate text in your video. Whether a tutorial or a product note, Legend’s text animation stuns your friends and viewers by turning the content into motion. Just type your text, select the animation style background and color and your video is ready to save. The features of Legend include-

  • Change background by adding a photo
  • Search images on Flickr
  • Save as video or animated gif
  • Allows sharing on Insta, Facebook, Twitter, Vine
  • Autoplaying gif sending allowed on Facebook messenger
  • Over 20 animation styles



A great app to animate text in the video, Tomo is a simple app with extraordinary features. Did you ever think that animation can be so simple and you can create text animation online? With Tomo you just need to enter the text you wish to feature in the video and select animation and background and you are ready to go, it’s that simple. The features of this app are-

  • Lets you add videos and photos
  • Add music in the background
  • Videos animation created can be saved in the photo gallery
  • Share videos on the social networking sites like Twitter and Instagram


3. Hype Type Animated Text Videos

Make your videos stand out amongst the crowd with the hype-type animated text videos app. You can animate text in the video by this auto-motion style and design typography app. The features of the hype type animated text videos include-

  • Add relevant quotes to your story with the magical button
  • Several colors to match your text and story
  • Choose the right style animation from a number of options
  • Spell check if you are wrong at any point
  • Single video or multiple clips, the app is suitable for all
  • Adjust text animation timing

hype type

4. Text Animation Maker

Create your own beautiful story with text animation maker. You just need to write, customize, and export it in mp4 format. The features of this app are-

  • Animated texts and shapes
  • Get 25 different styles of animation
  • Supports full unicode fonts
  • Animate text in video and create loops
  • Embed gif for better engagement
  • Unlimited characters
  • Change colors easily

Text Animation Maker

5. Steller

One of the most simple and easy ways to create stories and share, Steller personalizes the feel and the look of your entire story with elegance and easily usable design themes. The features are-

  • Create animated stories with texts, videos, and photos on your iPhone
  • Simple and elegant design themes
  • Private and public display of stories allowed
  • Share text animation online on a various networking platform
  • Creative hashtag community project participation


Part2: Animate Text in Video Online

If you feel that downloading an app to animate text in video is being troublesome, you can also try out the readily available online tools. Here are a few names that can be of great help in text animation online.

1. Flaming Text

Flaming text is more than just mere service. It offers graphic design tools completely free. No need of downloading or installing, just access it from any browser. Now, creating a logo or customizing text is just a matter of time. Text animation online has become simple and easy with Flaming Text. Create logos, draw or stick, make banners or invitations, Flaming text is an easy solution.The features are-

  • Find the best logos or text matching your theme
  • Several theme options
  • 20 logo categories
  • Browse fonts by author or fonts alphabetically
  • Font search tool

Flaming Text


Creating outstanding text animation on your browser is easy with this flash based text animation online tool Textanim. The feature of this app includes-

  • A clean interface
  • Controls and panels to customize your text effects
  • Split text into words, chars or lines
  • Dynamic and quick



Text animation is a great way to present your video. It is true that you can make animation on your phone, but editing on desktop is necessary if you want to have more controls on animation video. Here we recommend using Filmora . You can use it to make 3D animation text by adding keyframes, so the animated text will be smooth and natural. You just need to build a white plane to easily start making animation. When exporting, you can also export transparent animation text. Download it to have a try (Free)!

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

The addition of the animated text makes a video more alluring. The effects like disappearing, moving, and reappearing texts, changing the color and size of the texts in the video make it 10 times more likely to be viewed by the customers.

Many a time, we come across people who think that it is very difficult to create flying texts or moving objects with 2D text animation maker on PC . Let me tell you, it is not difficult at all. You may animate text in a video on your phone itself. Here’s a list of some great apps that can help you with text animation using your phone.

Moreover, if you also need to animate text on computer. Filmora video editor will be a good choice. It is the best animated text maker . In comparison to popular video editors, Filmora has the widest range of text effects and animations that you can apply to the text in your video instantly. Most importantly, you can customize and personalize the effects and animations as per your requirements.


Free Download

Free Download

Part1: Best Apps to Animate Text in Video

1. Legend

Content has the power to motivate people. When it is presented in an animated form, content becomes more attractive and eye-catching. Legend helps you to animate text in your video. Whether a tutorial or a product note, Legend’s text animation stuns your friends and viewers by turning the content into motion. Just type your text, select the animation style background and color and your video is ready to save. The features of Legend include-

  • Change background by adding a photo
  • Search images on Flickr
  • Save as video or animated gif
  • Allows sharing on Insta, Facebook, Twitter, Vine
  • Autoplaying gif sending allowed on Facebook messenger
  • Over 20 animation styles



A great app to animate text in the video, Tomo is a simple app with extraordinary features. Did you ever think that animation can be so simple and you can create text animation online? With Tomo you just need to enter the text you wish to feature in the video and select animation and background and you are ready to go, it’s that simple. The features of this app are-

  • Lets you add videos and photos
  • Add music in the background
  • Videos animation created can be saved in the photo gallery
  • Share videos on the social networking sites like Twitter and Instagram


3. Hype Type Animated Text Videos

Make your videos stand out amongst the crowd with the hype-type animated text videos app. You can animate text in the video by this auto-motion style and design typography app. The features of the hype type animated text videos include-

  • Add relevant quotes to your story with the magical button
  • Several colors to match your text and story
  • Choose the right style animation from a number of options
  • Spell check if you are wrong at any point
  • Single video or multiple clips, the app is suitable for all
  • Adjust text animation timing

hype type

4. Text Animation Maker

Create your own beautiful story with text animation maker. You just need to write, customize, and export it in mp4 format. The features of this app are-

  • Animated texts and shapes
  • Get 25 different styles of animation
  • Supports full unicode fonts
  • Animate text in video and create loops
  • Embed gif for better engagement
  • Unlimited characters
  • Change colors easily

Text Animation Maker

5. Steller

One of the most simple and easy ways to create stories and share, Steller personalizes the feel and the look of your entire story with elegance and easily usable design themes. The features are-

  • Create animated stories with texts, videos, and photos on your iPhone
  • Simple and elegant design themes
  • Private and public display of stories allowed
  • Share text animation online on a various networking platform
  • Creative hashtag community project participation


Part2: Animate Text in Video Online

If you feel that downloading an app to animate text in video is being troublesome, you can also try out the readily available online tools. Here are a few names that can be of great help in text animation online.

1. Flaming Text

Flaming text is more than just mere service. It offers graphic design tools completely free. No need of downloading or installing, just access it from any browser. Now, creating a logo or customizing text is just a matter of time. Text animation online has become simple and easy with Flaming Text. Create logos, draw or stick, make banners or invitations, Flaming text is an easy solution.The features are-

  • Find the best logos or text matching your theme
  • Several theme options
  • 20 logo categories
  • Browse fonts by author or fonts alphabetically
  • Font search tool

Flaming Text


Creating outstanding text animation on your browser is easy with this flash based text animation online tool Textanim. The feature of this app includes-

  • A clean interface
  • Controls and panels to customize your text effects
  • Split text into words, chars or lines
  • Dynamic and quick



Text animation is a great way to present your video. It is true that you can make animation on your phone, but editing on desktop is necessary if you want to have more controls on animation video. Here we recommend using Filmora . You can use it to make 3D animation text by adding keyframes, so the animated text will be smooth and natural. You just need to build a white plane to easily start making animation. When exporting, you can also export transparent animation text. Download it to have a try (Free)!

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

The addition of the animated text makes a video more alluring. The effects like disappearing, moving, and reappearing texts, changing the color and size of the texts in the video make it 10 times more likely to be viewed by the customers.

Many a time, we come across people who think that it is very difficult to create flying texts or moving objects with 2D text animation maker on PC . Let me tell you, it is not difficult at all. You may animate text in a video on your phone itself. Here’s a list of some great apps that can help you with text animation using your phone.

Moreover, if you also need to animate text on computer. Filmora video editor will be a good choice. It is the best animated text maker . In comparison to popular video editors, Filmora has the widest range of text effects and animations that you can apply to the text in your video instantly. Most importantly, you can customize and personalize the effects and animations as per your requirements.


Free Download

Free Download

Part1: Best Apps to Animate Text in Video

1. Legend

Content has the power to motivate people. When it is presented in an animated form, content becomes more attractive and eye-catching. Legend helps you to animate text in your video. Whether a tutorial or a product note, Legend’s text animation stuns your friends and viewers by turning the content into motion. Just type your text, select the animation style background and color and your video is ready to save. The features of Legend include-

  • Change background by adding a photo
  • Search images on Flickr
  • Save as video or animated gif
  • Allows sharing on Insta, Facebook, Twitter, Vine
  • Autoplaying gif sending allowed on Facebook messenger
  • Over 20 animation styles



A great app to animate text in the video, Tomo is a simple app with extraordinary features. Did you ever think that animation can be so simple and you can create text animation online? With Tomo you just need to enter the text you wish to feature in the video and select animation and background and you are ready to go, it’s that simple. The features of this app are-

  • Lets you add videos and photos
  • Add music in the background
  • Videos animation created can be saved in the photo gallery
  • Share videos on the social networking sites like Twitter and Instagram


3. Hype Type Animated Text Videos

Make your videos stand out amongst the crowd with the hype-type animated text videos app. You can animate text in the video by this auto-motion style and design typography app. The features of the hype type animated text videos include-

  • Add relevant quotes to your story with the magical button
  • Several colors to match your text and story
  • Choose the right style animation from a number of options
  • Spell check if you are wrong at any point
  • Single video or multiple clips, the app is suitable for all
  • Adjust text animation timing

hype type

4. Text Animation Maker

Create your own beautiful story with text animation maker. You just need to write, customize, and export it in mp4 format. The features of this app are-

  • Animated texts and shapes
  • Get 25 different styles of animation
  • Supports full unicode fonts
  • Animate text in video and create loops
  • Embed gif for better engagement
  • Unlimited characters
  • Change colors easily

Text Animation Maker

5. Steller

One of the most simple and easy ways to create stories and share, Steller personalizes the feel and the look of your entire story with elegance and easily usable design themes. The features are-

  • Create animated stories with texts, videos, and photos on your iPhone
  • Simple and elegant design themes
  • Private and public display of stories allowed
  • Share text animation online on a various networking platform
  • Creative hashtag community project participation


Part2: Animate Text in Video Online

If you feel that downloading an app to animate text in video is being troublesome, you can also try out the readily available online tools. Here are a few names that can be of great help in text animation online.

1. Flaming Text

Flaming text is more than just mere service. It offers graphic design tools completely free. No need of downloading or installing, just access it from any browser. Now, creating a logo or customizing text is just a matter of time. Text animation online has become simple and easy with Flaming Text. Create logos, draw or stick, make banners or invitations, Flaming text is an easy solution.The features are-

  • Find the best logos or text matching your theme
  • Several theme options
  • 20 logo categories
  • Browse fonts by author or fonts alphabetically
  • Font search tool

Flaming Text


Creating outstanding text animation on your browser is easy with this flash based text animation online tool Textanim. The feature of this app includes-

  • A clean interface
  • Controls and panels to customize your text effects
  • Split text into words, chars or lines
  • Dynamic and quick



Text animation is a great way to present your video. It is true that you can make animation on your phone, but editing on desktop is necessary if you want to have more controls on animation video. Here we recommend using Filmora . You can use it to make 3D animation text by adding keyframes, so the animated text will be smooth and natural. You just need to build a white plane to easily start making animation. When exporting, you can also export transparent animation text. Download it to have a try (Free)!

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

The addition of the animated text makes a video more alluring. The effects like disappearing, moving, and reappearing texts, changing the color and size of the texts in the video make it 10 times more likely to be viewed by the customers.

Many a time, we come across people who think that it is very difficult to create flying texts or moving objects with 2D text animation maker on PC . Let me tell you, it is not difficult at all. You may animate text in a video on your phone itself. Here’s a list of some great apps that can help you with text animation using your phone.

Moreover, if you also need to animate text on computer. Filmora video editor will be a good choice. It is the best animated text maker . In comparison to popular video editors, Filmora has the widest range of text effects and animations that you can apply to the text in your video instantly. Most importantly, you can customize and personalize the effects and animations as per your requirements.


Free Download

Free Download

Part1: Best Apps to Animate Text in Video

1. Legend

Content has the power to motivate people. When it is presented in an animated form, content becomes more attractive and eye-catching. Legend helps you to animate text in your video. Whether a tutorial or a product note, Legend’s text animation stuns your friends and viewers by turning the content into motion. Just type your text, select the animation style background and color and your video is ready to save. The features of Legend include-

  • Change background by adding a photo
  • Search images on Flickr
  • Save as video or animated gif
  • Allows sharing on Insta, Facebook, Twitter, Vine
  • Autoplaying gif sending allowed on Facebook messenger
  • Over 20 animation styles



A great app to animate text in the video, Tomo is a simple app with extraordinary features. Did you ever think that animation can be so simple and you can create text animation online? With Tomo you just need to enter the text you wish to feature in the video and select animation and background and you are ready to go, it’s that simple. The features of this app are-

  • Lets you add videos and photos
  • Add music in the background
  • Videos animation created can be saved in the photo gallery
  • Share videos on the social networking sites like Twitter and Instagram


3. Hype Type Animated Text Videos

Make your videos stand out amongst the crowd with the hype-type animated text videos app. You can animate text in the video by this auto-motion style and design typography app. The features of the hype type animated text videos include-

  • Add relevant quotes to your story with the magical button
  • Several colors to match your text and story
  • Choose the right style animation from a number of options
  • Spell check if you are wrong at any point
  • Single video or multiple clips, the app is suitable for all
  • Adjust text animation timing

hype type

4. Text Animation Maker

Create your own beautiful story with text animation maker. You just need to write, customize, and export it in mp4 format. The features of this app are-

  • Animated texts and shapes
  • Get 25 different styles of animation
  • Supports full unicode fonts
  • Animate text in video and create loops
  • Embed gif for better engagement
  • Unlimited characters
  • Change colors easily

Text Animation Maker

5. Steller

One of the most simple and easy ways to create stories and share, Steller personalizes the feel and the look of your entire story with elegance and easily usable design themes. The features are-

  • Create animated stories with texts, videos, and photos on your iPhone
  • Simple and elegant design themes
  • Private and public display of stories allowed
  • Share text animation online on a various networking platform
  • Creative hashtag community project participation


Part2: Animate Text in Video Online

If you feel that downloading an app to animate text in video is being troublesome, you can also try out the readily available online tools. Here are a few names that can be of great help in text animation online.

1. Flaming Text

Flaming text is more than just mere service. It offers graphic design tools completely free. No need of downloading or installing, just access it from any browser. Now, creating a logo or customizing text is just a matter of time. Text animation online has become simple and easy with Flaming Text. Create logos, draw or stick, make banners or invitations, Flaming text is an easy solution.The features are-

  • Find the best logos or text matching your theme
  • Several theme options
  • 20 logo categories
  • Browse fonts by author or fonts alphabetically
  • Font search tool

Flaming Text


Creating outstanding text animation on your browser is easy with this flash based text animation online tool Textanim. The feature of this app includes-

  • A clean interface
  • Controls and panels to customize your text effects
  • Split text into words, chars or lines
  • Dynamic and quick



Text animation is a great way to present your video. It is true that you can make animation on your phone, but editing on desktop is necessary if you want to have more controls on animation video. Here we recommend using Filmora . You can use it to make 3D animation text by adding keyframes, so the animated text will be smooth and natural. You just need to build a white plane to easily start making animation. When exporting, you can also export transparent animation text. Download it to have a try (Free)!

author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Also read:

  • Title: Boost Your LinkedIn Video Performance with These Proven Aspect Ratios
  • Author: Giselle
  • Created at : 2024-05-19 07:44:56
  • Updated at : 2024-05-20 07:44:56
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
Boost Your LinkedIn Video Performance with These Proven Aspect Ratios